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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    As Tesla Tanks, SpaceX Is Musk’s Most Valuable Asset By Record Margin

    While SpaceX and Tesla still make up more than 80% of Musk’s estimated $329 billion net worth, he also owns smaller stakes in xAI, X Corp (formerly Twitter), tunnelling startup Boring Company and brain implant firm Neuralink. Together those holdings add another $45 billion to Musk’s fortune.

    Musk has acknowledged the “great difficulty” of juggling DOGE and his roles overseeing six different companies. Still, he hasn’t given up on his EV maker just yet, declaring in an X post last Monday that Tesla will “be fine long-term.” After all, despite its recent slump, the company’s stock is still up 46% over the last year, and Musk is still the world’s richest person.
    KOUDY --- ---
    Elon jede tyve.

    Elon Musk je ve svých 53 letech už čtrnáctinásobným otcem. S manažerkou společnosti Neuralink Shivon Zilisovou (39) se dočkal dalšího syna. Kluk dostal jméno Seldon Lycurgus. Musk a Zilisová mají spolu ještě tříletá dvojčata Stridera a Azure a roční dceru Arcadii.

    Novinku o synovi sdílela Zilisová v příspěvku na síti X. Neprozradila ale, kdy se Seldon narodil. „Diskutovali jsme s Elonem a ve světle krásných Arcadiných narozenin jsme cítili, že je lepší se také přímo podělit o informaci o našem úžasném a neuvěřitelném synovi Seldonu Lycurgusovi,“ napsala s tím, že syn je jako ohromující síla se srdcem ze zlata. Musk jí do komentáře odpověděl srdíčkem.

    Zilisová a Musk v listopadu 2021 oznámili, že se jim narodila dvojčata. Kluk dostal jméno Strider a holčička Azure. Na svět přišli jen několik týdnů předtím, než se miliardář a kanadská hudebnice Grimes dočkali dcery Exy Dark Sideræl, kterou jim odnosila náhradní matka. Loni na konci února se miliardářovi a manažerce narodila dcera Arcadie.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DOGE fired FDA employees overseeing Elon Musk's Neuralink: Reports | Fortune
    KOUDY --- ---

    Elon Musk put a chip in this paralysed man’s brain. Now he can move things with his mind. Should we be amazed - or terrified? | Neuroscience | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    "The next Neuralink product is BlindSight which will enable people who have lost both eyes or have no eye sight to see."

    Elon Musk
    TADEAS --- ---
    Philip Low

    I have known Elon Musk at a deep level for 14 years, well before he was a household name. We used to text frequently. He would come to my birthday party and invite me to his parties. He would tell me everything about his women problems. As sons of highly accomplished men who married venuses, were violent and lost their fortunes, and who were bullied in high school, we had a number of things in common most people cannot relate to. We would hang out together late in Los Angeles. He would visit my San Diego lab. He invested in my company.

    Elon is not a Nazi, per se.

    He is something much better, or much worse, depending on how you look at it.

    Nazis believed that an entire race was above everyone else.

    Elon believes he is above everyone else. He used to think he worked on the most important problems. When I met him, he did not presume to be a technical person — he would be the first to say that he lacked the expertise to understand certain data. That happened later. Now, he acts as if he has all the solutions.

    All his talk about getting to Mars to “maintain the light of consciousness” or about “free speech absolutism” is actually BS Elon knowingly feeds people to manipulate them. Everything Elon does is about acquiring and consolidating power. That is why he likes far right parties, because they are easier to control. That is also why he gave himself $56 Billion which could have gone to the people actually doing the work and innovations he is taking credit for at Tesla (the reason he does not do patents is because he would not be listed as an inventor as putting a fake inventor on a patent would kill it and moreover it would reveal the superstars behind the work). His lust for power is also why he did xAI and Neuralink, to attempt to compete with OpenAI and NeuroVigil, respectively, despite being affiliated with them. Unlike Tesla and Twitter, he was unable to conquer those companies and tried to create rivals. He announced Neuralink just after I invited his ex-wife, which she and I notified him about, to a fundraising dinner for Hebrew University in London (The fact that she tried to kiss me — I immediately pushed her away — while taking a photo at that event, even if playfully, clearly may have added to the alienation and possible emasculation he may have felt when she spoke to me in a pool at a party when they were together and she was naked. To not be disrespectful to her or to him, I stayed but looked at the sky whilst talking to her). I fired him with cause in December 2021 when he tried to undermine NV. It is ironic that years later, he clearly tried to undermine Twitter before buying it, and in my view, blowing it up and using it to manipulate the masses to lean to the far right in country after country, including the USA.

