MICANA: Autor si stěžuje na hluk motorů - ale vadí mu čistě jen zvukové znečištění a jinak luddita není, tak se nedomnívám, že by svým přirovnáním chtěl šicí stroje hanět:
Motors are the dominant sounds of the world soundscape. All motors share one important feature: they are low-information, high redundency [sic] sounds. That is to say, despite the intensity of their voices, the messages they speak are repetitive and ultimately boring. There is a hypnotic suggestibility about motors that makes one wonder whether, as they invade our lives totally, they may not mask out all other sounds, reducing us in the process to acquiescent and dopey bipeds indolently fumbling about in a mute hypnotic trance.
Just as the sewing machine gave us the long line in clothes, so the motor has given us the flat line in sound.