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    ztracené heslo?
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    MACHALIK: Takhle to vypada kdyz dojdou argumenty. Dost ubohe.
    MACHALIK --- ---
    After a years-long period of boring chatter on topics that were barely of anyone's interest, a world's leading expert on blind testing methodology and its ardent defender, Mr. Blaf Svancter 87, agreed to conduct a double-blind experiment in distinguishing his own wife (who was a blonde) from a random female (who later on turned to have black hair) by performing a sexual intercourse with them while his eyes would remain shut.

    The ground has been set in a motel room equipped with a double bed and some basic furniture. Svancter brought over his spouse to whom he'd been married for over 10 years and the total cost of running her surely had reached several million CZK. In the far corner of the room, a hooker of an Asian origin was preparing for the test, her cost being 1500 CZK/hour plus a drink on the bar.

    While everyone was getting naked, a thin black cloth was put on Svancter's head and a thin protective foil onto his cock. The first woman lay on the bed with her legs spread wide open, unseen by the contester. It was Svancter's task to insert his male organ into her vagina and attempt an intercourse while blindfolded and without using his hands to examine the rest of her body. She was also obliged to remain silent not to disclose her identity. After Svancter was satisfied with testing her, she would leave the bed and the second woman would take her place and consented to do the test under the same conditions. Nothing except the two females was ever placed in the bed. In addition to Svancter and the women, only myself and a person unknown to me were present in the room during the test but nobody was disruptive and the conditions were perfectly quiet.

    At the end of the day, after a straight 10-round hard-cock-in-a-hole comparison, Svancter was only able to identify correctly 4 times out of 10 whether it was the hooker or his wife who he fucked in the bed.

    In sum, no matter how much money, time and, indeed, love you invest in a woman, the famous do-it-yourself handyman and blind testing enthusiast Blaf Svancter 87 failed to tell reliably, based on the wet experience alone, when his multi-million wife was replaced by a twenty-year old Japanese hooker from the street. So, even though many people around the world would like to think otherwise, I think it's fair to say that what I was saying was correct all along: "Cunt Is Cunt" - even for the Hardiest of Dicks.
    BLAF --- ---
    SVANC: :)
    SVANC --- ---

    There has been a lot of hot chatter on the E-mail circuit over the past couple of months about the Steve Maki and Steve Zipser challenge in Miami. I thought you would appreciate a complete recount of the events. Zipser, a high-end salon owner, had issued a challenge that he would pay the airplane fare of any interested party who wanted to see him prove he could hear the differences between amplifiers.

    On Sunday afternoon, August 25th, Maki and I arrived at Zipser's house, which is also Sunshine Stereo. Maki brought his own control unit, a Yamaha AX-700 100-watt integrated amplifier for the challenge. In a straight 10-trial hard- wired comparison, Zipser was only able to identify correctly 3 times out of 10 whether the Yamaha unit or his pair of Pass Laboratories Aleph 1.2 monoblock 200-watt amplifiers was powering his Duntech Marquis speakers.

    A Pass Labs preamplifier, Zip's personal wiring, and a full Audio Alchemy CD playback system completed the playback chain. No device except the Yamaha integrated amplifier was ever placed in the system. Maki inserted one or the other amplifier into the system and covered them with a thin black cloth to hide identities. Zipser used his own playback material and had as long as he wanted to decide which unit was driving the speakers.

    I had matched the playback levels of the amplifiers to within 0.1 dB at 1 kHz, using the Yamaha balance and volume controls. Playback levels were adjusted with the system preamplifier by Zipser. I also determined that the two devices had frequency response differences of 0.4 dB at 16 kHz [note: no mention of which was flatter. I see no reason to assume it was the Pass], but both were perfectly flat from 20 Hz to 8 kHz. In addition to me, Zipser, and Maki, one of Zip's friends, his wife, and another person unknown to me were sometimes in the room during the test, but no one was disruptive and conditions were perfectly quiet.

    As far as I was concerned, the test was over. However, Zipser complained that he had stayed out late the night before and this reduced his sensitivity. At dinner, purchased by Zipser, we offered to give him another chance on Monday morning before our flight back North. On Monday at 9 a.m., I installed an ABX comparator in the system, complete with baling-wire lead to the Yamaha. Zipser improved his score to 5 out of 10. However, my switchpad did develop a hang-up problem, meaning that occasionally one had to verify the amplifier in the circuit with a visual confirmation of an LED. Zipser has claimed he scored better prior to the problem, but in fact he only scored 4 out of 6 before any difficulties occurred.

    [b]His wife also conducted a 16-trial ABX comparison,[b] using a 30-second phrase of a particular CD for all the trials. In this sequence I sat next to her at the main listening position and performed all the amplifier switching functions according to her verbal commands. She scored 9 out of 16 correct. Later another of Zip's friends scored 4 out of 10 correct. All listening was done with single listeners.

    In sum, no matter what you may have heard elsewhere, audio store owner Steve Zipser was unable to tell reliably, based on sound alone, when his $14,000 pair of class A monoblock amplifiers was replaced by a ten-year old Japanese integrated amplifier in his personal reference system, in his own listening room, using program material selected personally by him as being especially revealing of differences. He failed the test under hardwired no-switching conditions, as well as with a high-resolution fast-comparison switching mode. As I have said before, when the answers aren't shared in advance, "Amps Is Amps" even for the Goldenest of Ears.
    BLAF --- ---
    FATTY: Nj, ale alespon uz si nemusim porad nalhavat ze novejsi remaster proste MUSI znit lip a ze mam neco se sluchem :)
    FATTY --- ---
    Myslim ze nebudeme. Vzdyt je to smutne..
    BLAF --- ---
    Ha, asi se mi budete smat, ale prave jsem se dozvedel o fenomenu loudness war a spousta veci mi ted zacala davat smysl :)
    HONCKA --- ---
    TOOM: PA za 15k mas jednu aktivni bednu nizsi tridy
    TOOM --- ---
    KOOTCHA: Jakože PA za 15k ti dá zvukově stejnou kvalitu jako třeba PA za 150k?
    TOMATSU --- ---
    ADM: Měl jsem PC propojeny s HK 445 optikou jak 10m, tak i 5m a nebyl problem. Konkretne tenhle kabel :
    Kabel optický digitální 10m - ALFA.cz | ALFA COMPUTER

    a kdyby jsi si chtel priplatit, tak doporucuju tento :
    http://www.hifionline.cz/kabely/opticke-digitalni-kabely/1660-viablue-digital-optical-8m/ - provedení supr, hlavne konektory pekne sedi a nevyklaj se, jako u levnych kabelu. Pripadne na jejich e-shopu si sestavit kabel, dle svy potreby ( http://www.vb-webshop.eu/ )
    KOOTCHA --- ---
    hele máchale, jak můžeš tvrdit, že je třeba si něco poslechnout?
    existujou objektivní možnosti porovnání frekvenčního průběhu sestavy a to i s ohledem na prostor.

    Vůbec vlastně envim co je to hi-fi...třeba mi to někdo osvětlíte.
    Jde vám o věrnost reprodukce původní nahrávky?Selektujete si taky nahrávky s dobrym zvukem?

    Ačkoliv se zajímám spíš o PA a tak trochu vaší úchylce rozumim, pořád mi nejde do hlavy co za ty hrozný peníze máte...Chápu, že každej má svýho koníčka, ale jako úpěnlivě si hájit sestavu na základě nějakýho osobního poslechu mi přijde totálně ustřelený a v mejch očích to naopak toho "znalce" degraduje.protože prostě ti nehrajou při žádný hudbě všechny frekvence naráz, nemáš možnost posoudit kvalitu původní nahrávky vůči tý reprodukovaný a záměr zvukaře a kapely.

    Připadá mi to jako s fotkama...každej prahne po 20mpix zrcadlovce od canonu a pak z toho dělá lomo fotky aby to mělo duši....(přehánim samozřejmě).Nakonec zjistíš, že starej Zenit ti udělá stejnou službu za zlomek ceny.
    SVANC --- ---
    ADM: Nebál bych se ani těch 10 m, minimálně za vyzkoušení by to stálo, pokud bys měl takovou možnost. Mělo by také platit, že buď to bude fungovat bezchybně, nebo vůbec. Pravděpodobnost, že by docházelo k nějakým zřídkavým nahodilým výpadkům je velmi malá a i v takovém případě by nejspíš bylo brzy zřejmé, že je nějaký problém.
    Víc by ti možná řekli tady [ HD // audio&video pro narocne! ]
    ADM --- ---
    chci si koupit externi prevodnik styleaudio s optickym vstupem (toslink), zdroj je samozrejme PC (onkyo) a ma to vest do obyvaku k zesilovaci. co jsem si procetl podle normy ma byt delka toslink kabelu max 5m ale ja to mam tak na 7m, pricemz se prodavaji kabely 5m a pak i 10m (muj pripad, uz to nezkratim). nemate s tim nekdo nejake zkusenosti ohledne te delky nebo je treba hodne sazet na kvalitu kabelu v tomto pripade?
    NECRON --- ---
    na zaver hifi podzimu 2006 kabaty s klavesama a stanky? :-)

