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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: ja ti nevím, docela experimentuju s košem na bioodpad a všechno to je jen o tom mít na dvě nějakou savou látku, piliny, slamenou rezanku apod. Případně to ještě zasypavat jako v případě kompostovacích toale, ale tomu jsem se snažil vyhnout. Ve městě by to asi šlo nahradit třeba hoblinama pod křečky, resp. téma peletkama? Jinak jak to máš s košem? Ten ti doma nesmrdi, když tam dáváš to samé? Ideální by bylo aby firma co to svazi zároveň měla vedle nádobu s pilinama, kde by sis mohl nabrat na dno a zároveň zasypat to cos tam odnesl.
    Tak samozřejmě pokud se začne třídění bio rozmahat, tak ty popelnice budou muset přibýt, upozornil bych úřady kde je potřeba ji přidat.
    Já mám tuším za 3k kompompostér a už to je docela vychytané, mnoho lidí si jej dělá z kýblů, taky jsem takový měl a tam pak vyjde do stovky.
    A věř mi, že popelnice v který není bioodpad nesmrdí a kompost při dodržení základních pravidel taky ne
    DZODZO --- ---
    KEB: vsetko je to len o praci s ludmi a moze to fungovat aj v bytovkach

    18. díl - Třídění v bytových domech

    19. díl - Rozhovor s panem Illéšem
    TADEAS --- ---
    People Who Want to Ban Fracking Immediately, Says Joe Biden, 'Oughta Vote for Someone Else'

    Biden tells the activist that "you can't ban fracking right now" because "you gotta transition away from it."

    "You're gonna ban fracking all across America, right now, right?" Biden asks the Sunrise activist.

    "I would love to," the activist replies.

    "I'd love to, too," says Biden. "I'd love to make sure we can't use any oil or gas, period. Now, now, is it possible?"

    "Yes," replies the Sunrise activist.

    "Well, you oughta vote for someone else," says Biden, releasing the young man and moving on
    TADEAS --- ---
    Last 60 days of Arctic sea ice for now and the last 4 decades. https://twitter.com/HotEarthBot/status/1297161023405916161?s=19

    Source: NSIDC https://t.co/tBODcnQlfC

    TADEAS --- ---
    Chukchi Sea ice extent now lowest in the satellite era for this point in autumn (@NSIDC data) with near record rapid #seaice loss (Aug 2012 slightly greater). Big diffs btwn multi-sensor @NWSAlaska analyses & passive microwave common in Aug. #akwx #Arctic @Climatologist49 @ZLabe https://t.co/PKTVUtxEDp

    TADEAS --- ---
    WE WANT TO LIVE | UK REBELLION | 1st September 2020 | Extinction Rebellion
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: dokumentik dobrej, doporucuju
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: jo přesně tak, anebo to v pytlu vyveze do příkopy. Pořád jsou kokoti, co takhle vyhodí ledničku nebo pneu a přitom má každý sběrný dvůr povinnost bezplatně.

    LINKOS: v momentální situaci to znamená přesvědčit všechny, aby si bud postavili do obyvaku komposter. Nebo, aby měli doma pěkně pachnoucí kyblíček s bincem, který budou vynášet buhví kam do popelnice. Protože narozdíl od plastů nebo papíru je bio popelnic mnohem mín. Komunitní kompost je to samé v bledě modrém.

    Na sídlišti to má ještě tu třešničku na dortu, že na panelák je jeden kontejner na komunál, tam nezkontroluješ nic. Ale já tomu rozumím, kolektivně potrestáme všechny, ty uvědomnělé i ty bordeláře. To bude náramně fungovat. Po prvním potrestání těch hodných se ti na to vykašlou všichni, protože na co se budu snažit, když ostatní to serou a platím na ně.

    Chlapi, možná by debatě pomohlo, kdybyste se po nějakém sídlišti prošli a koukali kolem sebe :)

    ale uznávám, že rozdávat domácí bytové kompostéry zadarmo stejně jako to bylo u RD by pomohlo. Aspoň někdo by se na to chytil, co jsem se tak rychle mrknul po internetu nestojí ten krám 5 korun.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    57% novy kapacity usa v 2020 je renewable

    Renewables account for 57% of new U.S. generating capacity in first half of 2020
    SHEFIK --- ---
    pv for livestock

    Special PV plant design for livestock in Taiwan – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Output from wind and solar have surged to two new record highs in the National Electricity Market over the past 24 hours, with sunny and windy conditions combined to push their combined output towards 12 gigawatts, or nearly 50 per cent of total demand.

