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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    COVID-19 exposes urgent need for regeneration, resilience in agriculture | Greenbiz

    General Mills, which has over 100 consumer brands ranging from Cheerios cereal to Gold Medal flour, has been digging its heels into regenerative agriculture practices and working with members of its supply chain — namely its farmers — to help reach its science-based target of reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent across its value chain by 2025. The food company plans to advance regenerative practices on at least 1 million acres of land by 2030.

    Over half of the company’s carbon footprint and "transformation of usable ingredients" and 82 percent of its water footprint lie in its agricultural supply chain, making it a good place to seek improvements.

    "We’re advancing these activities but we’re about outcomes," said Jeff Hanratty, sustainability manager at General Mills during the webcast.

    He said the company is going after four outcomes — increasing economic resiliency, improving soil health, bettering water outcomes and improving above-ground biodiversity.

    Hanratty said General Mills is connecting farmers in its supply chain to experts who can help them adjust their practices to achieve these outcomes. Because the company is one of the largest oat purchasers in the food industry, it started two pilots with farmers who grow that commodity. Then it decided to work with farmers who grow wheat.

    In both instances, Hanratty said the farmers are working to figure out what they can do differently while General Mills is figuring out the most economical ways those operations can measure their impact as they scale their regenerative farming efforts.
    YEETKA --- ---
    Stahlman joins Team Human to discuss how artificial intelligence has become the new ground for human interaction, and why navigating it will require us to retrieve our uniquely human senses. “We will only become fully human if we learn to take responsibility for our actions.” Stahlman says. Further, he discusses the shift from a television environment to a digital environment and what that means for our collective sensibilities.

    TADEAS --- ---
    The grand old trees of the world are dying, leaving forests younger and shorter

    Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world | Science

    To paint the most detailed picture of global tree loss to date, nearly two dozen scientists from around the world examined more than 160 previous studies and combined their findings with satellite imagery. Their analysis reveals that from 1900 to 2015, the world lost more than a third of its old-growth forests.

    In places where historical data is the most detailed—particularly Canada, the western United States, and Europe—mortality rates have doubled in just the past four decades, and a higher proportion of those deaths are older trees.

    There is no single direct cause. Decades of logging and land clearing play a role, scientists say. But increasing temperatures and rising carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels have significantly magnified most other causes of tree death. From Israel’s eucalyptus and cypress plantations to Mongolia’s birch and larch stands, scientists are documenting longer and harsher droughts, more severe outbreaks of insects and disease, and increasingly catastrophic wildfires.

    “We will see fewer forests,” says Monica Turner, a forest ecologist at the University of Wisconsin. “There will be areas where there are forests now where there won’t be in the future.”


    In central Europe, for instance, “You don’t have to look for dead trees,” says Henrik Hartmann, with Germany's Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. “They’re everywhere.”

    In one recent year, following a week of excessive heat, hundreds of thousands of beech trees dropped their leaves. Bark beetles are also killing spruce, which is not unusual. But hotter weather weakens trees, making them more vulnerable and allowing the insects to multiply and survive through winter into the next year.

    Even in colder regions, “You get a couple of hot years and the forests are suffering,” says Hartmann, who was not an author on McDowell’s study. “We’re approaching a situation where the forests cannot acclimate. There are individual species that are being driven beyond the threshold of what they can handle.”


    McDowell and several colleagues began pondering how tree loss would alter forests’ ability to sequester CO2—and how to better predict such devastation in the future. A decade later, a co-worker examined tree rings and past temperature swings and found a relationship between heat and tree deaths. Then he simulated how the forest would change based on temperature projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The results suggested that by 2050, normal temperatures in the Southwest could be similar to rare past heat waves that led to severe tree-killing droughts. “That was really frightening,” McDowell says.

    McDowell and other scientists began to look more broadly. Many people had assumed rising CO2 would feed tree growth. But as the planet gets hotter, the atmosphere sucks moisture from plants and animals. Trees respond by shedding leaves or closing their pores to retain moisture. Both of those reactions curtail CO2 uptake. It’s like “going to an all-you-can-eat buffet with duct tape over their mouths,” McDowell says.

    In a tropical forest, the vast majority of tree mass can be in the top one percent of the largest trees. “These big old trees disproportionately hold the above-ground carbon storage,” says study co-author Craig D. Allen, a forest ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “When they die, it creates space for smaller trees, but they have much less carbon in them.”

