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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: jo nejake casove okno na max prikon by som si vedel predstavit, kedze uz teraz sa prisposobujem spotrebou pocasiu, je pravda, ze az budem mat elektromobil tak zrejme budem vyuzivat ten plny prikon castejsie, momentalne nic 3-fazoveho nepouzivam
    PAD --- ---
    Dobra esej: https://www.technologyreview.com/...ons-from-a-genocide-can-prepare-humanity-for-climate-apocalypse/

    According to Lloyd’s of London, which in 2015 commissioned a study on food security, any single significant shock to the global food system “would be expected to generate major economic and political impacts.” But as Earth’s climate transforms into an environment human civilization has never before witnessed, we should realistically expect not one shock but an unending series of them. And this is presuming that global warming continues only at current rates, rather than accelerating nonlinearly as a result of the cascading feedbacks previously mentioned.

    All of this will happen day by day, month by month, year by year. There will certainly be “events,” like the events we’ve seen in the past decade—heat waves, massively destructive hurricanes, the slowdown in vital Atlantic Ocean currents, and political events connected to climate change, such as the Syrian civil war, the Mediterranean refugee crisis, France’s gilets jaunes riots, and so on—but barring nuclear war, we are unlikely to see any one global “Event” that will mark the transition we’re waiting for, make climate change “real,” and force us to change our ways.


    Climate change is happening—that much is clear. But the problem remains beyond our grasp, and any realistic solution seems unimaginable within our current conceptual framework. Although the situation is dire, overwhelming, intractable, and unprecedented in scale, however, it is not without historical analogues. This is not the first time a group of humans has had to deal with the failure of their conceptual framework for navigating reality. This is not the first time the world has ended.

    Poets, thinkers, and scholars have pondered cultural catastrophe again and again. The ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh tells the story of humans surviving civilizational collapse caused by ecological transformation: Gilgamesh “brought back wisdom from before the flood.” Virgil’s Aeneid tells of not only the fall of Troy but also the survival of the Trojans. Several books of the Torah tell how the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered the Jewish people, destroyed their temple, and exiled them. That story provided later generations with a powerful model of cultural endurance.

    One historical analogy stands out with particular force: the European conquest and genocide of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Here, truly, a world ended. Many worlds, in fact. Each civilization, each tribe, lived within its own sense of reality—yet all these peoples saw their lifeworlds destroyed and were forced to struggle for cultural continuity beyond mere survival, a struggle that the Anishinaabe poet Gerald Vizenor calls “survivance.”

    The experience of Chief Plenty Coups and the Crow, as Lear explains, is that after the coming of the white man and the passing of the buffalo, “nothing happened.” That is, when the Crow way of life collapsed, the Crow people could no longer find meaning for individual acts and occurrences within a rich web of shared signification, values, and goals. The Crow had survived, but they did not live as Crow had lived. In a strong sense, occurrences no longer had any meaning at all—which is to say there was no longer any such thing as an “event.” The Crow faced the destruction of their conceptual reality.

    Despite this, Plenty Coups offered his people a vision of a future in which meaning and events might once again become possible. He framed his vision through a dream he’d had of the disappearance of the buffalo. Within the dream, a chickadee teaches Plenty Coups to listen carefully, learn from his enemies, and “learn to avoid disaster by the experiences of others.”

    Today the Crow—just like the Sioux, the Navajo, the Potawatomi, and numerous other native peoples— live in communities that struggle with poverty, suicide, and unemployment. But these communities are also home to poets, historians, singers, dancers, and thinkers committed to indigenous cultural flourishing. The point here is not to glamorize indigenous closeness to “nature,” or to indulge a naive longing for lost hunter-warrior values, but to ask what we might learn from courageous and intelligent people who survived cultural and ecological catastrophe.

    So we have to confront two distinct challenges. The first is whether we might curtail the worst possibilities of climate change and stave off human extinction by limiting greenhouse-gas emissions and decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. The second is whether we will be able to transition to a new way of life in the world we’ve made. Meeting the latter challenge demands mourning what we have already lost, learning from history, finding a realistic way forward, and committing to an idea of human flourishing beyond any hope of knowing what form that flourishing will take. “This is a daunting form of commitment,” Lear writes, for it is a commitment “to a goodness in the world that transcends one’s current ability to grasp what it is.”

    Nevertheless, the fact that our situation offers no good prospects does not absolve us of the obligation to find a way forward. Our apocalypse is happening day by day, and our greatest challenge is learning to live with this truth while remaining committed to some as-yet-unimaginable form of future human flourishing—to live with radical hope. Despite decades of failure, a disheartening track record, ongoing paralysis, a social order geared toward consumption and distraction, and the strong possibility that our great-grandchildren may be the last generation of humans ever to live on planet Earth, we must go on. We have no choice.

