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    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps


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    DayZ SA Feedback

    DayZ Chernarus+ Standalone Map

    Poetické čtvrtky jsou sponzorovány:

    rozbalit záhlaví
    HALCYON --- ---
    RUDOLF: Grind, ale atmo a teamplay super zážitek.

    DESTROYER: Tak si pusť nějakej stream s tím jak developeři hrajou s novym rendererem. Z těch to zase vypadá, že SA někdy vyjde.
    DESTROYER --- ---
    RUDOLF: Zkusil jsem kouknout na nejaky streamy. Je to takova spise efektni arkada, kde se 3rd person bojuje ala Mass Effect. Open world je jen jakoby a spis je to arenovka/koridorovka.
    Cele mi to prislo jako celkem fail proti tomu co se ocekavalo a hypovalo..
    RUDOLF --- ---
    VICTIM81: Nemám s Division zkušenost. Jak to v reálu vypadá?
    VICTIM81 --- ---
    RUDOLF: a stejne takto na papire relativne zajimavy koncept dokazali nakonec ve finalnim produktu zmrsit.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    zajímává mechanika pro safezone v nějakém modu..

    How The Division drinks DayZ’s milkshake | Ars Technica UK

    When players acquire loot in the Dark Zone a yellow rucksack is visible on their character model. You can't tell what or how much they've got, only that they've got something. At designated areas within the Dark Zone any player can call in an extraction chopper, which takes 90 seconds to arrive and alerts all players in the vicinity that it's coming in. When the chopper arrives, any player can attach their loot to a dangling rope through a three-second animation—which feels much longer than it is, because you're horribly exposed.

    At any time within the Dark Zone, but usually at extraction points, players can choose to open fire on other players to try and steal their loot. You'll wait near the marker with a full backpack and then, 30 seconds before the chopper arrives, a group of four turn up and take positions nearby. There are two in your group. What to do? Sometimes it's fine—they just want to use the chopper. Sometimes the only sensible decision is to walk away. Sometimes the chopper arrives, both groups watch each other, and it flies away again without anyone moving an inch. You never know.

    Any player that opens fire on another player is immediately branded "rogue" and becomes a target for others in the vicinity, with a countdown that freezes while in combat and is increased for every kill. Rogues can be targeted by anyone, and there are significant rewards for taking them down, so their life expectancy is short. They're also punished, if killed, by losing a hefty chunk of Dark Zone XP (a distinct levelling system). But the nature of extractions means that, if you're the one getting shot in the back, what happens afterwards doesn't matter all that much. The rogue may die but they may also have just rinsed the best weapon drop you've ever had, and then used your chopper to extract it.
    HALCYON --- ---
    RUDOLF: Dal jsem ti palec nahoru, ale přísahej, že tě to napadlo už tehdy! Aspoň v duchu.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    HALCYON: vykopávání dveří:-)
    HALCYON --- ---
    ZOMBO: A teď schválně, všechny ty věci co jsme viděli ve videu: Kterou z nich jste už tehdy věděli, že DayZ standalone bude potřebovat? :-D
    RUDOLF --- ---
    tak will měl pravdu.. "That also goes for a potential DirectX 12 implementation. After a lengthy initial investigation, we've concluded that this is far more complex than it may seem. It has been decided that our company will first tackle this in the new Enfusion engine, as its rendering pipeline is more compatible. Afterwards we'll still evaluate porting it back (or using the knowledge we'll have gained) for Arma 3. This does mean quite definitely that no DX12 implementation will be part of the platform update that is to accompany the Apex release."

    SITREP #00151 | Dev Hub | Arma 3
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    RUDOLF: taky jsem si to ted oslahal v editoru ta mapa vypada nadherne uz se tesim na cerven bohuzel CH+ je zaklety tak nam zbyva klasicky Cherno a Tanoa :)
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    videa dobrý, ale už bych docela hrál..
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Status Report - 12 Apr 2016 | DayZ | Official website

    SR - 20160412

    DESTROYER --- ---
    RUDOLF: Jj vim, ze portnout jde a eula zakazuje pouziti. Jen, kdyz jsem to zahledl, tak jsem na chvilku zadoufal :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DESTROYER: nemám žádný info, ale tipuju že ještě pár let ne..

    č+ do A3 editoru s pár glitchama naimportuješ, jen na tom nepostavíš žádný mod, protože je to v rozporu licenci..
    DESTROYER --- ---
    RUDOLF: Vidim rozborenej hotel.. Tedy chernarus+ bude pro A3?
    RUDOLF --- ---
    cherno v novém A3 buildu..

    HANOUCH --- ---
    REDSNAKE: podle me to vyslo, v srdcich nas vsech...
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    HALCYON: podle me to jeste nevyslo..
    HALCYON --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Já myslel, že už to dávno vyšlo ne? Tu bylo tolik videí.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Nevíte jak to vypadá s tou 0.60? Vyjde to ještě tenhle měsíc nebo si to nechávaj na Vánoce (některý)?
    VICTIM81 --- ---
    RUDOLF: tak o tom ze stromy a kere jsou v arme naprostou prekazkou hernimu zazitku asi nikdo nepochybuje. pro me to je jeden z nejhorsich bugu nebo zmetku ktere tam znam. protoze je tak bezne se s tim setkat. a uz roky se s tim nic nedeje :D trosku jako vyvoj dayz.
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