CORWEX: Teď sem s tím jedu! Tak aspoň ještě báseň samu:
už pozdě...
Navštívil jsem také Coatese.
"Poznámky? Kam jen mohly propadnout se?"
Vytáhl článek z pořadače. "Styl
i tón je její, nic jsem nezměnil.
Je tam jen tiskovka. No – bagatela:
mountain, ne fountain. Ostatně je skvělá.
Věčnost, jež tiskovku má za základ! |
800 | It's getting late...'
I also called on Coates.
He was afraid he had mislaid her notes.
He took his article from a steel file:
"It's accurate. I have not changed her style.
There's one misprint — not that it matters much:
Mountain, not fountain. The majestic touch."
Life Everlasting — based on a misprint! |
A tady je slovinské řešení:
Bukla - Nabokov: Pale Fire/Bledi ogenj
Poznámka pak v originále zní "Translators of Shade's poem are bound to have trouble with the transformation, at one stroke, of "mountain" into "fountain:" it cannot be rendered in French or German, or Russian, or Zemblan; so the translator will have to put it into one of those footnotes that are the rogue's galleries of words." a odkazuje na
Rogues gallery - Wikipedia
Já o tom budu fakt muset něco napsat :-( BTW, zemblanštinu má samozřejmě správně. ale fakt je tam "v slovo".