    PAD --- ---
    PAD: Anebo nejaky pruznejsi zpusob prodeje. Rekneme ze budu mit pripojeni 3X25A, ale bude mi to garantovano minimalne 8h denne, v minimalne 2 hodinovych blocich (podobne jako s HDO/"nocnim proudem"). Pak si das panely na strechu, pojedes z nich, ale kdyz nebude svitit, tak holt budes muset jet budto na baterky, nebo pockat, az elektrina bude z gridu. Ja bych na tohle asi pristoupil.
    PAD --- ---
    DZODZO: Uz jsem cetl nazory, ze vzhledem k tomu, jak je ten trh uz dnes regulovany, tak ze se proste bude muset zvysovat skokove prave poplatek za pripojeni. Ten argument je, ze ty si platis vlastne ten komfort, ze mas kdykoliv 3x25A k dispozici, i kdyby jsi odebral za rok jen rekneme 1MWh. Distributor a vyrobce tak musi udrzovat v chodu celou tu infrastrukturu, aby tohle bylo mozne.

    Cili opravdovou alternativou je opravdu jen ostrovni system. Off-grid & fuck-off!:)
    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: tak teraz platim za istic 99 (3x25A), tak snad to nedvihnu skokovo na 199
    PAD --- ---
    DZODZO: Pred nedavnem jsem tu daval propocty zalozene na simulacich (nakalibrovanych na realny trh), ze kterych celkem jasne vyplyva, ze jadro je ekonomicky vyhodnou soucasti mixu. Ze jakmile zvysis podil OZE nad +- 50%, zacnou ti vyrazne rust naklady na distribuci a jeji stabilizaci (baterie, precerpavacky, dodatecna vedeni, atp). To je zaver i te analyzy uhelne komise, ktera byla nedavno rozebirana v DenikuN (myslim, ze minuly tyden) - muzeme mit plne pokryti OZE, ale bude to velmi drahe a take mene spolehlive (neco kolem 1600 hodin v roce, cili asi 2 mesice, kdy bychom museli elektrinu dovazet).

    Ja mam dnes jediny problem s JE - je to geopoliticke rozhodnuti, ktere kdyz padne, nepujde jednoduse zvratit. Pokud to tu dostanou Rusove, tak jsme v prdeli. Bude to tady prolezle agenty s velmi dobrym krytim, korupci to proroste i na lokalni uroven, proste nebude to pro nas vubec dobre. Pokud by nasim partnerem ve stavbe novych JE byla nejaka demokraticka zeme, tak jsem s tim uplne ok. I kdyby to melo byt drazsi. (Oblibene klise: Nejsem tak bohaty, abych si kupoval levne veci.)

    A ohledne toho, ze "mna sa to zvysenie cien elektriny zas az tak nedotkne" - pokud jsi pripojeny ke gridu, tak muzes ocekavat, ze zvednou i pausal za jistic, takze oni si zpusoby, jak lidi za tech 20 let podojit najdou, o to strach nemam;)
    DZODZO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: no bude to tak drahe, ze si to zaplatime vsetci v cenach elektriny, aspon sa prestane nadavat na solarny tunel a zacne sa nadavat na jadrovy tunel... a mne to vlastne moze byt jedno, mna sa to zvysenie cien elektriny zas az tak nedotkne
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Tohle je zajimave.

    1] Babis samozrejmne retoricky nekde na urovni retarda, ale rika jen ze je problem vubec v ramci Green Dealu komunikovat JE jako cisty zdroj. Tohle ma ideologickou a geopolitickou rovinu, ale fakticky je to arbitrarne urcena vlastnost a cesta se kterou se nepocita. A pocitat by se s ni melo.

    2] Brabec poukazuje na ten geopoliticky aspekt.
    -- "Tady se někdy dává do kontrapunktu cena obnovitelných zdrojů, ale uvádí se právě ty offshorové větrné elektrárny a je porovnávána Česká republika s Německem. Já říkám, že bohužel Česká republika nemá moře."
    To je vecna a pravdiva poznamka.

    O co jde. CR je vnitrozemsky stat, zeme ktera je exportne zamerena na maly prumysl (subdodavatelsky) a automobilovy prumysl. Jaka bude bilancni strategie kdyz budeme muset dovazet elektrinu z Nemecka a v ramci EU postupne zlikvidujeme automobilismus? Ne vazne, tohle je otazka narodniho hospodarstvi. Co budeme vyvazet v ramci stabilizace obchodni bilance? Kurovcove drevo?

    Tady je jeste problem ze dekarbonizace i elektromobily prichazeji pozde. Ty strukturalni zmeny prijdou ted a nastup elektromobilu uz ted vic zrychlit nejde. (Z pohledu evropskeho automotive do toho nastoupili vsichni a ve vyvoji jsou vsechny firemni zdroje. VW ma platformu MEB ktera ho stala mrte miliard, ostatni tlaci na pilu jak to jde. Blokovali to svoji liknavosti a navazanim na fosil dlouho, ale ted v tuhle chvili do toho busi vsichni a uz to o moc vic urychlit nejde.)