    The Australian Energy Market Operator, which recently released its 20-year blueprint mapping a path to up to 94 per cent renewables by 2040, celebrated the first record with a Tweet that noted the combined output of wind farms, and small and large-scale solar generation, exceeded 11,700MW for the first time. That smashed a record set back in November 2019, where combined wind and solar output hit 11,300MW.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Major Australian insurer Suncorp will end any financing or insuring of the oil and gas industry by 2025, adding to the group’s existing ban on support for new thermal coal projects.
    The insurer revealed on Friday it had already stopped insuring, underwriting or directly investing in new oil and gas projects and would phase out underwriting and financing existing oil and gas businesses by 2025. All direct investing in the oil and gas sector would end by 2040, the company said in a report.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Two of the largest wildfires in California’s history are burning right now | Popular Science

    Thousands of lightning strikes across California have caused hundreds of individual fires in recent days, creating two massive blazes that mark the second and third largest in the state’s history. Officials expect more “dry lightning”—thunderstorms that don’t produce enough rain to keep the parched land below from sparking—to hit Northern California on Sunday and Monday.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    More Offshore Wind Jobs Waiting In The Wings For USA

    So Much For Saving Coal Jobs: More Offshore Wind Jobs Waiting In The Wings

    The US offshore wind industry has been soldiering on despite conflicting signals from federal policy makers, and it appears to be weathering the storm. After all, the November elections are less than three months away. Presidential administrations come and go, but key companies in the energy sector industries can stick around for generations, and a flurry of recent news indicates that the US offshore wind sector is gearing up for more clarity and confidence in the years to come.

    Nevertheless, wind activity continues apace all up and down the East coast. More than 9,000 megawatts in offshore wind have hit “advanced” milestones this year, and stakeholder confidence is showing up in the form of orders for seagoing equipment among other areas.


    Its almost as if wind stakeholders are anticipating a sea change in federal policy after the November elections. Go figure.
    LINKOS --- ---
    DZODZO: "většina" určina ne. Plus spousta z nich má spíše hnojistě než kompost. Navíc já nemluvil o pálení bioodpadu, ale o odpadních obecně, jednoho takového setrilka tu máme a je schopen zámořit vzduch v širokém okolí a jsou u nás mezery mezi domy docela velké. Tohle bude prostě s narůstajícími poplatky narůstat. Známý mi říkal, že u nich to zase vozil soused do lesa. U nás popelnice stojí 70 Kč, co se bude dít až bude stát 200 Kč se docela děsím, pokud se nebude řešit i to pálení bordelu nějak efektivněji.
    DZODZO --- ---
    tak zrovna v panelaku si nemyslim, ze by sa niekto obtazoval chodit niekam palit odpad a na vesnici vacsina ludi kompostuje na zahrade
    LINKOS --- ---
    DZODZO: když tohle má ještě druhý efekt, že najdeš dementa kteryho napadne snížit množství svého odpadu tím, že ho spálí. Což povede k tomu, že budeš muset třeba víc hlídat ty kotle a komíny
    DZODZO --- ---
    KEB: nemusis to riesit represivne, ale klasicky trhovo cez peniaze, poplatky za odvoz komunalu sa budu zvysovat a ludi to prinuti viac triedit a produkovat celkovo menej odpadu, pokial niekto odmietne zaplatit, tak mu popelari odmietnu odviezt bordel a este pride prosit, aby mohol zaplatit, videli sme pred par rokmi ako to dopadlo v grecku ked strajkovali popelari
    TUHO --- ---
    Shell's massive floating LNG factory off the Kimberley coast has been in shutdown since February and industry analysts are divided on whether the $12-17 billion facility has a future.
    Prelude FLNG is the largest floating object ever built and billed as the solution to getting gas out of Australia's most remote undersea gas fields.
    With five times the steel of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and half a kilometre long, it certainly is big.
    But as it sits idle 400 kilometres north of Broome, it risks becoming the world's biggest white elephant.
    Tim Treadgold is a resources industry analyst who writes for US business magazine Forbes, and says Shell is trying to keep Prelude's predicament under wraps.

    TUHO --- ---
    Together with the University of Queensland’s Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and colleagues around the world, we’ve explored in newly published work just how much sticking to 1.5°C matters.
    Climate breakdown is already harming livelihoods, cities and ecosystems. From heatwaves and droughts to cyclones and floods, devastating extreme weather events are more frequent, more intense and more unpredictable than they would be in the absence of global heating. Warming and acidifying oceans are causing severe coral bleaching to occur twice as often as in 1980, leaving many unable to recover.
    Shrinking habitats are increasingly forcing wildlife into conflict with human settlements. Increasing wildfires are damaging vital carbon stores in North America and Siberia, while the advance of spring is throwing species who depend on each other out of sync.
    The more we destabilise our climate, the greater the risk to human societies and ecosystems. Even at 1.5°C of global heating, tough times are in store for the living planet. But the space between 1.5°C and 2°C of heating is a crucial battleground, within which risks to humanity and ecosystems amplify rapidly.

    Not convinced on the need for urgent climate action? Here's what happens to our planet between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming
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