    That’s important, because most global carbon models used by the IPCC assume that forests will do far more to offset our fossil fuel use. The reality may be far less clear.
    TADEAS --- ---
    54. minuta - planetarita
    1:01:30 - klima

    Yanis Varoufakis l Cambridge Union Online
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Have Banks Become Climate Advocates? Interpreting Shareholder Votes And Lending Policies Regarding The Fossil Fuel Sector

    BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world, controlling about $7 trillion (if it were a country, it would be the third largest economy behind the US and China). In January 2020, Larry Fink, BlackRock's CEO, dropped a bombshell in his annual letter. Fink declared that environmental sustainability will now be at the center of BlackRock's investment strategy. He also promised that BlackRock would deploy its shareholder power to push companies to act on climate change.

    In Exxon's annual meeting,  BlackRock voted against the reelection of two outside directors, Angela Braly and Kenneth Frazier, to express unhappiness over Exxon’s climate risk disclosures.
    TADEAS --- ---
    It Will Get Darker Before the Dawn - Resilience

    The collapse of the fossil fuel industry – good for climate action but bad for geopolitical stability 10 – has long been understood as a systemic financial risk. The pandemic may have just triggered it 11, leading not just to economic losses but major global power shifts.

    The pandemic has highlighted inherent structural weaknesses in some of the worlds largest economies, but none more so than the US. Their weak response to the pandemic combined with inequality will likely tip the US into depression 12 – or worse. Social commentator Umair Haque describes the current state of the US as “A nation in which income, savings, life expectancy, happiness, trust are all in free-fall. This is the stuff of epic social collapse”. I think he’s right. The collapse we’re witnessing will likely lead to violent civil unrest and political chaos – but certainly to ugly polarisation and instability, manufactured trade conflicts, nationalism and protectionism.
    Just those two examples, happening on top of the renewable energy and electrified transport revolution already underway, will precipitate massive global shifts in political and economic power – not just from the US to China but more broadly – with far reaching implications 13. As argued by the Bank of America report, it could lead to “….some of the largest shifts in power ever seen in modern economic history.” The US will be an empire in decline, with all the risks that entails.


    The only way to avoid them is to force a collective recognition amongst policy makers and the business community as to what this is really about. We have a system problem and unless we address it in a systems way, we will fail.

    Will we do so? Or will we launch some token version of a “Green New Deal” programme, add on a slightly stronger social safety net and call it a revolution? Will we use this opportunity – or will we just apply unfocused monetary policy – basically spend lots of money – still deluded that we can restart the economy as it was?

    History is brutal teacher on this topic. As we have seen with COVID 19, it’s only when an existential crisis hits – with direct and immediate impact – that we then embark on truly dramatic change. Will this crisis be enough to trigger a broader understanding of, and appropriate reaction to, the greater systemic crisis?

    The evidence so far is probably not. Not until things get worse. A lot worse. It may or may not be a synchronised global depression, and it may not be global collapse, but it will be very bad, and it will last for a long time.


    first we have to decide to change.

    This is about choice, not about our capacity to deliver. Each and every ‘black elephant’ is fixable – if we act in time. We have the technology, the financial capacity, the intellect, the humanity and a visceral instinct to survive. But if I dwell on that potential here, I risk triggering your optimism bias and the opportunity for denial.

    TADEAS --- ---

    Pozice odmítače evropské zelené politiky byla pro Českou republiku dlouhodobě neudržitelná. Babiš se dostal do izolace a postupně ztratil i své nejvěrnější spojence z Polska, kteří podobný dopis jako Brabec sepsali už před měsícem. Reálně jde ovšem jen o úhybný manévr, který má zlepšit vládní vyjednávací pozici.

    Ve stejném dopise Brabec totiž uvádí, že Česká republika nechce zvýšit cíl pro snížení emisí do roku 2030, minimálně ne bez analýzy dopadů. Současný unijní cíl snížit v této dekádě emise o čtyřicet procent navrhuje Evropská komise zvednout na padesát až pětapadesát procent, přičemž ekologické organizace a část europoslanců prosazují minimálně pětašedesát procent.

    Nechme stranou, že při zvážení historické odpovědnosti Evropy a rozsahu problému, jaký klimatická krize představuje, by evropský cíl pro rok 2030 reálně měl ležet někde u osmdesáti procent. Cíle pro rok 2030 budou ale klíčovou součástí letošní evropské klimatické debaty, přičemž bez jejich byť jen minimálního zvýšení se země Visegrádské čtyřky dokola budou vymlouvat, že své závazky plní a nemusí tedy dělat vůbec nic.

    Navíc napřesrok bude klíčová klimatická konference v Glasgow, kde budou státy OSN diskutovat o zvyšování svých cílů a postoj Evropské unie bude pro vyjednávání klíčový. Strategií české vlády je zvýšení cílů zabránit. Případně ho zpomalit tak, aby do Glasgow Evropa přijela s prázdnýma rukama. Rozvracet klimatickou politiku se totiž dá i v případě, že jí oficiálně přitakáváte.

