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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---

    Paul Maidowski

    Oh, anyone modeled *how* to get emissions to zero but sustain human life in a stock/flow consistent model yet? Humans seem to need a lot of energy, which implies ...and so on, y’all know the drill
    Get used to recognizing gaslighting *from respected scientists* & IPCC authors. Climate discourses degenerated so much over the past 12 years (since the failure of climate mitigation policy in Copenhagen COP15). Stunning how many play along, this is a civilization scale disaster
    Why this is important: By creating fantastical ideas of somehow decarbonizing *at global scale* *without showing how, and under which socioeconomic & biophysical constraints,* such science distracts from what we can & must urgently do. Truly unhelpful, because time is short
    Appeal to use common sense and *never* discuss such insanely complex issues from a hyper narrow monodisciplinary angle. If we can’t do transdisciplinary work, get larger teams across multiple disciplines & change methodologies.
    After decades of failure in climate policy & science, as societies barely hold together, how much more proof do we need that current narrow science approaches aren’t working. We don’t even critically discuss economic growth, as deep in ecological overshoot as we are? Why?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: mann v rockstrom

    Q: How does this square with @jrockstrom et al.'s work on tipping points?

    A (Mann): This is quantitative and reflects a consensus with the scientific community. The work you speak of is speculative and is qualitative in nature.

    Q: Sure, but isn't the concept of tipping points (and tipping point cascades) grounded in science, therefore plausible, and therefore a major *potential* source of weakness of these quantitative results, despite the consensus around them within the scientific community?

    A: That is too vague to be scientifically meaningful. Yes, the potential for tipping point like responses has been demonstrated, e.g. w.r.t. ice sheet collapse. There is no evidence for a tipping point like response in global surface temperature to projected carbon emissions.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Michael Mann

    If all carbon emissions were to cease today, both plants and the ocean would increase the amount of carbon they take out of the atmosphere, says geophysicist Michael Mann. As a result, temperatures would remain fairly flat. https://twitter.com/60Minutes/status/1313188504621518848?s=19

    Climate scientists on Earth's two futures - CBS News


    Many Scientists Now Say Global Warming Could Stop Relatively Quickly After Emissions Go to Zero - Inside Climate News

    Mann: The old experiments didn't reduce emissions to zero. They simply specified constant CO2. That was WRONG! (because ocean draws down atmospheric CO2). It is perhaps the most important but least well publicized or explained development in climate science over the past decade.
    PER2 --- ---
    Climate Impacts of COVID‐19 Induced Emission Changes

    COVID‐19 induced lockdowns led to reductions in aerosol and precursor emissions, chiefly soot or Black Carbon (BC) and sulfate (SO4). This is found to reduce the human caused aerosol cooling: creating a small net warming effect on the earth in spring 2020. Changes in cloud properties are smaller than observed changes during 2020. The impact of these changes on regional land surface temperature is small (maximum +0.3K). The impact of aerosol changes on global surface temperature is very small and lasts over several years. However, the aerosol changes are the largest contribution to COVID‐19 affected emissions induced radiative forcing and temperature changes, larger than ozone, CO2 and contrail effects.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Thank you so much for all the well-wishes on my 18th birthday!
    Tonight you will find me down at the local pub exposing all the dark secrets behind the climate- and school strike conspiracy and my evil handlers who can no longer control me!
    I am free at last!!

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Defense Experts Call on Biden to Ready Military for Climate Change - Scientific American

    The incoming Biden administration should press U.S. defense and intelligence agencies to do more about climate change, a panel of national security experts said yesterday.
    And one way to do it is through the power of their massive federal budgets.

    The plan calls on officials in the White House, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and elsewhere to develop holistic strategies to meet the threat of climate change and mitigate the country’s contributions to its destabilizing effects.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SHEFIK: Tricet az padesat let chtel rict.
    PER2 --- ---
    Yangtze River 10-year fishing ban brings new hope to China’s mother river - People's Daily Online
    The Yangtze River is the world's third longest river, as well as China's mother river
    To prevent the deterioration of the river’s ecological situation, an unprecedented 10-year fishing moratorium was issued in January, 2020, covering 332 conservation areas in the Yangtze River basin, which will expand to all the river’s natural waterways and its major tributaries from no later than Jan. 1, 2021.

    Nearly 7,000 arrested for illegal fishing in Yangtze River - China News - SINA English
    More than 3,900 fishing boats and 45,000 units of fishing gear have been seized in a series of crackdowns on illegal fishing in China's longest river since July

    China's 'Dark' Fishing Fleet Lays Waste to Global Ecosystems — Radio Free Asia
    SHEFIK --- ---
    zajmavy cely. holistickej pristup jak dostat carbon pod kontrolu

    Could we ever pull enough carbon out of the atmosphere to stop climate change? | Live Science

    Sabine Fuss has been looking for these answers for the last two years. An economist in Berlin, Fuss leads a research group at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and was part of the original Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — established by the United Nations to assess the science, risks and impacts of global warming. After the panel’s 2018 report and the new Paris Agreement goal to keep global warming to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) or less, Fuss was tasked with finding out which carbon removal strategies were most promising and feasible. 

    Afforestation and reforestation — planting or replanting of forests, respectively — are well known natural carbon sinks. Vast numbers of trees can sequester the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere for photosynthesis, a chemical reaction that uses the sun's energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. According to a 2019 study in the journal Science, planting 1 trillion trees could store about 225 billion tons (205 billion metric tons) of carbon, or about two-thirds of the carbon released by humans into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution began. 

    Agriculture land management is another natural carbon removal approach that's relatively low risk and already being tested out, according to Jane Zelikova, terrestrial ecologist and chief scientist at Carbon180, a nonprofit that advocates for carbon removal strategies in the U.S. Practices such as rotational grazing, reduced tilling and crop rotation increase carbon intake by photosynthesis, and that carbon is eventually stored in root tissues that decompose in the soil. The National Academy of Sciences found that carbon storage in soil was enough to offset as much as 10% of U.S. annual net emissions — or about 632 million tons (574 million metric tons) of CO2 — at a low cost. 

    But nature-based carbon removal, like planting and replanting forests, can conflict with other policy goals, like food production, Fuss said. Scaled up, these strategies require a lot of land, oftentimes land that's already in use. 


    This is why more tech-based approaches to carbon removal are crucial, they say.


    However, none of these technologies have been implemented on a large scale. They're extremely expensive, with estimates as high as $400 per ton of CO2 removed, and each still requires a lot of research and support before being deployed. But the U.S. is a good example of how a mix of carbon removal solutions could work together, Zelikova said: Land management could be used in the agricultural Midwest; basalt rocks in the Pacific Northwest are great for mineralization; and the oil fields in the Southwest are already primed with the right technology and skilled workers for underground carbon storage, she said. 


    Ultimately, every country will have to put together its own unique portfolio of CO2 removal strategies because no single intervention will be successful on its own. "If we scaled up any of them exclusively, it would be a disaster," Fuss said. "It would use a lot of land or be prohibitively expensive."

    atd, at to nekopiruju cely :)
    VELADA --- ---
    Koukám, že tu už padla zmínka o solarpunk, viz TADEAS. Zde solarpunk manifesto: http://www.re-des.org/a-solarpunk-manifesto/
    TUHO --- ---
    Steve Keen’s Predictions for 2021 (with transcript)
    Earlier this year Phil Dobbie asked Steve keen for his predictions for 2020. Without a whiff of COVID -19 IN THE AIR, Steve talked of a capitalist economy on government life support. On that he was pretty much on the mark. So what of 2021. In this free edition of the Debunking Economics podcast he explains the reasoning behind his five predictions for the year ahead:

    1. Recession in Europe and America as financial aftermath to the COVID crisis.
    2. The housing bubble to continue in Australia., but maybe not in Canada.
    3. Strong growth in China.
    4. A rapid fall in coal mining
    5. Severe weather crises in Europe and USA from collapse of Arctic winter sea ice

    Phil tries hard to accentuate the positive in Steve’s predictions, but fails miserably. It’s all doom and gloom!

    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: Haha, Tomanovi bych urcite veril :]]
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Lesy se kvůli kůrovci vrátí k normálu za tři až pět let, odhadl Toman


    ČR měla podle Tomana loni štěstí s počasím, díky chladnějšímu roku s vyšším úhrnem srážek se vyvinuly dvě generace lýkožroutů, předloni byly lokálně i tři. V roce 2019 se vysadilo rekordních 111,6 milionu listnatých stromů, smrku bylo zasazeno 36,1 milionu. Loňský trend byl podle Tomana obdobný.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Vývoz ruského plynu mimo bývalý Sovětský svaz klesl o desetinu

    Dobra prace, covid :D
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: skvelej clanek tohle. jen castecne o klima zmene, ale stejne doporucuju precist
    TUHO --- ---
    The deep Anthropocene
    A revolution in archaeology has exposed the extraordinary extent of human influence over our planet’s past and its future

    Revolutionary archaeology reveals the deepest possible Anthropocene | Aeon Essays
    SHEFIK --- ---
    31 Countries, States, And Cities Have Gas/Diesel Car Bans In Place
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Almost 90% of the world's animal species will lose some habitat to agriculture by 2050

    Climate change rightly gets a huge amount of coverage, but for biodiversity, the biggest threat actually comes from the destruction of natural habitats to make way for agriculture. And as global populations grow, and people become wealthier and consume more, that need for new agricultural land is just going to increase, resulting in at least 2 million sq km of new farmland by 2050, and maybe as much as 10 million.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Paper Notes | Economics for the future – Beyond the superorganism

    Holistic take on economics, energy, ecosystems, finance, society and much more.