    [Here is more detail as some people asked. After he received a press release draft confirming NV never took a penny from the US Government, he asked to be removed from the Business Advisory Board, but then tried to give the stock he bought back, including for no money, which could have completely crashed NV’s stock price. I told him he was fired from the BAB, with cause, as he admitted he had not been participating. That also meant he had no ability to exercise his stock options (years prior, despite not being allowed to discuss his investment because of a solid NDA, he/his people leaked to the press that he had invested twice as much in NV as he actually did, as if the stock options had been counted as stock). This is the email I sent him around that time:


    Only one of us apparently knows the difference between Science and PR, and between friendship and phonies, and unfortunately you ain’t it.

    Let’s cut ties here.

    Your NV stock is not being transferred, and if you try to transfer it without my consent, in contravention of your stock purchase agreement, I will have to shove my boots so deep up your derrière, legally, that your pissing contest with Bezos will seem like it was from another life, one you want to get back to.

    Good luck with your implants, all of them, and with building Pottersville on Mars.

    Seriously, don’t fuck with me.”

    Elon has less than 0.05% of NV and was never a principal or principal investor in NV as was falsely reported by some. I own between 80 and 90%. NV is the most valuable neurotech company in the world and does not regard Neuralink as a competitor because we have an arsenal of patents and introduced our technology to customers in 2009 and furthermore do not view their implantable technology as scalable. Moreover, the company is apparently under investigation regarding statements Elon made to investors and most of Neuralink’s co-founders ditched Elon and the company.]

    Elon did two Nazi salutes.

    He did them for five main reasons:

    1. He was concerned that the “Nazi wing” of the MAGA movement, under the influence of Steve Bannon, would drive him away from Trump, somewhere in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, rather than in the West Wing which is where he wants to be. He was already feeling raw over the fact that Trump did not follow his recommendation for Treasury Secretary and that the Senate also did not pick his first choice;

    2. He was upset that he had had to go to Israel and Auschwitz to make up for agreeing with a Nazi sympathizer online and wanted to reclaim his “power” just like when he told advertisers to “go fuck yourself”. This has nothing to do with Asperger’s;

    3. There are some Jews he actually hates: Sam Altman is amongst them;

    4. He enjoys a good thrill and knew exactly what he was doing;

    5. His narcissistic self was hoping the audience would reflect his abject gesture back to him, thereby showing complete control and dominion over it, and increasing his leverage over Trump. That did not happen.

    Bottom line: Elon is not a Nazi but he did give two Nazi Salutes, which is completely unacceptable.


    N.B. For the few whining about my post “sans connaissance the cause” and either trembling about my having shattered their illusions about their cult leader or thinking I am defending Elon:

    I. My point is that he is transactional rather than ideological;

    II. That being said, I am not defending him or his actions, just explaining them and confirming that he did, in fact, do two Nazi Salutes if anyone had doubts or believed the doctored footage of Taylor Swift doing the same thing to normalize what Elon did;

    III. At some point, it matters to few people if one is a Nazi or if one acts like one. My father was a Holocaust Survivor. 32 out of 35 of his family members were murdered by Nazis. My mother’s grandparents were murdered in Auschwitz;

    IV. After Elon tried to manipulate NV’s stock in 2021, I fired him with cause, and he was unable to exercise his stock options. In the aftermath of the Nazi Salutes, I told both him and his wealth manager to fuck off. Any remaining friendship between us ended with the Nazi Salutes. He is blocked on my end and I am pretty sure I am blocked on his;

    V. I did not share what he told me in confidence. I just happen to know him extremely well, the person, the aspirations and the Musk Mask;

    VI. I know who I am, have no desire to be famous and give exceedingly few media interviews. I prefer to work in obscurity and let the work speak for itself. I am certainly not envious and would definitely not want Elon’s life, including living in a bubble and having to make one outlandish claim after another and manipulate the public, elections and governments to shore up my stock and prevent the bubble from bursting. Unlike Elon, I am an actual scientist and inventor and I am not pretending to be someone I am not, like a fellow who got his BA in Econ at 26 all of a sudden pretending to be an expert in mechanical engineering, chemistry, rocket science, neuroscience and AI and keeping the people actually doing the work hidden and paying people to play online games in his name to appear smart and feed his so-called “Supergenius” Personality Cult — the “Imperator” has no clothes, and he knows it. I am just very disappointed in what happened to someone I had a lot of deep admiration for and the first person to find out about my concerns about his behavior was always him;

    VII. He is the one who betrayed a number of his friends, including Sergey, and, given his actions, many other people who believed him and believed in him. I have no sympathy for this behavior, and at some point, after having repeatedly confronted it in private, I believe the ethical thing to do is to speak out, forcefully and unapologetically, whatever the risks may be, so as to not be part of the timid flock remaining silent while evil is being done, including propping up far right governments around the world in part to deregulate his companies and become the first trillionaire and otherwise to “rule the planet” — he knows Mars won’t be terraformed in his lifetime and he really wants his planet. No joke… Ethics matter. People matter. The truth matters.

    I took down Descartes (through the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness) and I am definitely not afraid of a so-called inventor whose greatest invention is his image.

    I will not be silent. You should not be either. I am a sovereign individual, and so are you. I stood up to bullies, and am stepping out of the dark to do it again.

    Stop working for him and being exploited by him. Sell your Tesla and dump your Tesla stock. Nikola Tesla was a great, creative and courageous man who led with ethics and by example and he would not have wanted for his good name to have been used by him and would agree with my principled stance. Sign off of “X” which is boosting far right propaganda, and of your Starlink as well. He is a complete cunt (British slang not meant to be offensive to women) who doesn’t give a shit about you — only about power. Just ask Reid Hoffman. He only wants to control, dominate and use you — don’t let him and cut him and his businesses out of your and your loved ones’ lives entirely. Remember he is a total miserable self-loathing poser, and unless you happen to be one too, he will be much more afraid of you than you should ever be of him.

    He will probably come after me, and I am completely fine with that. I am a self-made multibillionaire with an armada of lawyers — literally — and most importantly, I know who I am and who I stand for, the people and their freedoms, whatever happens. He can send his dumb Proud Boys and Oath Keepers after me and they will be butchered on sight. Either way, I would rather die with honor than live as a coward.

    “Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” — Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
    KOUDY --- ---
    XCHAOS: Po sedme. Me to ze zidle nijak nezveda a je mi to jedno :)..Zveda to ze zidle volice v usa a evrope, kteri voli ty strany ktere voli a proto pravice posiluje. Ja takovej volic nejsem a tyhle strany nevolim. takze treba tohle je lez a typicky ruska dezinformace - [PER2 @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI] . Pouze jsem se tu pokusil poukazat na to, jakym smerem svet posledni roky smeruje a ze tim smerem jde uz davno predtim, nez se Musk zacal srat do politiky a tim padem to neni diky nemu :)...Nikde jsem nepsal, ze s tim smerem souhlasim nebo ho dokonce vitam..protoze to tak neni. To bylo opet jen zbytecny obvineni nekterych nyxaku, kteri vubec necetli co pisu a kdyz napisu, ze gay martin hranac ve videu rekne nejakej nazor, tak si mysleli, ze je to automaticky i muj nazor :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Co to zas meles? Zase tu pojedeme Avatarovy nazory vs Koudyho fakta, kdo asi tak myslis, ze vyhraje? Nikde jsem nikdy nepsal, ze je to nejakej jeho manazerskej uspech. Naopak jsem psal, ze ho pri tom prodeji slusne ojebali a podojili co nejvic mohli a za to respekt. Elon firmu zestihlil tim ze vyhazel zbytecny lidi, osekal kancly, auta a obecne naklady. Kdyby neodesli inzerenti, tak uz je v zisku davno. Jelikoz se chova jako debil, tak inzerenti odesli. I s inzerentama byl nicmene twitter pod minulym vedenim ve ztrate dlouhy roky, takze to pro tu sit neni nic novyho. To jestli ten deal byl pro nej dobrej napad se dozvime za 5 - 10 let..coz jsem ti tu psal taky niz. Bud se ukaze, ze je dobrej napad aby socialni site byly placeny jako streamovaci sluzby a proste budes platit 4 dolacky mesicne za to, ze pouzivas facebook nebo twitter atp, nebo Elon diky kecum na twitteru ziska investice jinde, zakazky jinak a vyplati se mu to timhle zpusobem. Nebo udela z twitteru aplikaci pro vsechno, kdy si pres ni zavolas teslataxi treba. Nebo se treba mentalita firem v usa po nastupu Trumpetky zmeni vic vpravo a zacnou na twitteru zas inzerovat. Viz treba to co psal PES - [PES @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI] o JohnuDerrovi, Budweiseru apod. Je tu asi 8 ruznejch scenaru ktery se muzou stat a my nemame zadny data aby to slo predikovat..a ja na dojmologii nehraju.
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: To chape kazdej. Ja ti jen vysvetluju, ze ji to negativni PR ocividne zatim moc neposkozuje a je to teda bud, ze je to negativni PR pro tebe, ale plno lidi naopak s Muskem a jeho nazorama souhlasi a tim padem je to pro ne pozitivni PR a duvod Teslicku si naopak koupit a nebo ze lidi na jakykoliv muskovo PR serou a proste si kupujou teslu protoze chtej teslu. Mezi takovy lidi bych patril treba ja. Resim vzdycky produkt. Ne kdo sedi v cele te firmy.