    Takze stav kdyz ty omezeni automobilismu budou tak enormni ze provozovat auto na denni bazi nebude smysluplne realne hrozi. V tu chvili zadna technologicka next-gen nebude moc prijit protoze to nepujde z ceho zaplatit (protoze nebudou ty prodeje, infrastruktura, proste cele to prostredi) a ta uroven mobility, svobody a skalovatelnosti lidskych cinnosti bude vyznamne poskozena. Tohle je jeden z duvodu proc subvence do automotive (ale i jinych prumyslovych odvetvi) davaji smysl, byt na prvni pohled se podporuje korporat misto lokalnich investic. Pri nejake vyznamne urovni poskozeni toho prumysloveho prostredi uz to pak nepujde vzit zpet. Na tehle hranici laviruje ted JE, od urcite urovne destrukce infrastruktury a prumysloveho provazani to zkolabuje a pak budou moc zeleni aktiviste rict - my jsme vam to rikali jak to bude drahe. Ano na zaklade lzivych argumentu ktere 30 let opakovali zpusobili destrukci a pak rikali ze je to zdestruovane.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Ale samozrejmne proc pouzivat technologie ktere tu jsou par desitek let, kdyz muzeme cekat a preslapovat a povidat si o strakach na vrbe.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Takovych materialu je vic a jiz delsi dobu. Problem byl vzdy s ucinnosti v realnych podminkach.

    - Donedavna se elektrolyza vody v kapalnem stravu obecne energeticky nevyplatila. To se tedy poslednich nekolik let meni, ale o nejakym realnym provozu nevim (jestli uz neco bezi v provoznim meritku klidne me oprav(te)). Veskery komercne dostupny H2 se i ted (minimalne v EU/USA) vyrabi z methanu (CH4 + O2 = H2 + CO2).
    - Historicky je prumyslova elektrolyza zvladnuta u prehrate pary, tam uz energeticky gradient tak maly ze elektrolyza dava smysl.
    - Take je zvladnuty proces stepeni extremne prehrate pary z chladiciho okruhu JE. To byla hlavni myslenka jeste v 90. letech jak se vyporadat s vykyvy spotreby a uvaha pro vodikove hospodarstvi. Teplo z JE by vyrabelo H2 neustale a ten by se spotrebovaval podle potreby. Byly i kalkulace ze by to mohlo byt i celkove ucinnejsi co se vyuziti energie tyce. -- -- To by mi i prislo jako relevantni napad do mixu OZE. Mit cast JE jako bazal spotreby ktera bude vykryvat tu stalou potrebu, cast OZE kde prebytky pujdou do akumulace ci skalovatelnych technologii (nabijeni aut, odsolovani vody, hydrometalurgicke cisteni medi atp.) a dalsi cast JE bude produkovat vodik ktery se bude spotrebovavat ve spickach nebo bude vykryvat vodikove hospodarstvi.
    TADEAS --- ---
    New nanomaterial developed to split water molecules, obtain dihydrogen under sunlight

    research team led by Kazuhiko Maeda at Tokyo Tech has developed a new photocatalyst consisting of nanoscale metal oxide sheets and a ruthenium dye molecule, which works according to a mechanism similar to dye-sensitized solar cells. While metal oxides that are photocatalytically active for overall water splitting into H2 and O2 have wide band gaps, dye-sensitized oxides can utilize visible light, the main component of sunlight (Figure 1). The new photocatalyst is capable of generating H2 from water with a turnover frequency of 1960 per hour and an external quantum yield of 2.4%.

    These results are the highest recorded for dye-sensitized photocatalysts under visible light, bringing Maeda's team a step closer to the goal of artificial photosynthesis—replicating the natural process of using water and sunlight to sustainably produce energy.
    DZODZO --- ---
    Ma niekto skusenost s niecim takymto?

    JINDRICH --- ---
    "Revitalizace a renaturace vodních toků a niv, vytváření a obnova vodních prvků s ekostabilizační funkcí (např. tůní, mokřadů a malých vodních nádrží) jsou podporovány z OPŽP 2014–2020. Do dubna 2020 bylo schváleno 472 projektů v celkové výši 3,7 mld. Kč celkových způsobilých výdajů." https://www.cenia.cz/
    TUHO --- ---
    skvelej rozhovor s latourem. doporucuju vsem

    Bruno Latour: 'This is a global catastrophe that has come from within' | World news | The Guardian
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Restoration of the “Deer Park Obelisk” Floodplain Landscape on the Lednice –Valtice Site « Landezine International Landscape Award LILA

    SHEFIK --- ---
    sem zvedavej co na to trump. na ekonomickou strunu uz se mu bude s uhlim tezko hrat. link na studii uvnitr

    Plunging Renewable Energy Prices Mean U.S. Can Hit 90% Clean Electricity By 2035 - At No Extra Cost

    Renewable energy has historically been considered too expensive and too unreliable to power our grid, but new research has overturned that trope for good. Plummeting wind, solar, and storage prices have fallen so fast that the United States can reach 90% clean electricity by 2035 – without raising customer costs at all from today’s levels, and actually decreasing wholesale power costs 10%.
    DRSH --- ---
    Za 50 let bude v Česku o 2 až 3 °C vyšší teplota, tvrdí expert České zemědělské univerzity | Plus
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: rika: "díky, no tak autor klidně může napsat reakci na mě :)"
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: ale jo, klidne. snad sem ja nesepsal hatespeech a treba nas to vsechny nekam posune :) dik
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: mam ji to poslat?
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