    2020 Economics for the future – Beyond the superorganism

    Our environment and economy are at a crossroads. This paper attempts a cohesive narrative on how human evolved behavior, money, energy, economy and the environment fit together. Humans strive for the same emotional state of our successful ancestors. In a resource rich environment, we coordinate in groups, corporations and nations, to maximize financial surplus, tethered to energy, tethered to carbon. At global scales, the emergent result of this combination is a mindless, energy hungry, CO2 emitting Superorganism. Under this dynamic we are now behaviorally ‘growth constrained’ and will use any means possible to avoid facing this reality. The farther we kick the can, the larger the disconnect between our financial and physical reality becomes. The moment of this recalibration will be a watershed time for our culture, but could also be the birth of a new ‘systems economics’. and resultant different ways of living. The next 30 years are the time to apply all we’ve learned during the past 30 years. We’ve arrived at a species level conversation.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: no s vzducholoďma je to složitý, no :-) ano, zdánlivě jsou příkladem ekologické technologie, o které mluvím, ale při bližším přezkoumání to taková sláva není. jednak máš problém na velké vzdálenosti, protože prostě vzhledem k nízké rychlosti se otočí málokrát; dále jsou hodně citlivé na počasí, takže Rusové na Sibiři se drží vrtulníků (i když zrovna tam nejspíš hrály roli i vojenská kritéria na dopravní prostředek, kdy vzducholoď je prostě moc velký terč.. ale zase, pořád je tu Aljaška a Kanada a Austrálie, a ani tam se vzducholodi proti vrtulníkům neujaly). Na krátké vzdálenosti by člověk čekal, že to bude efektivnější než těžká mechanizace např. při kalamitní těžbě na nepřístupných svazích, ale co jsem tak koukal jak se to dělá, tak i tam je zřejmě ekonomičtější třeba kůň nebo pozemní naviják... no, těžká mechanizace s výkonými motory není na první pohled příkladem nějaké enviromentální šetrnosti, ale na druhou stranu jak jsem tu psal: stroje, které se pohybují mimo infrastrukturu, pomáhají ušetřit beton, ať už lítají nebo se plazí terénem. Samozřejmě, železnice 19.století v tomhle ohledu byly infrastruktura ještě docela šetrná, spotřeba energie na přepravenou tunu byla proti náklaďákům minimální, stavěly se vesměs bez betonu, pomocí přesunu hromad zemin, štěrku a kamenů... právě kdyby šlo zkřížit technologie z různých staletí, abychom udrželi už vybudované železnice a přitom na nich dokázali jezdit opravdu bezemisně, tak bychom asi klimatické krizi čelili líp, než stavbou samých nových vysokorychlostních tratí na betonových estakádách,,,

    Jenže to lokální optimum nejen, že nejsou vzducholodě, ale dost možná je to něco jako cyklostezka pro rychlá elektrokola (do 45 km/h - v podstatě elektrické mopedy) na opuštěném drážním tělese z 19.století. Není to zrovna hromadná doprava, ale hromadná doprava má oprovskou fixní spotřebu energie bez ohledu na počet přepravených osob - tady se dostáváme na čísla typu 10 Wh/km a k tomu určité minimum vynaložené lidské energie, které ale snese srovnání s kroucením volantem při rychlejší jízdě autem... vlaky se na podobně nízká čísla na osobu dostanou nejspíš jen při úplně plném obsazení a elektromobily si o číslech typu 1 kWh/100 km můžou jen nechat zdát, většinou je to třeba 20x tolik, tedy při plném obsazení na osobu 4x tolik....

    Problém s odlehčováním dopravních prostředků je ale pak zase nižší životnost, což sice není problém, pokud je tam vysoká míra opravitelnosti a vyměnitelnosti náhradních dílů - ale i ta kola spotřebovávají na ujetý kilometr docela dost materiálu, sice recyklovatelného, ale přeci jen je to znát, začíná to přetrženými lanky brzd a přehazovačky a ojetými brzdovými destičkami (tady se snažíme nasazovat rekuperační brždění, které ale zase vyžaduje baterie s neomezeným počtem cyklů a vysokými nabíjecími proudy), dál nám třeba u nákladních kol praskají osy motorů - a to vše po daleko menším množství ujetých km, než u aut.