    Twitter je firma z roku 2006 a ve ztrate byl deset let z 12..nez ho koupil Musk. Jen dva roky vykazal plus a jeden z toho jen kvuli prodeji nejakyho aktiva, takze v ty ztrate muze vesele pokracovat. Nejspis uz nebude tak velka jako pred lety, kdyz se neplati za zamestnance na houmiku, firemni flotilu a privatni kuchare v kanclech, kde nikdo neni :)

    PES: Muj nazor je stale konstantni a cisla to potvrzujou. To co jsem tu ted vysvetloval Avatarovi jsem rikal uz pul roku zpet Otavovi - [KOUDY @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI]
    Tyhle veci nemaj u konzumentu zadnej dlouhodobej dobeh. Projevi se hned. Na teslu uz davno necekas pul roku. Musk mlel nejvetsi picoviny od jara minulyho roku. Zacal s tim pul roku pred pred volbama. Dezinfo apod. Byl videt po celem twitteru, protoze psal 50 prispevku denne. Po celem svete o tom byly clanky co sdili za blbosti apod. Ve twitter auditku meli kopací žně, ze si museli kazdy tri dny kupovat novy kopacky. Tesla prodeje sly v poslednich dvou kvartalech minuleho roku naopak nahoru oproti roku 2023..Takze ani Muskuv twitter dezinfo spree lidi od koupi tesly ocividne zatim neodradil. Spis naopak.

    KOUDY --- ---
    CHINOXR: The fuck? co to je za totalne mimo misu reakci? Bavili jsme se o investicich a o tom ze kazdej si odpovida za ty svoje. Nevim proc tu meles neco o nejakem bentley a hodinkach. Ja jezdim ve ctyrvalcovem truhlarskem passatu a na ruce mam xiaomi watch fit a pet let se snazim nevycnivat z beznyho prumeru. To ze vydelas penize a das je potrebnym naopak z tebe dobryho cloveka dela. Zadnej milionarskej flex to neni. Stejne jako jsem psal treba hned v prispevku potom - [KOUDY @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI] ze penize te stastnym samy o sobe neudelaj a ke stesti je fakt nepotrebujes. Mozna cti nejdriv celou diskuzi a nereaguj na dve vety z jednoho prispevku, ktery si jeste navic vylozis uplne naopak :)))
    KOUDY --- ---
    ALMAD: Pletes vic veci dohromady. Me na chleba zadnej Elon nevydelava. Na chleba si vydelavam sam diky svejm rozhodnutim do ceho investovat a jak investovat. Diky Tesle jsem treba vydelal tolik, ze jsem pri zacatku valky zaplatil dvema ukrajinskejm zenskejm s detma najem na rok, nebo sem diky vydelkum z bitcoinu prispival na ruzny neziskovky. Treba tady post z 25.2.2022 - [KOUDY @ Zjištění] to ti umoznej investice. Nebo jsem tady bral za milion (a pak jeste za vic) Metu, kdyz byla na 97 dolarech - [KOUDY @ Co vas sere??? Kdo vas sere ??? Aneb...1) ja 2) ja 3) ja 4) ti ostatni] a Omnihash se tomu tenkrat smal. Ze mam prej hodne zbytecnejch penez - [OMNIHASH @ Co vas sere??? Kdo vas sere ??? Aneb...1) ja 2) ja 3) ja 4) ti ostatni] ..Dneska je meta 615 dolaru a ja mam hodne zbytecnejch penez - https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/META ..Do investovani nesmis montovat city a emoce. Jakmile zacnes, tak prodelas. Ja jsem to udelal v listopadu, kdy jsem prodal akcie Tesly, protoze jsem rekl, ze nemam v Elona moc duveru uz a ze pockam co s Trumpem kteryho jeste par let zpatky nesnasel vymysli a ze ho zatim nebudu financne podporovat a co se stalo? Prisel jsem uz tak o 15% moznyho profitu! - [KOUDY @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI]

