Still need proof that humans went to the Moon?
The crash site of Apollo 16's rocket booster has been spotted on the Moon - ScienceAlert
The experiment allowed them to perform seismic measurements to try to investigate the interior of the Moon. Unfortunately, a malfunction
meant that the tracking data for the rocket got lost, so there's been long-standing uncertainty as to exactly where the booster crashed.
But now Jeff Plescia, a physicist from Johns Hopkins University, who's become an expert at locating lost hardware on extraterrestrial
surfaces, used high-resolution images produced by the LROC system on board NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to find the missing impact
crater. “I did finally find the Apollo 16 SIVB crater,” Plescia told Leonard David over at Inside Outer Space. “It looks like the others,
but its position was much more poorly defined since the tracking was lost prior to impact."