    Nejinak je tomu v otázce energetických zdrojů. Česká republika se oficiálně přidala k osmi převážně východním státům, které usilují o to, aby peníze na Zelenou dohodu šly také do stavby plynové infrastruktury. Fosilní plyn přitom hraje čím dál větší úlohu při prohlubování klimatické krize. Dnes už je pozdě dívat se na plyn jako na přechodové palivo, nicméně pořád na něm lze hodně zbohatnout.

    Stačí se podívat na Daniela Křetínského, jehož Energetický a průmyslový holding na plynu vydělává miliardy. Stejně tak oficiální přitakání umožní české vládě lépe vyjednávat s Evropskou komisí o to, aby přispěla na nesmyslný projekt stavby nových jaderných bloků Dukovan. Právě tyto zájmy bude Babiš hájit, ačkoliv už nyní bude Zelenou dohodu oficiálně podporovat.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Babišova podpora Zelené dohody smrdí plynem a září jádrem - Radek Kubala

    Vyšel mi krátký komentář k tomu proč vláda "otočila" a začala podporovat Zelenou dohodu.

    "Stačí se podívat na Daniela Křetínského, jehož Energetický a průmyslový holding na plynu vydělává miliardy. Stejně tak oficiální přitakání umožní české vládě lépe vyjednávat s Evropskou komisí o to, aby přispěla na nesmyslný projekt stavby nových jaderných bloků Dukovan. Právě tyto zájmy bude Babiš hájit, ačkoliv už nyní bude Zelenou dohodu oficiálně podporovat."
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Tak jsem se na mapách seznamu podíval, kde by mohly být ty nové přehrady. Jedna z nich by měla zničit údolí Oslavky. Druhá údolí Bobravy u Brna. Prakticky všechny nejkrásnější údolí mimo civilizaci, dnes často chráněné přírodní rezervace by to zničilo. Tak tohle jen přes mou mrtvolu.

    YEETKA --- ---
    ta neschopnost komunikace mezi jednotlivými ministerstvy je jedním z největších kamenů úrazu..
    piráti tohle už aktivně řeší..
    KEB --- ---
    Komentář: Velevrub tupý, zeleň ve vládě? K nezaplacení - Seznam Zprávy
    KEB --- ---
    YMLADRIS: taky jsem si říkal že nejdříve je potřeba mrknout do smlouvy. Pak pohrozit vypovězením pokud neakceptuje požadavky.

    Druhá věc je, jak mu dokázat že eko podmínky porušil. Jedna věc je právo a druhá jak ho vymáhat. To nemám tušení.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: diky to je presne ono
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KULHY: jsem uplny laik, pouze volne asociuji ze loni Hlubucek a Hrib rikali ze pachtyrum nakazou kde co


    dale jsem snad i videla kontextovou reklamu typu "Vlastnite pudu? Dejte najemcum eko podminky" .. nejaka kampan nekde. Ale protoze to nemuzu dohledat, asi to bylo ve snu. Mozna napis dotaz na www.veronica.cz tam vedi vsechno
    TUHO --- ---
    Franco Berardi o koronakrizi, klimaticke krizi a mozne budoucnosti

    For decades, we have been obliged to work in dangerous conditions. Climate change and the degradation of the environment have not been stopped by protests and widespread awareness. Capitalism does not give a damn about protests and people’s awareness. But now it’s different: the living body of humanity (and the interactive mind) have been somewhat paralyzed by the presentment of the end: in short, a global trauma. Yesterday, the conditions for revolution were present: the sinking of democracy, the arrogance of the powerful, rampant poverty, violent exploitation, ecological devastation, and widely accessible information about what is going on. But, to quote the Invisible Committee: “Reasons do not make revolutions, bodies do.” Now something new has happened: bodies are obliged to stop their economic frenzy. Only trauma can provoke this sudden stop and this unavoidable change of direction. And the pandemic is the trauma that we needed. But, trauma is not enough. Trauma may also lead (and it generally does) to very bad choices—for instance the establishment of a techno-totalitarian system for the greater control of society, in this case. So, what is needed now is a period of active imagination to re-program that which may follow the halt, the big reset of the global machine.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Ask A Scientist LIVE Ep3: Agroecology: can we feed the world without destroying it?
    TUHO --- ---
    KULHY --- ---
    SMYSLOV: Pro me to je zatim taky jen sen. Chce to nizky prahy a dosazitelny cile. Navic to budu prosazovat mezi spoluvlastniky s ruznym mindsetrm.
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