    Tím se obloukem vracím k tomu, proč vlastně doopravdy bez infrastrukury může mít smysl to létání, i když by muselo být hodně jiné, než dneska: infrastruktura obrovským způsobem šetří opotřebení dopravních prostředků a nakonec i energie, ovšem právě to se vyplácí, jen když uvažujeme obrovské úspory z obrovských rozsahů, jenže ten rozsah toho konzumu je součástí problému. Ale zase, když se podíváme na informační společnost: dřív dovést někam civilizaci, to znamenalo stěhovat hromady knih, každodenní zásilky pošty a novin, to byl jeden z důležitých úkolů železniční sítě, a později, protože každá nová technologie začíná slepým napodobováním předchozí éry, tohle samé dostaly jako jeden z prvních úkolů letadla, ještě když byla příliš nespolehlivá na přepravu cestujících. No ale dnes informace dokážeme posílat bez nutnosti stěhovat kilogramy a tuny těžká méda, která by je nesla, že ano...vzhledem k celkovému poklesu hmotnosti např. spotřební elektroniky dnes nejčastěji přepravovaným zbožím v Evropě nejspíš budou potraviny, které se historicky vozily na daleko menší vzdálenosti: zásobování měst řešilo zemědělství v bezprostřední blízkosti, viz pásy polí okolo měst typu Praha nebo Paříž. Dnes to z mnoha důvodů není možné a jedním z důvodů je, že ty úspory z rozsahu při přepravě se prostě vymkly kontrole, přestaly nám sloužit a žijou si vlastním životem.

    No, konkrétně s těma vzducholoděma je obecně trochu problém, že vlastně to, v čem hypoteticky excelujou, vlastně není potřeba až tak často, aby to mělo ekonomické opodstatnění a hlavně vzducholoď je konstrukce se zdaleka nejmenší měrnou hustotou ze všech lidmi vytvořených konstrukcí, a tomu taky odpovídají šance na její přežití v různých extrémech počasí, apod.: obecně si myslím, že proti vzducholodím neexistuje žádné zásadní spiknutí, ale že je postupně vytlačila evoluce (a to spíš navzdory investovaným prostředkům, než kvůli jejich nedostatku). Ale zase - možná se to elektrické létání ukáže vhodné právě ještě v kombinaci se vzducholoděma, i když zatím o tom spíš pochybuju. Faktem je, že vzducholodi by byly součástí "světa bez infrastruktury", nebo "světa s menším množstvím infrastrukturky" - i když obloukem dospěješ k tomu, že hangáry pro vzducholodě jsou taky infrastruktura, a to ne zrovna malá nebo levná.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Paul Maidowski

    We've been at climate for decades now. What have we learned, what are the major cognitive pitfalls that keep us running in circles to exhaustion, while industry merrily fuels away our future?

    My top 1: The false idea that if its "too late" for goal X (1.5/2C, 350 ppm, safe operating space for humanity (Rockström 2009), etc.), that this is good news for current vested interests. On the contrary

    A safe operating space for humanity

    People seem to take the news with an internal sigh of relief ("uff then we can hold on for a few more years/decades," it´ll only hit after I´m gone, we´ve all heard this actually said out loud, which is kinda astonishing if you think about it!)

    But what saying "it is too late" really means is: it´s too late now for orderly, linear, equitable, managed transition. There´s a lot of Grand Transition literature out there, it makes us as academics feel good and useful. Very little of this lit has any connection to reality imo

    The truth is that the coming decades will see disorderly, uneven, shifts as populations become increasingly aware of what´s ahead and, yes, normalize it; but also may feel a little indignant at those who burned their future

    If I were in a position of power, aware of what's ahead, I'd seek to help & *substantively* mend things before social order unravels any more. Recall can't fool nature; and modern tech always cuts both ways. It's not going to be enough to do greenwashing & PR & private protection

    Where does this leave us, entering a couple of truly challening decades? Democracy, equity, human rights, solidarity; but not merely as facades—we need the real thing.

    There is no other way through the 21st century (which today's kids may well want to live to see the end of) that doesn't look rather unappetizing, and time is running out fast. We better cut any useless PR type things, and address substantive global governance challenges ahead.

    Good luck us all; we'll need it. Reminder: We are deep in ecological overshoot. Further growth, or even slow decline, simply are no option. We can try for a few more years, sure; but it's not going to work

    2019 Is Green Growth Possible?

    Banking on foreseeable failure only works as long as people remain gullible enough; and these narratives have started to wear thin.

    Hagens 2020 - Economics for the future – Beyond the superorganism

    kindly summarized by @gordonschuecker:

    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: oh, kez by jen neco takoveho bylo ve vyvoji, oh wait....

    also ... uplne vidim jak pujdou tyhle airshipy, co nepotrebuji moc infrastruktury krasne vyuzit ... treba na tezbu nerostneho bohatstvi ve spatne dostupnych mistech
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam