Me se na Tesla tahaci nejvic libi, ze dali ridice doprostred. Tim je ten tahac alespon trochu zaobleny. Dnesni klasicke tahace vypadaji zepredu jak plocha deska, coz asi moc nepomaha aerodynamice. To volvo, daimler a nikola z odkazu v
DZODZO jsou takovou peknou ukazkou ze vzali stavajici klasicke tahace a jen do toho narvali baterky a el. motor. Tesla to vzala vic od podlahy.
A to ty projekty tahacu s velmi dobrou aerodynamikou jsou uz dlouhou dobu:
Colani about this topic in an Interview from 2009:
COLANI: 1973 was the first gasoline crisis in the world. That year, I designed the first aerodynamic truck, eating 40 percent less fuel. I put it on exhibit everywhere. It was 30 years ahead of its time. Nobody is building it today, and everybody still has problems with their boxy cars and trucks eating up fuel. […] This stuff won’t be around forever. We need super-streamlined machinery. They don’t get the message, even today!
Questioner: Do you think that the world is more receptive to your work than it used to be?
COLANI: No, no, no. You see, if you are 30 years ahead of your time, you will always have difficulty speaking with the bosses in the industry. They are too conservative.
Luigi Colani - Interview Magazine
(I kdyz tech 40 % uspory co tvrdi Colani mi prijde trochu prilis, driv jsem prochazel jeden vetsi projekt a tam to bylo jen 15 %.)