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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    LUDO --- ---
    ATOMIKS: Zarya je modul ktory vlastni NASA, zaplatila si jeho stavbu. Nauka je zase dalsia iteracia FGB z lode TKS, nic prelomove - zalozene na konstrukci starej 40+ rokov.

    Functional Cargo Block - Wikipedia
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    jestli si dobře pamatuju, tak na ISS jim museli Američani přispívat, aby to byly vůbec schopni dotáhnout v nějakém rozumném termínu. třeba Nauka v ruské režii měla dvacet let zpoždění.
    SEJDA --- ---
    LUDO: tak pred 30 lety byl Webb taky jenom na papire. 30 let trval i vyvoj, resp. vyroba modulu Nauka (takze to vlastne bylo 30 let zeleza v hangaru). Papirem to vzdycky zacina.
    LUDO --- ---
    IKARI: vacsina ruskych vyhlaseni bola z rezervou, ked sa pozries ake "uspechy" dosiahli Proton, Fobos-Grunt, Nauka, ... za poslednu dekadu, ale tak nejak som pocital, ze aspon tu Angaru/Orla-Federaciu nejak daju dokopy. Ako fanusik ruskej/sovietskej kozmonautiky hovorim, to uz nie je dobre ani ako vtip. V sucasnej situacii mi to pripada, ako vykrikovanie Goebbelsa o wunderwaffe.

    Mimochodom Federacia sa premenovala na Orla kvoli tomu, ze Rogozinovi sa nepacilo, ze to meno je zenske a nie muzske. To asi tak k ruskej kozmonautike, je to smutne.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    ATOMIKS: "it would require Webb to turn 180 degrees in order to thrust toward the Sun, which would have exposed its telescope optics and instruments directly to the Sun, thus overheating their structures and literally melting the glue that holds them together"

    Prileti takhle Soyuz s Naukou na L2 a Nauka povida...
    KULA --- ---
    SN0WCRASH: tak to Nauka zachránila Boeingu reputaci?
    KULA --- ---
    Zajímavé detaily ohledně situace Nauka (stiskněte R), vč. zachyceného vysílání zachycující pohled z rotující ISS:
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Nauka unexpectedly fires thrusters after docking, tilts space station - NASA explains
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Anatoly Zak

    Some good news: #Nauka module burned ALL the propellant available to its thrusters during its brawl after docking with #ISS, so there no chance it could happen again.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    tywe, to je fakticky bomba

    Anatoly Zak

    Mission control: #Nauka's thrusters are no longer firing (situation is improving) "...We are doing a lot talking in the room. The remaining of the day will not happened as schedule... of course!"

    Mission control told the crew that it put #ISS in "free drift" mode for a short time, while switching its attitude control to a Progress cargo ship. That one: http://russianspaceweb.com/progress-ms-17.html

    "It is like disarming a grenade": one expert about planning for deactivation of Nauka's compromised propulsion system after docking with #ISS. DETAILS, UPDATES: http://russianspaceweb.com

    Numerous particles are also seen outside the station indicating either major propellant leak or gas vent...

    #ISS crew reports some flashes on #ISS from newly arrived #Nauka module, indicating some inadvertent thrusters firings (or propellant leaks)... The crew is advised to close windows...
    LADINEK --- ---
    A Nauka je prej na cestě k ISS, problém s Kursem se podařilo vyřešit. Jak ty Rusaky nemám rád, tak v tomhle jim fandím...byla by to po tech letech odkladu a pruseru prostě škoda...
    LADINEK --- ---
    Anatoly Zak: If this is all not enough, specialists are also troubleshooting the critical Kurs automated rendezvous system aboard #Nauka.

    Zážeh motoru DKS byl podle všeho úspěšný...
    VOYTEX --- ---
    Nauka's orbit correction today appears to be a success, giving cautious optimism to mission engineers.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    The delayed firrst orbit raise burn for Nauka will now take place in the next few hours using backup engines, as the main engines are at least temporarily out of action. Here are the apogee and perigee orbital heights for Nauka (blue) and the rocket stage (red) so far
    VOYTEX --- ---
    @RussianSpaceWeb 33m
    #Nauka's test maneuver completed, the actual orbit correction was scheduled around now...
    LUDO --- ---
    Mizeria ruskej kozmonautiky, cast...

    Modul Nauka potkaly na oběžné dráze problémy – kosmonautix.cz
    SEJDA --- ---
    VOYTEX: na zazehy ma Nauka spoustu casu .. to chce nohy v teple, a trpelive cekat. :)
    VOYTEX --- ---
    SEJDA: k tomu je daleko, Nauka se potaci na nizsi, silne elipticky orbite 199x375 km, takze nejdriv by museli nejak zazehnout jeji motory a nebo manevrovat s ISS. Aby nakonec nedokovali spis jako Kursk, ehm..
    VOYTEX --- ---
    KULA: jenze
    According to the telemetry data, antennas and solar panels of the #Nauka module have been deployed.

    zdroj zpravy o selhani za paywallem...
    KULA --- ---
    Zlý jazykové říkají, že se Nauka možná k ISS nepřiblíží....
    The Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) Updates/Discussions (2021)
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