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    ztracené heslo?
    LAUNCHERElektromobily 🏞️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🚗 🚐 🚙 🚌 🚒 🚛 🔌
    DZODZO --- ---
    BOBASH: koncom roka 2021 bude tesla vyrabat v 5 gigafactory, zacinala s jednou 5 rokov dozadu, let that sink in
    BOBASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: Jenomže aby se Tesla udržela na pozici největšího výrobce elektrických aut, tak musí v horizontu nižších jednotek let ne jen prodat všechno, co vyrobí, ale ještě toho vyrobit násobně víc.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tolik k nastupujici konkurenci a vesteni budoucnosti

    Tesla's (TSLA) demand is through the roof, already sold out this quarter - Electrek
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Sweden's April Plugin Vehicle Share Above 43% — Volkswagen ID.4 Overall Best Selling Vehicle
    Švédsko pěkně
    FEDAJKIN --- ---
    Nevím kam s tím, možná někoho zaujme. Tři ze čtyř největších výrobců smartphonů na světě mají v plánu vlastní EV. K Huawei a Xiaomi se teď připojilo Oppo.

    OPPO wants to build its own car - CarNewsChina.com
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Volkswagen reveals more details about upcoming fully electric models (ID.2, ID Buzz, ID Space Vizzion) : electricvehicles

    Some of the highlights:

    They confirmed that their first small EV based on a shortened MEB platform will be at dealerships in 2025

    The first one will be a small crossover likely named ID.2, that is similar in size to the 411 cm VW T-Cross but will offer as much interior space as a Golf

    Expected range is between 250 km and 400 km, so they won't just be city cars.

    In 2026 sister models by Skoda and SEAT will follow, all of them will most likely be manufacutred in their Spanish Martorell plant

    They will use new LFP battery cells that are rated for 10,000 charging cycles, which means the battery will last for millions of kilometers

    They also confirmed the launch date for their next ID vehicles after the ID.5: The ID Buzz will be released in Summer 2022 and the ID Space Vizzion station wagon is coming in spring 2023.

    The latter will be 492 cm long and will have a range of "well above 600 km".
    JIMIQ --- ---
    A zakon zachovani energie sel na dovolenou? :D
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    to je pecka

    "Additionaly, Maxwell also claims to have invented a 3 phase step-up transformer able to amplify electricity by up to 100 times, and thus allowing for the end of all electrical power shortages worldwide."
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    "Because no patents have been granted thus far, a self-destruct mechanism was worked into the engine to avoid reverse engineering. The moment the engine is opened, it will safely implode, destroying the internal components."
    TEAPACK --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: takže konečně se Nikola dočkal bezdrátového nabíjení =)
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    to je pecka :DDDD

    “God Has Given Me Something That Will Change The World!” | New Energy Treasure – The Coming Energy Revolution
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    DZODZO: BOBASH: nedalo mi to a googlil jsem...

    "... while the fully powered electric vehicle is powered by micro-sonic energy device (MSED) - a renewable form of energy with zero emission. The green power machine is designed to revolutionise the energy sector and is powered by a MSED which generates electrical power by converting high radio frequency energy directly into electricity..."

    a znalosti má od boha

    " Amazingly Sangulani or Max as he is popularly known. Says God, taught him the finer details about technology through visions ..."
    BOBASH --- ---
    DZODZO: Píšou to hned na začátku.

    DZODZO --- ---
    no prosim elektromobil co sa sam nabija! (nepodarilo sa mi zistit z coho)

    Fully Electric Vehicle
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Jinak Tesla vs VW 3:1 a to se do VW počítají i PHEV, které Tesla pochopitelně nedělá
    JIMIQ --- ---
    EV Sales: Global Top 20 March 2021

    1,1M za 3 měsíce. Dáme letos 5M? :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Why some electric car owners return to gas – the reasons aren't surprising - Electrek
    BOBASH --- ---
    MINER: Ridesharing lidi nechtějí v žádných autech.

    Tohle je přesně problém budoucích autonomních taxíků – jediný, co řešej, je parkování. Ve všem ostatní jsou HORŠÍ než když má každej vlastní auto.

    Prostě proto, že tvoje vlastní auto jede jen tam, kam jedeš ty a nejede tě vyzvednout a potom se vrátit. Uber/Lyft/Bolt, jedno jestli s řidičem nebo autonomní, najezdí mnohem víc a způsobuje mnohem větší zácpy, protože cestuje mezi zakázkama.

    Nějakým chytrým AI plánováním se to dá omezit, ale furt je to řešení jen pro místa, kde je problém s tím kam ty auta dát, jinak je to k ničemu.
    DZODZO --- ---
    ridesharing vyuzivali slovaci cestujuci z/do brna davno pred ubermi a lyftami, to je nieco ine
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam