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    ztracené heslo?
    MEADMT - "duchovní molekula"
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    PURPUREAL: zacit praktikovat lucidni sneni. az pak najdes svoje spici telo v tomto realnem svete a realnem case, muzes s tim pokrocilym zacit. pak se me zeptej co dal.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MICHAL_R: v pokrocilem lucidnim sneni, coz uz je sneni carodeju, se dostanes i do jinych vesmiru a dimenzi... kontrolovane, bez drog. tvojim snovym, energetickym telem.
    DASH --- ---
    MICHAL_R: no to by ses divil na co obcas muzes v lucidu narazit;))
    MICHAL_R --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Akorát, že na lucidní snění se dá tak nějak "zvyknout" do té míry, že tě pokaždé nevystraší k smrti. Viz McKennova odpověď na otázku, "zda-li je DMT nebezpečné": "Ano, pokud se bojíte smrti z úžasu a ohromení" :-)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    prulom DMT tripu nam ukazuje jak kvalitativne umerne zazitku nebeske svety vys a vys mohou byt dimenzovany...
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    a jeste smrt
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    DMT trip je vedle pokrocileho lucidniho sneni vubec nejzajimavejsi lidska zkusenost
    MICHAL_R --- ---
    Tady je nejake (podle mne trochu spekulativni) info o ritualnim pouzivani DMT svobodnymi zednari: http://realitysandwich.com/314264/the-use-of-dmt-in-early-masonic-ritual/
    DARJEEL --- ---
    MICHAL_R: ta kniha je bezva!
    DARJEEL --- ---
    MEA: sem se spletl, yopo je nekdy smes, do ktere se pridava guarana, to me zmatlo.... jinak treba keyword "epena" hm? Nebo pak co pise Michal, zabi sliz (nemyslim kambo, i kdyz to je imho taky zajimava praxe) s 5meo dmt.
    FRUTAA1 --- ---
    MICHAL_R --- ---
    MEA: Hele, a zajima te jenom n,n-DMT, nebo i 5-meo-DMT, pripadne i bufotenin?

    K tem druhym nedavno vydal knihu stary klasik Ralph Metzner ( http://ralphmetznerblog.com/2014/02/17/657/ ) - delal "vyzkum" prave mezi lidmi (na Zapade), kteri s tim pracuji +/- "ritualne".

    Pokud se nemylim, tak 5-meo-DMT behem svych "bohosluzeb" konzumovali clenove synkreticke cirkve "Church of the Tree of Life"

    5-MeO-DMT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    When a human being works with dimethyltryptamine
    they'll find themselves soaring through a rapid information download at light speed.
    you will meet entities that will guide you through these other dimensions.
    I've seen structures grown from seeds, that just grow and evolve so rapidly.
    the most complicated and intriquit yantras in the universe, sizzling before my eye with perfect crystalline precision.

    The experience is more real than sitting here at this desk.

    Only those that have traveled can truly understand.

    If there's music, you will see it morphing perfectly.
    Thus the shaman sings.

    Everyone thinks that aliens are going to come down from the sky,
    but they are so much more advanced than that.
    Slipping through wormholes, in another dimension.

    In my opinion, this endogenous neurotransmitter is by far one of the most fascinating things on this planet.

    While people kill each other on a daily basis
    over money, oil . .

    Those people don't want us to know about this.
    We are all in possession of a schedule 1 substance.

    What a joke . .

    When we die
    our DNA will be uploaded into the server of man. You bet there's a cocktail of tryptamines waiting for you, to show the ones who never saw the light on Earth the truth.

    We are not alone.

    Every seer is a window,
    there is no privacy here.

    I've interviewed many people who've gone to peru for shamanic healing who have moved their consciousness involuntarily into the body of a bird.
    They were able to see things that they later confirmed as true.
    For instance,
    being able to see the scales on fish in the river from high up,
    or one man flew to his apartment in NYC, where his friends were house sitting for him. He noticed his furniture had been rearranged. Upon arrival back home, sure enough, it had been.
    Another one of my friends went walking after an ayahuasca ceremony
    and his consciousness randomly jumped into a birds
    and he saw some people in a hammock a couple blocks away
    who he then went and talked to . .

    There truly is magic happening, here.

    I wish the scientific community would embrace this phenomenon.

    Thank god for the cottonwood research foundation, and all the curenderos.
    MEA --- ---
    DARJEEL: má teda něco z rituálních bylin a směsí něco společnýho s dmt? četla jsem, že yopo dmt a opět další látky obsahuje, tak mi to přide divný tvrdit, že s tím nemá nic společnýho
    MEA --- ---
    pro mne jsi ID vyhuleny_ufo a tim to hasne, spíš sem postni nějakou tu rituální praktiku s dmt, ať se konečně posuneme
    MEA --- ---
    MEA: zatim vim o yopo a pod. rituálech, ale zatim to prostě dávám dohromady
    MEA --- ---
    potřebuju mmj. najít kulturní souvislosti s (vy)užíváním dmt.. proč a jak ho lidi v různých kulturách využívaj.. apod.
    MEA --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: každej bejvá v tom svym notorik :) někdy mi přijde jak fake..

    DARJEEL: dub.. no budiž.. hlavně ať mne nepokácej.. ten reader v sobě má pár infos, který bych potenciálně mohla využít, ale je možný, že se tak nestane, to se uvidí.. a to pivo je odlehčovací vtípeček.. že i pivo má své dmt (vpravo dole na etiketě)
    DARJEEL --- ---
    MEA: ja nerozumim tomu readeru a fotce piva napr. ale jen prochazim, takze me kdyztak ignoruj, uz nebudu zkoust hucet do dubu ;)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    MEA: to je notoricky panacek.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam