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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no ekosystemovy problemy ted tu situaci muzou pomoct resit (dat cas) jen pokud by byly natolik masivni, ze vyrazne zasahnou emise. o tom pochybuju, to nastoupi az za nekolik dekad, kdy skutecne budeme na tom stupnovitym sestupu v dusledku mitigace, kterou nedelame ted
    TADEAS --- ---
    Extinction Rebellion: Two weeks of climate protests kick off as Parliament returns

    Due to the scale of this latest round of protests, the police have warned XR that it could face a £10,000 fine for each gathering of 30 or more people it organises, in line with short-term legislation to combat the spread of the virus
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: jo no pro me je to dost neprehledny ("kolik je casu"). napadaji me tyto faktory
    - nastoupi ekosystemove problemy, napr. nekolik let El Nino, nebo sucho, nebo mrazy, nebo neco. To je nepredvidatelne, ale jako predzvest to muze byt brzo. Vysledek: zpomaleni ekonomik, mensi spotreba energie, tj mensi emise. to je plus
    - zpomalene ekonomiky, tj nulova sance investovat do carbon capture vyvoje, prebudovavani infrastruktur atd. Toto si muze chvili dovolit EU, nejake Green New Dealy, ale kde jinde to muzou delat, pokud se ochladi mezinarodni obchod a spotreba jako takova. to je minus
    - USA je za zenitem, zaroven pokud se nejak jeste vyrazne vic rozbije a prestanou platit svuj dluh, udajne to ovlivni cely svet (nevim, dluh vubec nechapu)
    - tj. kdo by tlacil to planetarni spolecenstvi? Cina? Stare mocnosti budou jeji podminky sabotovat z principu i za cenu "zaniku", protoze kulturni hodnoty jsou pro leadery (financniky) stareho sveta nejvic. Jim osobne nic nehrozi.

    Cili ja to vidim jako rozpad stareho usporadani sveta a co bude nove, to se nevi

    PAD --- ---
    DZODZO: Super dokument! A ano - deje se to i v CR - udelas si 'pruzkumny vrt' ale dal se nepokracuje (legislativne). No a vrt osadis cerpadlem a jedes. Do doby, nez si soused udela hlubsi. Zavod ke dnu (doslova:)). A kdyz chces nahodou studnu legalne, ceka te kafkarna. Ale ve state, kde si i vrchni klimatoalarmisti stavi bazeny se neda cekat nic jineho, nez pruser ...
    TADEAS --- ---

    "Louisiana could be the first state in the US to witness large-scale climate change migration—not only a mass flight from specific catastrophes ... but a gradual accretion of decisions, made by one family at a time, to move to higher ground."

    Since Katrina, the state has undertaken what could be the world’s most ambitious coastal adaptation planning process. It includes a $50 billion, 50-year “master plan” to upgrade protective infrastructure and ecosystems, and LASAFE, which aggregated the results of a series of community-level planning workshops. It also includes the wholesale relocation of one community at exceptionally high risk: Isle de Jean Charles, whose residents are often referred to as America’s first climate refugees.
    DZODZO --- ---
    "everybody wants a private pool"

    CR coby kralovstvo bazenov coskoro dopadne podobne :)

    Spain's water problem | DW Documentary
    TADEAS --- ---
    XR Money Rebellion - Tackling the Root of the Problem | Extinction Rebellion UK
    PAD --- ---
    SHEFIK: To je dobry argument Shefiku, ale nejsem si jisty (a zajima me to!), zda nekde v praxi skutecne poklesly emise v dusledku prechodu k ekonomice zalozene na sluzbach i kdyz prihledneme ke strukture dovozu, tj. importu emisi.

    Nedavno jsem tu daval grafiku zdroju energii (nejen elektriny) v ramci sveta a je to trochu horor - OZE pokryvaji minimum, ve vetsine proste ziskavame energii z fosilu.

    Ja osobne si jedu jednoduchou heuristiku: pokud chci zmensit svou uhlikovou stopu, musim potrebovat mene penez, protoze penize ≈ spotreba / produkce ≈ CO2.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: jsem rad, ze uz vite co reknu, usetrim tak spoustu casu :))

    nicmene k tomuhle jen zpresnim, ze:

    teorie - hdp na carbonu, nebo jinych materialech zavisly byt muze, ale taky vubec nemusi. vyplyva to ze vzorce pro vypocet hdp. ten carbon zavisi jen na vstupech, ktere pouzijeme, hdp s nim ale nema vubec nic spolecneho

    praxe - v soucasnosti jsou nase ekonomiky/energetiky pohanene predevsim carbonem, takze decoupling do urcite miry zatim mozny neni. od urcite hladiny nasycenosti obyvatel (prechod rozvojove/vyspele zeme) se presouva poptavka ke sluzbam a v tu chvili jde carbon linearne dolu, kdezto hdp nahoru

    TADEAS --- ---
    'Culture of misinformation': artists protest against London thinktanks | Climate change | The Guardian

    A group of artists and writers including Zadie Smith and Sir Mark Rylance have spoken out against the thinktanks and lobbyists at the heart of Westminster, gathering with hundreds of protesters near their offices on Wednesday night.

    Speakers from Writers Rebel, a group formed in support of the aims of Extinction Rebellion, blocked Tufton Street in London amid a noticeable police presence.

    Offices on the street include that of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which states on its website “while [it is] open-minded on the contested science of global warming, [it] is deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies currently being advocated”.


    Speaking earlier, Smith, author of the novels White Teeth and On Beauty, said she had come to realise that her previous belief, that climate change denial was rooted in a genuine fear, was “naive”.

    “Now we know better. Now we know the outsized, unruly emotions that surround the scientific fact of climate change are fuelled by something far more calculated and external than species shame. They are not organic, natural or unavoidable, but rather feelings manufactured, targeted, organised, and paid for, largely by oil companies and other vested economic interests who are prepared to sacrifice your long-term future for their short-term profit.

    “There are people whose business it is to make science look like opinion. Who aim to transform genuine feelings of climate grief and guilt into defended ignorance and positive denial,” Smith said.


    The demonstration was organised in conjunction with the nascent Extinction Rebellion group Money Rebellion, which will target the finance industry for its inaction on the climate emergency.

    The event took place as part of XR’s 10-day protest to demand government action on the climate crisis. The Metropolitan police said more than 230 people involved had so far been arrested.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    330,000,000 people lived in Europe in 1916.[6] In 1950 there were 549,000,000. The population of Europe in 2015 was estimated to be 741 million according to the United Nations

    Evropa má území 10x větší než Nigérie
    JIMIQ --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ja bych se hodne divil kdyby Nigerie mela vic nez 500M. Jo tedka brutus rostou, ale to Evropa pred sto lety taky
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: s timhle se da souhlasit, je to popis vyvoje ala "long descent" (j m greer), tzn. civilizacni schody dolu skrz serii kataklyzmatickejch udalosti (klimatickejch, ekosystemovejch, socialnich). je to popis toho, ze ten pokus o planetaritu / aspirace ja planetarni civilizaci / planetarni ekosystemovej management nevysel.

    shefik se tu ohrazuje proti tomu ze mame tak kratkej cas. s tim casem muze mavat hodne jen rychlost dekarbonizace (pomala), nebo biologickej nebo technologickej carbon storage. u toho technologickyho s tim asi muze zas mavat rozvoj vypocetnich trchnologii, kterej pomuze s nejakym breakthrough, ale je to sazka na nejistou kartu
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: shefik ti na to rekne, ze decoupling je real, takze si urcite delaj zbytecny starosti :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: velmi pravdepodobne nemaj, UN uz to taky snizuje ty odhady, kdyz jako randers a spol zahrnes socioekonomickou dybamiku nikdy takhle vysoky pocty nevyjdou, kdyz do toho zahrnes klimaticko-ekosystemovy limity, tak to orezava jeste dal.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    carbon capture zařízení, který by se instalovalo na nákladní lodě

    World’s first ‘carbon-capture at sea’ set for shipping trials – EURACTIV.com
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    visual capitalist má novou infografiku k té Nigérii atd. zajímalo by mě zda mají započítané hladomory migraci atd, nebo do těchto úvah se nikdo seriózně nepousti

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Mining threats to biodiversity will increase as more mines target materials for renewable energy production and, without strategic planning, these new threats to biodiversity may surpass those averted by climate change mitigation.

    Mining potentially influences 50 million km2 of Earth’s land surface, with 8% coinciding with Protected Areas, 7% with Key Biodiversity Areas, and 16% with Remaining Wilderness. Most mining areas (82%) target materials needed for renewable energy production, and areas that overlap with Protected Areas and Remaining Wilderness contain a greater density of mines (our indicator of threat severity) compared to the overlapping mining areas that target other materials.

    PAD --- ---
    DNF: Souhlasim, taky mam tyhle pochybnosti. Proto jsem se ptal po proverenem kalkulatoru? Kdyby nebyl, tak by me asi i bavilo takovy udelat pro CR:)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam