zpusobuje nocni kojeni zubni kazy? TL;DR: tezko rict, neni to prukazne.
- jako obvykle - je to slozity par prikladu, ktery shrnujou to, co mi prijde nejzajimavejsi:
lonskej prehledovej clanek " revealed that there was no conclusive evidence that prolonged breastfeeding increased the risk of early childhood cavities"; a zminuje i dve studie, podle kterych je mliko anti-bakterialni (treti odstavec od konce), ale zminuje i to, ze nocni kojeni koreluje s castejsima kazama
nemecka disertace delala podrobnou lokalni studii, podle ktery taky "frequent nocturnal breastfeeding in parental bed" koreluje s vice kazama, ale jinak kojeni je jeden z faktoru, ktery "exerted a positive influence on dental health"
a jeste jeden prehled vyzkumu z letoska: "Some studies identified both bottle feeding and breastfeeding as ECC risk factors, whereas other studies found no effect for either breastfeeding or bottle feeding or differences between the two feeding practices. It is also possible that the length of breast and bottle feeding con-tributes to caries development. Delayed weaning (e.g., bet-ween 12 and 36 months) has been found to be associated with caries in various studies. However, other studies reported no effect for age at which child was weaned from breast or bottle. Children who re-ceived nocturnal bottle feeding had higher risk for ECC. However, nocturnal breastfeeding, its frequency, particularly if more than twice throughout the night and duration > 15 minutes ap-pear to be risk factors. However other studies did not find an association between nocturnal feeding and caries." - tak si to preber
ja jsem si prebral tak, ze to vychazi ruzne, takze se o kojeni a kazech neda nic definitivniho rict - takze nema cenu to resit. zato treba spojeni mezi sladkostma v jidle a piti vychazi prakticky vzdycky stejne, takze ma cenu to resit