How to Make Friends as an Adult Woman With ADHD
O článek mi ani tak nejde, ale ve své podstatně je praktický.
Celkem mě zaujalo to že připisují ADD symptomy která já si u sebe připisuju introverzi - konkréntě to, že se sociálními kontakty snadno přehltím a potřebuju pak samotu.
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How to Make Friends as an Adult Woman With ADHD
What’s Your Friendship Type?
Women with ADHD have unique obstacles to making and keeping friends, depending on their ADHD subtype. Those with Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD:
interrupt conversations
become easily bored
dominate the conversation
disregard social rules
blurt out negative comments
talk about themselves too much
use alcohol to enhance their stimulation level
sever relationships that feel frustrating
Those with Inattentive ADHD:
feel overwhelmed by emotional demands
experience anxiety in unfamiliar social situations
censor themselves when they perceive conflict
avoid unstructured group socializing
withdraw when they feel overstimulated
use obsessive behaviors to create a flawless facade
attribute their missteps to character flaws
anticipate criticism or rejection