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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    The End of the Megamachine - The End of the Megamachine

    End of the Megamachine - P2P Foundation

    Library Genesis: Fabian Scheidler - The End of the Megamachine

    The End of the Megamachine shifts the point of view from a “history of the winners” to a “people’s history”. It highlights the key role of the “metallurgical complex” linking military and financial systems and fostering the evolution of technocratic visions of the world from antiquity to modernity. A particular focus is the history of “apocalyptic thinking” that has been formative for Western culture, both for capitalist projections of a “New World” and for anti-systemic movements.


    the “neoliberal” (in fact conservative) rollback since 1973, amounting to a global “corporate coup d’état in slow motion” (Chris Hedges) destabilizing societies around the world; and finally the economic, social, and ecological limits that the world-system is facing in the first half of the 21st century. This chapter argues that the combination of social, financial, and ecological crises on a planetary scale is about to lead into a hyper-complex, “chaotic” transformation that makes global governance impossible, eventually dismantling the global Megamachine. However, the outcomes of this process are inherently unpredictable. At the same time, the military machines continue to build up in order to defend the way of life and the property rights of the privileged


    What does it mean to break with the logics of the four tyrannies und to learn from the errors of failed utopian dreams in the 20th century? Chapter eleven points out that this learning process is already under way. In contrast to many of the former advocates of state socialism who countered the tyranny of markets with an extension of the other three tyrannies – militarism, ideological conformity, and technocracy –, ecological and social movements today aim at all four tyrannies. Protests against the nuclear and fossil fuel industries, large dams, genetic engineering, and other technocratic projects do not only challenge the power of states and market players but also the ideologies of growth and mastery of nature. Ranging from the Zapatistas, indigenous and landless movements in Latin America to Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, people all over the world are searching – sometimes successfully, sometimes helplessly – for new ways of democratic self-organization beyond the ossified and corrupted forms of representation. They do not only aim at political structures but at economic foundations as well: by reclaiming public goods and creating enterprises and banks dedicated to the common good instead of private profit; or by developing technologies focusing on cooperation with nature instead of dominance. However, all these approaches are facing a huge power complex constituted by fossil fuel corporations, banks, media corporations, and militarized states who seem determined to continue their path even at the cost of a devastated planet. The End of the Megamachine points out that the fight for a livable future cannot be won without confronting these power structures and the four tyrannies mirrored in our own minds."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vancouver just endorsed the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Who’s next? | Ricochet

    “Climate change now, like nuclear weapons for many of us who grew up in the ’60s or ’70s, is an existential threat. … We need to reframe the fossil fuel industry and its infrastructure as weapons of mass destruction.”

    Three pillars form the basis of the initiative, borrowed from the 1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

    The first, non-proliferation, calls for commitments to end the exploration for and expansion of fossil fuel reserves. Slowly, and in an uncoordinated way, this is starting already. In 2017, France banned new oil and gas extraction (existing licences will not last past 2040). In 2018, Belize announced an indefinite moratorium on oil development in its waters. In 2018, New Zealand stopped issuing new offshore oil and gas exploration permits (existing licences are good until 2030). Ireland banned new licences for offshore oil exploration in 2019 and its new government coalition has proposed doing the same for gas. In May of this year, Spain produced a draft bill that, if it passes, would bring an immediate halt to new exploration for oil and gas (existing licences would end by 2042).

    The second pillar, global disarmament, demands the planned phase-out of existing fossil fuel projects in line with the 1.5 C warming target. It follows from the recognition that oil and gas reserves currently in development already contain more than enough carbon to exceed that target.

    Finally, a peaceful transition refers to rapid adoption of green technologies while protecting workers and promoting economic diversification. It also stresses the need for countries in the Global South to be able to acquire clean energy technologies for their development. That could involve shifting fossil fuel subsidies and any revenues from a prospective global carbon tax to a global transition fund.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Greta Thunberg reflects on living through multiple crises in a 'post-truth society'

    ”That we live in a post-truth society today, and that we don't care, that we have lost empathy. We have stopped caring for each other in a way. We have stopped thinking long-term and sustainable. And that's something that goes much deeper than just climate crisis deniers.”

    ”But I mean the climate crisis is not the only problem here. It is just a symptom of a larger crisis. Like the loss of biodiversity, acidification of the oceans, and loss of fertile soil, and so on. And these things will not just be solved by stopping our emissions of greenhouse gases. The earth is a very complex system. If you take one thing and put it out of balance then that will have an impact on things beyond our comprehension. And that goes for equality as well. Humans are part of nature, and if we are not doing well, then nature is not doing well, because we are nature.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Methane and grazing: A broader view | Successful Farming

    “When whole system LCAs include the carbon sequestered by ruminants using appropriate grazing management and the larger-scale atmospheric photooxidation of methane in the presence of water vapor that is also facilitated by appropriate management, cattle managed in regenerative grazing systems are an environmental boon,” he says. (Dr. Richard Teague)

    “Ruminant dams and their offspring spend most of their lives on perennial grass during which the carbon sequestered by the grassland they graze exceeds their emissions,” Teague adds. “The grazing of ruminants in a manner that enhances soil health will reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture much more than simply reducing domesticated ruminant numbers to reduce enteric GHG emissions. Ruminant livestock are an important tool for achieving sustainable agriculture.”

    JINDRICH --- ---
    Komunitni solar - Estonsko - je mozne se zapojit.

    Änkküla Solar Park | Fundwise

    Join Sunmill on a mission to democratise clean energy production and invest to become a shareholder in a solar park. Email info@sunmill.ee for more information!

    KEB --- ---
    JIMIQ: předpokládám, že to dražší je ta elektronika v tom. Nicméně tohle vypadá líp

    Total solar. Němci propagují panely i na balkony | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Komunální politici uvedli, že si lidé mohou na balkon nebo terasu instalovat panely až do výkonu 300 wattů. Zjednodušili také byrokratickou zátěž na minimum. Nicméně každá domácí solární elektrárna musí být zaregistrována, zdůraznil Tobias Grießl z městských služeb ve Freisingu. Stačí k tomu vyplnit jednoduchý webový formulář. Provozovatel sítě musí zkontrolovat, zda je systém správně zapojen a zda má bytová jednotka správný elektroměr.

    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: just matter of time

    "Congress gave the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $4 million to research the technology. NOAA will also start gathering data that will let it detect whether other countries start using geoengineering secretly.....
    ....NOAA is starting its own research into solar geoengineering. And in August, the agency announced that it would begin measuring aerosol levels in the stratosphere, creating a baseline so the agency can tell if those levels change later."

    JIMIQ --- ---
    Navic mi ty panely prijdou i dost drahy, ne? 300Wp za 16k?
    PAD --- ---
    JIMIQ: No jo, ale to v praxi v podstate nejde zaridit. I ty vytezovace maji nejake zpozdeni, k malym pretokum tam proste dochazet bude. Kazdopadne technicky to znamena namontovat do hlavniho rozvadece nejaky meric, ktery kdyztak FVE vypne, pripadne preroutuje tu energii jinam (bojleru atp). A pri takove investici uz je lepsi ten instalovany vykon rovnou posilit, aby se to cele nejak rozume vyplatilo. Zatim mi to prijde spis jako super zpusob, jak lidem prodat rychle panely a vydelat na tom ...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Ve faq pisou ze musis vse spotrebovat doma aby te diatributor neprudil
    KEB --- ---
    PAD: nemám tucha náhodou jsem na to narazil
    PAD --- ---
    DZODZO: jsem si nevsiml, diky! Tak by me pak zajimalo, jak to maji vyreseny s distributorem. Nemuzes do site jen tak posilat elektrinu. Taky je nove povinnost pripojit menic na sinal HDO (aby to distributor mohl v nouzi vypnout). No nic, jsem OT. Kazdopadne zajimavy koncept ...
    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: pisu ze sa to tam napojuje na bezny zasuvkovy okruh, takze to musi byt sucastou siete, pokial je budova pripojena do siete, skor mi tam chybaju nejake baterky na tie pretoky
    PAD --- ---
    KEB: zajimavy! Nevis, jak resi pretoky? Nebo se to vubec nenapojuje na grid?
    KEB --- ---
    Jak vymazat uhlí. V Česku vzniká komunitní solární elektrárna | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Solární panely pro všechny!
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: hmmm mám z toho pocit, že se částečně demagogii nevyhnula ani jedna strana. Stejně si myslím, že by to byl krok správným směrem.
    DZODZO --- ---
    KEB: tie tri koruny som si nevymyslel ja, to tak chcu ti vymyselnici z tej iniciativy :)


    navyse ta iniciativa sama na svojich strankach klame: "Země jako Německo, Švédsko či Chorvatsko dosáhly díky zálohovým systémům až 98% míry zpětného odběru petek" v tom Svedsku to nie je 98% ale nejakych 85%, proste mam problem verit niekomu, ze to mysli dobre, ked uz od samotnej prezentaci myslienky klame :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might Have to Do
    TADEAS --- ---
    How is climate change affecting global water security? | World Economic Forum

    From Yemen to India, and parts of Central America to the African Sahel, about a quarter of the world's people face extreme water shortages that are fueling conflict, social unrest and migration, water experts said on Wednesday.

    With the world's population rising and climate change bringing more erratic rainfall, including severe droughts, competition for scarcer water is growing, they said, with serious consequences.

    "If there is no water, people will start to move. If there is no water, politicians are going to try and get their hands on it and they might start to fight over it," warned Kitty van der Heijden, head of international cooperation at the Netherlands' foreign ministry.

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