Foods that enhance the metal element:
Grain: White, brown, and sweet rice, mochi
Vegetables: cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery, daikon radish, onions, watercress, mustard and turnip greens, turnips, garlic, cucumber, leeks
Beans and Pulses: white beans
Fruits: Pear, apples
Fish: cod, haddock, herring, flounder, halibut
Herbs and Seasonings: dill, fennel, thyme, ginger root, horseradish, cinnamon, cayenne, basil, and rosemary
Autumn is a time when many people experience respiratory issues, whether allergies, bronchitis, or the first cold of the season. All of the vegetables, fruits and herbs listed above help strengthen the lungs, move mucus out of the body, and cleanse the digestive tract.
Many people do not particularly enjoy cabbages, turnips, and pungent greens like watercress and mustard, so what to do? Try pairing these lesser-loved vegetables with others you do enjoy. The sweetness of winter squash, beets or yams complements the pungent/bitter quality of autumn veggies nicely. Rice, mochi, white beans and the fish listed above are all mild and somewhat sweet, and are therefore good complements to them as well.