ALMAD: Aha, tak selekce byla
In all, 15 long-term rough sleepers were offered a personalised budget plus fl exible, personal
support from the project coordinator; 13 accepted. These 15 were targeted because they were the hardest
to reach using standard methods.
Nicmene, na tech 13 lidi to sezralo 'jenom' jednoho cloveka na fulltime. Podle vseho byl podstatnej:
Having a consistent worker involved in the move from street to accommodation was
viewed as key in helping people to maintain their
tenancies. A number of instances of accommodation
being abandoned occurred at times when the coordinator was on leave; hence it was found that careful
handover and cover arrangements were important. Long-term personalised support, perhaps for several
years, was also seen as essential for people to maintain tenancies.
Ta studie trochu vyvraci to, ze kdyz das lidem penize tak za ne urcite nekoupej drogy:
A different way of working with personalised budgets may be required for people with drug problems.
The one drug user in the pilot sold items purchased with his budget to fund his drug use, suggesting that
support for drug use needs to be in place before expensive items are bought.
Co me zaujalo nejvic:
The pilot has received additional funding to continue until March 2011. fter that it will become a
mainstream part of the work of Broadway’s outreach team in the City of London. -- nema nekdo teda novejsi data, nebo proc to zarizli?
Taky jsem jich cekal mnohem vic:
In 2009/10, 338 people were seen
by outreach teams sleeping rough in the City of London
Jo, a taky to nebylo tak trvanlivy jak by clanek moh tvrdit:
Seven have maintained their
accommodation for four to 11 months. -- nicmene podle vseho je to v tyhle skupine velkej uspech.
Cena za cloveka je 4437 liber/rok, z toho 3643 je socialni pracovnik a overhead, kdyz uz jsme u toho jak lidem "jenom das penize a pak to bude fungovat".
Jo, taky je to vladni report, takze "presunul se do jine casti Londyna" je cajk a zlepsuje nam statistiky ze
u nas jako bezdaci nebudou.
Mimochodem, dost tech lidi si nerikalo o davky. Related:
Bills and money were a considerable source of anxiety for several people, as were any interactions with ‘the
system’ which they had previously avoided on the street.
Poznamky ke skalovani jinam:
The context of an assertive approach to outreach with rough sleepers was a factor in the decision
for some people to move away from the streets. It is not clear how the model would work in an area
where there is less of an outreach presence. Within the City of London, ensuring that the personalised
budget was genuinely distinct from standard outreach was crucial.
There were some issues with providing items of value to a drug user during the project, although
this person is still in accommodation and is in treatment. The extent to which the approach was tested
with drug users is limited. (...) Key features for replication in other areas are: support from the local authority including quick
access to money; clarity about who is eligible and about what the budget is for; an action plan to
give responsibility to the coordinator and the recipi
ent of the budget; and an intensive and consistent
approach to working with people.
Ze zaveru: "jenom das lidem penize...ale bez socialnich pracovniku se to zhrouti":
Long-term personalised support after resettlement, provided by one dedicated worker, is seen by the
people with personalised budgets and professionals involved as essential to maintaining tenancies. This
needs to be over and above existing provision (such as tenancy support teams or hostel key workers).
The importance of this is demonstrated by the high number of abandonments when personalised
support has been temporarily withdrawn (despite handovers to colleagues) during short periods when
the project coordinator has been on leave.
Osobní shrnutí: super projekt, ukazuje, že pod osobním vedením je možné lidi vést k rostoucí zodpovědnosti a začlenění zpátky do společnosti. IMHO tam pěkně prosvítá, že "společenská ignorace" je jeden z těch hlavních problémů.
S novinářským shrnutím "The most efficient way to spend money on the homeless might be to give it to them" mi přijde, že se to moc neztotožňuje.