Jinak co do Svedska je dobre si uvedomit, ze Svedsko sice nemelo lockdowny, ale co se tyce nemocnic delali to same jako tady... odmitali pacienty, kteri jsou moc stari, rusili neakutni zakroky.
a v lednu 2020 byly nejake vetsi problem kolem stavky zdravotnikum... tam evidnetne neco se delo kolem nevhodnem managementu nemocnic, kde zdravotnici vestili problemy v budoucnu jeste kdyz COVID ani nebyl.
Two ERs closed as thousands of nurses, staff at Swedish hospitals strike for 3 days – KIRO 7 News Seattlehttps://www.kiro7.com/news/local/swedish-providence-healthcare-workers-reverse-course-announce-intent-strike/XPGWP4U3BNCQFHZZPRORDM6GOI/Podobne v CR... rusene nemocnice.. zavreli nemocnice proste... stavkovali tu lekari, ze si zadelavame na problemy nedlouho pred COVIDem.
Takze excess death, ze jsme v roce 2020 videli skutecne nejaka excess death oprotim jinym rokum, se nedaji uplne vyloucit zalezitosti tech rozhodnuti rizeni zdravotnictvi. Tedy ze do nejake miry (nezname) nejsou zpusobene nejakym akutnim virem.
V CR zdravotnici stavkovali cely roky... ten trend byl vzdy jen k horsimu. Mene penez nemocnicim... nedostatek personalu.. furt dokola. A nikoho to nezajimalo. A ze si tady pak najednou banda opic s prominutim vezme kastroly a mlatim do nich, ze supportujou zdravotniky, kdyz jim v mediich rekli, ze to maj resit.. kvuli COVIDu.. to snad necham bez komentare :)
Z toho twatter postu, jestl ichapu spravne, resi , jak tam ve Svedsku BYL nejaky excess death... mensi nez v UK ale precejen nejaky znatelny v tom roce 2020... Ale to mi neprijde az tak divne... jednak teda minimalne nejsou na tom hur.. druhak .. taky hodili klacek pod nohy zdravotnikum, ze rusili lecbu starych lidi.
Jo protoze, kdyz se ve Svedsku rozhodli, ze nebudou lecit stare lidi. Co se asi stane?.... Jo .. oni delali jakoze triaz.. proste budeme preferovat mlade nadejne v lecbe... takze meli prazdne nemocnice, zatimco stariky nechali umirat v domovech. Ja to tu na nyxech onehda linkoval.. proto me pak zabanovali, ze jsem to vubec resil.
Imho jednou tohle bude souzeno jako zlociny proti lidskosti.. jako genocida, co se tady minuly roky stalo.. a asi jeste bude dit.. protoze furt jedem stejny scenar
Tyhle informace se proste systematicky cenzuruji.
Sweden: COVID Discrimination against the Elderly | National Reviewhttps://www.nationalreview.com/corner/deadly-covid-discrimination-against-the-elderly-in-sweden/But this is even more awful. Reports out of Sweden say that elderly COVID patients there were not only denied life-sustaining treatment at hospitals, but in some cases, were pushed over the edge into death in nursing homes. From the Bioedge story:
The health authorities have received many complaints about how elderly relatives were treated. A consistent theme is that nursing home residents with suspected Covid-19 were immediately placed on palliative care and given morphine and denied supplementary oxygen and intravenous fluids and nutrition. For many this was effectively a death sentence.
“People suffocated, it was horrible to watch. One patient asked me what I was giving him when I gave him the morphine injection, and I lied to him,” said Latifa Löfvenberg, a nurse. “Many died before their time. It was very, very difficult.”
How could that happen?
The problem seems to have been the guidelines issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare. At the start of the pandemic it suggested that doctors triage patients according to their so-called biological age, weighing overall health and the prospects for recovery, before making treatment decisions…
The idea was to keep hospital ICUs from being overwhelmed by older patients with a low chance of survival. However, the surge never happened. Instead, the elderly were denied access to unused facilities. “These guidelines have too often resulted in older patients being denied treatment, even when hospitals were operating below capacity,” according to critics who spoke to the WSJ. “Occupancy in the country’s intensive-care units, for instance, has yet to exceed 80%, according to government officials.”
That devolved into active killing:
Yngve Gustafsson, a geriatrics specialist at Umea University, told the BMJ that the proportion of older people in respiratory care nationally was lower than at the same time a year before, even though people over 70 were the worst affected by Covid-19. He, too, was aghast at the practice of doctors prescribing a “palliative cocktail” for sick older people in care homes over the telephone.
“Older people are routinely being given morphine and midazolam, which are respiratory-inhibiting,” he told the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper, “It’s active euthanasia, to say the least.”
Imho, co tam provedli, byla genocida.. Myslim, ze v CR se az takove extremy nedely, ze by starikum branili pristup do nemocnic. Ale podobne veci se dely v USA, Italii, UK a nekterych dalsich zemich.
A je o tom___ zakazane ___ mluvit. Kazdy kdo o tom mluvi, zacne dostavat takovou sprchu nadavek, ze je "zmrd", "odpornej hajzl" a podobne.. Jakoze mozna tady neco zvelicuju, ale ze se o tom nesmi mluvit, pokud nechce clovek byt cenzurovanej nebo celit smrsti nadavek ?
To me prijde prave fascinujici.l.... na to nezapomenu nikdy, jakou smrst nadavek jsem schytal prave na nyxu, ze jsem na tohle davala linky na clanky v mediich. To same ve Spanelsku.