the bundling document that I uploaded for anyone to download and use explains what I eat every day.
I eat several kinds of fruit and spices plus coffee at breakfast. For lunch, I eat several kinds of crudité raw, separately. Then I cook together several kinds of cooked dried beans, several kinds of roots/tubers/gourds OR several kinds of mostly-green vegetables, several kinds of ground seeds, and several kinds of spices. Later in the afternoon, I eat several kinds of grains and two or three kinds of fruit, several kinds of spices, and coffee. Later I eat several kinds of nuts, drizzled with Bragg liquid amino and Bragg nutritional yeast.
I batch prepare (portioning and cooking) as much and as many of these as I can for seven days. At the end of seven days, I run out and then grocery shop again. The nuts, seeds, roots/tubers/gourds, and mostly-green vegetables I batch process in much larger quantities in order to freeze and deplete over the course of ten weeks. I store these in nine-ounce glass jars.
I don’t really prepare meals according to recipes ever. And I never tire of what I eat, even though I eat essentially the same thing every day, because I’m eating so many different plants every day.
If this strikes you as being too much work and trouble, just start modifying your recipes by adding more than what is suggested. For example, if a recipe calls for a quarter cup of ground chia seeds, mix chia, hemp, sesame, pumpkin, flaxseed, and sunflower seeds together and use a quarter cup of the mix. If a recipe calls for a cup of mashed apple, use a quarter cup of a mixture of mashed apple, mashed pear, mashed banana, and mashed apricot, or strawberries, or almost any other kind of fruit.
In other words, just replace any single ingredient with a variety of like ingredients in the same amount as the recipe requires. This isn’t a precise science, and it doesn’t need to be. Try it and then return to this page and let me know about your experience. I want to know how you adapt the idea to your own life.