    Vec druha. Tady v klubu je hodne lidi, kteri Muska naprosto milovali, zboznovali a byl to pro ne buh. Pak koupil twitter s tim ze povolil vetsi miru freespeech ho zacali okamzite nesnaset. Asi u deseti IDcek tu probehl tydenni obrat z adorace Elona o 180 stupnu a bylo hrozne zabavny to sledovat. Ja uz si necim (ne tim obratem, ale vystrizlivenim) prosel pet let pred nima, protoze Elona sleduju snad 15 let a do Tesly investuju 10 let, takze jsem davno zazil casy, kdy placal uz nekdy v roce 2017 na twitteru lzi o tom, ze ma pro firmu soukromy financovani, stahne ji z burzy, tim vyletely akcie nahoru a vypraskal shortare. Dostal za to i pokutu od SEC a nebyla to jedina lez kterou pronesl. Viz autonomni rizeni apod..To byla ta doba, kdy jsem na nej zacal nahlizet uplne jinak nez do ty doby a proto se tu tedka spis uz jen bavim tim, jak prozrenim o tom ze Elon neni spasitel lidstva prochazi cim dal vic lidi.

    Vec treti. Narozdil od tech nyxaku, pro ktere byl Elon buh a ted je najednou antikrist mu furt dokazu bez problemu priznat uspechy. I kvuli tomu, ze jsem s nim videl plno rozhovoru treba z roku 2010, cetl jsem jeho zivotopisy apod. Teslu nezalozil, ale diky jeho napadum a vizi je Tesla tam kde je dneska. SpaceX zalozil a i diky nemu a opet hlavne jeho vizi je ta firma tam kde je dneska. Takze kdyz mi tu nekdo bude rikat, ze Elon nikdy nic nedokazal. Na vsechno mu dal penize tatik a Elon jen krade napady, tak s takovym clovekem budu ve sporu a budu se tu s nim hadat a vysvetlovat mu jak ucitel zakovi na zakladce jaka je realita. Kdyz tu nekdo bude tvrdit, ze Elon posledni leta fakt magori, ze pred volbama mlel nejaky dezinfo na twitteru apod, tak se s nim hadat nebudu a budu s nim ve shode, protoze bude mit pravdu. Jen proste nejsem zastancem hromadnyho kopani do nekoho jen na zaklade toho, ze je potreba nekoho nesnaset, protoze se nechova nebo nejedna tak jak bych si predstavoval.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    A ještě budu citovat definici, kterou jsi sám sdílel.
    "raising an outstretched right arm with the palm down"

    To vypadá nějak povědomě, ne? (včetně jiného experta tvrdícího, že to hajlování bylo)
    [CHOSIE @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI]
    KOUDY --- ---
    LEGI: Ano jsem a ano..i takovy pokusy uz tu byly. Merit veci je spis ze by bylo dobry tu debatovat s lidma kteri o Muskovi neco vedej a ne s tema, kteri tvrdi ze nikdy nic nevymyslel ani nedokazal. Ze se mu nikdy nic nepovedlo a nepoji se s jeho osobou zadnej uspech. Ze miliardy zdedil apod. Zvlast v dnesni dobe wiki, googlu apod je pak ta diskuze s podobnejma lidma dost narocna.

    Jinak BTW krasnej obrazek, akorat mimo misu. Resili jsme tu odecet z dani a jak jsou to vsechno hrozny zmrdi kdyz neplatej dane a radsi to davaj do nadaci ty prachy. Tak se jeste podivej kdo do ni prispiva, kolik a kolik si toho odecita z dani..U Buffeta to jen u Gates foundation bylo 43 miliard dolaru.

    Mark Suzman, CEO of the Gates Foundation, said Mr Buffett had been "exceedingly generous" over the 18-year partnership and said the foundation was "deeply grateful for his most recent gift and contributions totalling approximately $43 billion to our work"

    Bill si odecetl z dani uz skoro 60 miliard dolaru jen u svy charity.
    Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, who cochair the board, have been the largest donors—they've contributed $59.1 billion as of 2022.

    Elonek dal 100micu v akciich a ja tu schytal hate, kdyz jsem psal ze je to normalni a delaj to tak vsichni miliardari - [KOUDY @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI] (nerekl jsem ze s tim souhlasim nebo ze to delam taky)

    Tak Buffet si odecetl z dani pres 5 miliard - 28. 6. 2024 — Buffett is giving away another $5.3 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway stock to five foundations in accordance with his longtime giving plan.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Elon Musk says a 3rd Person has a Neuralink
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