    SVANC --- ---
    ALI_GATOR: To by bylo moc riskantní - představ si tu hrůzu, kdyby se ukázalo, že velký guru po všem tom žvanění žádný rozdíl nepozná. Spíš se dočkáš nějakého sofistikovaného vysvětlení, proč takový test nemá smysl. Popř. se rovnou dozvíš, že nějakým internetovým blbečkům nemusí nic dokazovat :)
    ALI_GATOR --- ---
    MACHALIK: Už s těma létama praxe to začíná být hodně monotónní. Jaký je problém podložit svá tvrzení slepým testem v nějakém studiu, kterých je milión, třeba i v Brně: http://www.hifisound.cz/

    1) dorazíš (TEDDIBEDDIho zvát smysl nemá, ten má svoje TOPAUDIO v nahostěnném obýváku, a nic lepšího neexistuje :)
    2) poznáš rozdíl mezi kabely za kilo a těmi za 20000

    Dostaneš veřejnou omluvu od všech nevěřících a nikdo v tomhle klubu Tě nebude titulovat jinak, než "Velký Vezír".

    Jinak už prosím neztrácej čas a diskutuj s hi-fistama někde jinde, tady je to stejně na mrtvém bodě.
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    MACHALIK: Kazdy rika, ze vi co slysi. Ne vzdy to je pravda, ale napodobne - nam je ukradene, co slysis. Jakmile ale svuj subjektivni vjem zacne nekdo vydavat za univerzalni pravdu, tak nezbyva nez se mu vysmat. A nikde nikdo o tvem hifi nemluvi, takze ne, nemyslim si to. A take nechapu, kde porad beres ty tesly, nikdy to vtipne nebylo a opakovanim to byt vtipne nezacne.

    Prosimte a proc si myslis, ze vubec nevime, o cem mluvime? Tve dost nezrale prirovnani k autum prosim vynech, ucel to neplni.
    MACHALIK --- ---
    GOSHEWAN: Já za ty léta už dost dobře vím, co slyším, buď bez obav. A popravdě to, co já slyším, je to jediný, co mě zajímá, ne nějakej kladnej posudek komise z Nyxu, složené z lidí, kteří v životě neslyšeli hifi. Nebo si jako doopravdy myslíš, že bych se měl zajímat o to, co si o mým hifi myslí pan Svanc, kterej má doma repro tesla a zesák transiwatt a hraje z počounu z empétrojek?

    Svanc tady především celou dobu vůbec neví, o čem mluví, a ty to nevíš jakbysmet, jinak bys nevykládal nic o měření a slepejch testech a článcích.

    Hej, beze srandy, šel bys diskutovat do fóra závodníků, aniž bys měl řidičák, a postoval bys pořád a pořád a pořád dokola odkaz na článek z BESIPu a vysvětloval jim, že jsou trotli a jezdí nebezpečně?
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    MACHALIK: Takovym poslechem bez dalsich opatreni se dozvis akorat to, jestli to ty slysis (v lepsim pripade) nebo jestli si myslis, ze to slysis (ve vetsine pripadu).

    Svanc tady celou dobu mluvi o tom, zda to je prokazatelne slysitelne, ne zda to on, ty nebo kdokoli jiny slysi. A to vse jednoduse kvuli tomu, ze tvrzeni "ja to (ne)slysim" je subjektivni do te doby, dokud se to neoveri merenim. Proto se take stale pta na ty clanky, kde by bylo (byt slepym testem) dokazano, ze to nekdo slysi. Pokud takovy clanek najdes, tak se ti urcite nejen on omluvi.

    TEDDYBEDDY: Zato ty tu chces diskutovat na urovni, ze? Hlavne ze se bavis - nejsi sam (:
    MACHALIK --- ---
    SVANC: Mě argumentace s tebou nezajímá, mě zajímá, jestli to je opravdu slyšet nebo ne, což se dozvím jedině poslechem. Tebe naopak nezajímá, jestli je něco či není slyšet, ty se chceš akorát hádat.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam