SHINIGAMI: pletes dohromady 2 problemy (vyroba, skladovani) a z toho vyvozujes svoje argumenty. jenze ty problemy sou delitelne a lze je i oddelene resit.
i u uhli a jadra je potreba resit skladovani, abys mohl regulovat aktualni vyrobu. slunci a vetru neporucime, tkaze ten proces je opacny, je to vyroba na sklad
LINKOS: jen je k tomu potreba doplnit, ze s poptavkou narustaji i moznosti zaloh - baterie, vodik, nove typy precerpavacek, napr. "Gravity power plant".
linky nize
baterie se zaplati na uspore nakladu, viz napr.
Hornsdale reduced network costs by about A$116 million ($76 million) in 2019, according to Aurecon, savings Heron said would be passed on to businesses and households in the state. The battery’s introduction also slashed the cost to regulate South Australia’s grid by 91%, bringing it in line with other regions in the nation, according to Aurecon.
Pumped hydro / Gravity power plant
Elon Musk Should Build Pumped Hydro With Tesla Energy, The Boring Co., & Coal Miners | CleanTechnica
Hydrogen Energy Storage: A New Solution To the Renewable Energy Intermittency Problem - Renewable Energy World
The versatility of stored hydrogen gas means it can be placed at the center of new renewable energy infrastructure development. The renewably produced, stored gas (energy), could be used in large-scale fuel cells to produce electricity on-site, or it can utilize existing infrastructure, such as natural gas pipelines or other pipelines.
As Harrison noted: “Hydrogen gas gives you opportunities to do a lot of other things. You can turn it back into electricity for the grid, you can produce ammonia and you can use it to fill fuel cell electric vehicles (as we do here at the NREL). We’re even working to demonstrate the process of combining the renewable hydrogen we produce with carbon dioxide to produce synthetic natural gas. This can be piped straight into existing natural gas infrastructure.”
Hydrogen gas is a complete storage solution that would allow wind and solar energy to power our lives seamlessly.