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    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.

    Vše co souvisí s filmem.. Fotografie, videa a jiné zajímavosti z natáčení a zákulisí. Filmové technologie
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    TRAGED --- ---
    The #Nostromo - #Alien from 1979

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    Alien (1979)

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    PREDSEDA: Zezadu dopredu...

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    Alien (1979) set footage shows Brett (Harry Dean Stanton) encountering the xenomorph.


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    ARAON: Tak ale kdyz uz tu scenu pitvame, tak mohla byt jeste mnohem zajimavejsi:

    "According to a 1981 interview with the actress, she was initially keen on the idea of her character being naked because it “would have been a nice contrast” to the alien story unfolding before her character.

    “You see the alien’s in its birthday suit the entire film, so I thought it was a cop out having me wear the underwear, and not stripping entirely,” Weaver said.

    After receiving criticism for the strip after the movie’s release, Weaver said it never occurred to her that people might think the strip exploitative, but “having received the mail I have, I would now think twice about taking off all my clothes in a movie”.

    “People have said, ‘Aw, how could you demean yourself by doing a striptease?’ And I say, ‘Are you kidding? After five days of blood and guts, and fear, and sweat and urine, do you think Ripley wouldn’t take off her clothes?’”

    But for Cameron, who took over the helm of the second film in the series, Aliens, the scene simply crossed the line."

    SPIKE411 --- ---
    On this date in 1997, "Starship Troopers" was released in the United States.

    Director Paul Verhoeven admits to have never finished the novel upon which the film is based, claiming he read through the first few chapters and became both bored and depressed, calling it "a very right-wing book" in Empire magazine. He then told screenwriter Edward Neumeier to tell him the rest. Verhoeven and Neumeier then decided that while both the novel and its author Robert A. Heinlein strongly supported a regime led by a military elite, they would turn the concept around and satirize it, making the film a hyperbole of contemporary American politics and culture. Diehard Heinlein fans declare that the filmmakers have completely misinterpreted Heinlein's nature and intentions. They say he was a libertarian who opposed conscription and militarism. He depicted the oligarchy-by-ex-military-citizenry government in the book because it was an example of something that has never been done in real life. He was not advocating it, but was merely speculating that such a system could exist without collapsing.

    Involved with the project since 1990, stop-motion animator Phil Tippett witnessed the screenplay go through many changes. While the script was evolving, the world of visual effects evolved, too, as did the techniques planned to create the alien bugs. Tippett said, "The whole story was completely different in the early '90s... we started thinking about it back then, and mind you this was back in the pre-digital, pre-'Jurassic Park' (1993) days. We considered using traditional model photography, either stop motion or puppetry, and then of course everything changed in 1993 with 'Jurassic Park.'" It was directly after his involvement with "Jurassic Park" that Tippett Studio art director Craig Hayes, Paul Verhoeven, producers Alan Marshall and Jon Davidson, Neumeier, and Tippett got together and started thinking about what the bugs would look like. "After 'Jurrasic,' we generally decided that we could go digital with the bugs."

    Verhoeven and stars Dina Meyer and Casper Van Dien confirmed that Verhoeven and cinematographer Jost Vacano shot the co-ed shower scene in the nude themselves, on a dare from Meyer. On the day of the shoot, Verhoeven had asked the cast to do a little "fashion show without fashion" so that they could get comfortable being naked. When the cast was reluctant to disrobe, Verhoeven asked them what the big deal was, to which Meyer responded, "Paul, if it's no big deal, why don't you do it?" Quite unexpectedly, Verhoeven got undressed, as well as Vacano (who had been raised in a nudity camp). After an initial shock (Van Dien reportedly yelled "Oh God! Dina! Why!?") and a good laugh from the cast, the scene was filmed without problems.

    In a 2014 interview with Empire Magazine, Verhoeven said of the shower scene, "Americans get more upset about nudity than ultra-violence. I am constantly amazed about that. I mean, I haven't seen any sex scenes in American film that are anything other than completely boring. A bare breast is more difficult to get through the censors than a body riddled with bullets."

    In a 2016 interview, Van Dien revealed a funny incident when he was picking up his two daughters from school, "I went by the line at school to pick up my kids. You know, you drive up to the school and when I get there and there are these six 10 and 8 year old boys hanging out with my daughters. I pull up in the line and the boys go, 'Johnny Rico! Why didn't you tell us your dad was Johnny Rico?' And I said, 'What are you boys doing watching 'Starship Troopers'?' And they said, 'Our dads made us watch it with them!' Then my daughters get in the car and my 10-year-old says, 'Dad, were you really naked in 'Starship Troopers'?' And I said, 'Yeah,' and she said, 'How could you do that to me?!' Then my 8-year-old says, 'Wait, like naked naked?' And I said "Yup," and she said, 'Oh my God, my life is ruined!' That was the longest three minute ride home I have had in my life." (IMDb)

    On this date in 1997, "Starship... - Cinema Shorthand Society
    ASYD --- ---
    David Fincher Breaks His Silence on Alien 3 in 2023
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    ARAON --- ---
    L4MA: No a jakej jinej by to tehdá mohl být? Alien je z roku 1979. Na věrohodné digitální plameny bylo třeba ještě cca 30 let počkat. :)
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    Sigourney Weaver testing a flamethrower during the production of ALIEN.

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    Alien (1979): Building the Nostromo + refinery model

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    Alien³ (1992)

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    Kane death/Alien birth scene BTS shot from ALIEN. Notice the overhead monitors switched out for lighting and film crew in white coveralls; Ian Holm seeking shelter behind Veronica Cartwright.

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    Alien (1979)

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    The feet from the Xenomorph costume from ALIEN (1979)

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    Working on the miniature Refinery for Alien (1979).
    Bray Studios, England.

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    Children used in The Empire Strikes Back and Alien to sell the forced perspective sets.

    ARAON --- ---
    Alien (1979)

    “Phil Rae working on a foreshortened Narcissus for the scene of Ripley preparing the ship to self-destruct. The design is compressed to accommodate video screens in the windows. Cool effect, seen only briefly.”

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