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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: BOD1E: Jak to souvisi s klimatem?
    TUHO --- ---
    Looking around us, we can clearly see some of the cracks in society. We now know the status quo has failed. These sudden transformations are a collective trauma,
    Read about the overlap between climate grief and the coronavirus, by Mary Annaïse Heglar.argues climate justice writer Mary Annaïse Heglar. We are in mourning for a familiar world that has suddenly vanished. The old world is not coming back. There is a tangible sense of grief and loss. It’s a moment of triage for the entire planet.

    We aren’t just stopping coronavirus. We’re building a new world - The Correspondent
    DZODZO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Koronavirus jako advokát dieselů: doprava klesla, ale emise zůstaly - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    China Limited the Mekong’s Flow. Other Countries Suffered a Drought.

    “As China was stricken by the coronavirus in late February, its foreign minister addressed a concerned crowd in Laos, where farmers and fishers across the Mekong River region were contending with the worst drought in living memory.

    His message: We feel your pain. The foreign minister, Wang Yi, said China was also suffering from arid conditions that were sucking water from one of the world’s most productive rivers.

    But new research from American climatologists shows for the first time that China, where the headwaters of the Mekong spring forth from the Tibetan Plateau, was not experiencing the same hardship at all. Instead, Beijing’s engineers appear to have directly caused the record low water levels by limiting the river’s flow.”
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: ještě k těm USA doporučuji sledovat tohle
    EIA’s Electric Power Monthly – March 2020 Edition with data for January 2020 » Peak Oil Barrel

    tak za tři měsíce tam budou údaje za duben a to bude pošušňáníčko, protože
    - plná koronakrize
    - nejvyšší produkce z větru
    - poměrně vysoká produkce z FVE
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: Austrie (Rakousko), ne Austrálie :-))
    BOD1E --- ---
    Koronavirus jako advokát dieselů: doprava klesla, ale emise zůstaly - iDNES.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Hmm... tak už i cena energie v Německu je průměrně záporná? možná to, co jsem psal o našich hnědouhelných elektrárnách, byla blbost... (ale v zimě přeci jen...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: well, that escalated quickly...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    usa pokracujou v renewables navzdory trumpovi

    Wind is now the largest power source in Iowa and Kansas - Electrek

    + australie zavrela posledni coal plant
    PETER_PAN --- ---

    Historic day for oil markets as WTI crude crashes below zero for first time | Financial Post
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Ropa pod 2 USD za barel znamená, že možná lidi teď tolik ropy zas pálit nehodlaj...
    DRSH --- ---
    Západ USA čeká megasucho. Může trvat desetiletí, tvrdí američtí vědci v časopise Science | Plus
    TUHO --- ---
    Rakousko v pátek uzavřelo uhelnou elektrárnu Mellach - poslední v zemi. Stalo se tak osmým státem v Evropské unii, který skoncoval se spalováním uhlí. S odkazem na rakouskou energetickou skupinu Verbund o tom dnes informovala agentura AP.

    Rakousko uzavřelo poslední uhelnou elektrárnu v zemi - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate campaigners, such as Greta Thunberg, have also expressed concern that climate projections typically do not fully incorporate the potential range of carbon-cycle feedbacks.
    This article explores the implications of carbon-cycle feedback uncertainties by examining a number of modelling studies conducted by scientists over the past decade. These studies give a similar central estimate of carbon-cycle feedbacks to those used in IPCC projections.
    But, at the high end, the results show these feedbacks could push atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases much higher – meaning more warming – from the same level of emissions.
    Analysis for this article shows that feedbacks could result in up to 25% more warming than in the main IPCC projections.

    Analysis: How ‘carbon-cycle feedbacks’ could make global warming worse | Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    17. dubna v 20:30 ·
    BREAKING: Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $1.7 billion for oil well cleanups. And $750 million to help oil & gas industry with methane reductions.
    This could have been a lot worse if tens of thousands of people across the country didn't speak out demanding our elected leaders #BailoutPeopleNotOil!
    We know that oil & gas CEOs have a long wishlist of demands for Trudeau and they're going to keep pushing. That's why we must push back and demand a #JustRecovery from the #COVID19 pandemic that puts people first.

    TUHO --- ---
    According to this report by International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewables accounted for almost three quarters of new capacity in 2019. This added a whopping 176 gigawatts of generating capacity globally, just marginally lower than 2018. Read more
    Sector adds 176 GW of generating capacity with solar and wind accounting for 90 per cent of additions.

    Renewables Account for Almost Three Quarters of New Capacity in 2019
    DZODZO --- ---
    ukradnute odvedla
    Then and now: visualizing COVID-19’s impact on air traffic | Flightradar24 Blog
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