EZEE: Tak docela dost tepla na ty boky dojde, nechces se toho dotknout kazdopadne co sem ty teploty tak nejak nevim kde si prisel na to ze u woku chces mit zhave okraje...
The hottest burners on typical residential ranges top out between 18,000 and 22,000 BTUs (some pro-style ranges will get you 25,000 BTUs). Professional wok burners range between 100,000 and 150,000 BTUs. The discrepancy in power is striking, but perhaps more importantly, the focus of the flame is different as well. A wok stove focuses all that power on a small central point—the rounded bottom of the wok—while a Western range spreads it out to accommodate larger flat pans. The resulting power placement makes it difficult for the focused distribution of heat (hot centers and cooler sides) that is required from wok cooking. Even if you did have the power and heat placement you need, you’d still have to deal with the insane ventilation requirements for dealing with that level of gas output.