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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DNF --- ---
    LINKOS: "ktere ale vetsinou slouzi dal" .. no nevim, mam pocit, ze z poslednich olympiad zbejvaj spis mesta duchu ... ale jak pisu, je to spis pocit, protoze takovejch clanku je na netu spousta :)
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: já se nebudu přít co udělá vác uhlíku jestli formule nebo olympiáda. Jen mě tyhle velký sportovní svátky, kde už jde akorát o prachy a propagandu, prostě serou.
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: tohle už by bylo asi složitý spočítat. Velkých cen se jezdí 19 ročně, litá se po celém světě, přepravují se celé týmy, včetně techniky, do toho vývoj, testování nových věcí mimo závod...
    Na druhé straně tu máš řadu závodů, výstavbu celých sportovišť - které ale většinou slouží dál, koná se to jednou za dva roky (letní/zimní), skoro bych řekl, že tam závodníci úplně běžné nebudou lítat soukromími tryskáči...
    Já to spočítat neumím a ani to nebylo jádrem mě poznámky, poukazoval jsem na to, že palivo co se projede při závodu není jediný zdroj emisí s tím související.
    Stejně jako nejsou jediné emise to, že tam někdo jede na lyžích, což z principu žádné emise netvoří...
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: no a pak se někde udělá olympiáda, která ty formule v klidu dožene.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    carbon coin?

    How a real-life carbon coin could save the planet | Popular Science

    The measure ultimately proves to be a pivotal force for moving the globe onto a path of reducing emissions. Each coin, a trackable digital currency, is produced when a ton of carbon is eliminated from the atmosphere—when, for example, oil companies leave their reserves in the ground, forests are re-established, or machines filter carbon from the air.


    Proponents argue that a carbon coin system provides incentives in a way that’s simply not possible with taxes and other fee-based mechanisms. If you just use taxes, Espagne says that you run the risk of hurting the economy without offering much of an alternative to fossil fuel-intensive activities. He believes that a positive carbon reward would be a complement to taxes. A dual system of fees and incentives could both accelerate investment into lower carbon energy, infrastructure, and supply chains while making polluting activities less and less lucrative.


    From a big picture standpoint, carbon coins would address an aspect of economic decision-making that taxes currently don’t. Chen says it’s similar to getting car insurance. While your route from A to B is likely whichever has the shortest ETA on Google Maps, your decision to get car insurance isn’t really based on efficiency. Rather, it’s based on risk—the probability of an accident. A carbon currency would similarly be a sort of insurance against climate change—with every coin issued, that risk is lowered.

    It’s not totally out of the purview of central banks to do something like this, Espagne says. A central bank’s job is largely to ensure that the financial system is stable. And climate change-fueled disasters can pose a risk to that stability. “And because of this systemic [climate change] risk in the financial system … you have a justification for a new role for central banks,” he says.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    BMW Group invests in MOE company Boston Metal; CO2-free steel production - Green Car Congress

    We systematically identify the raw materials and components in our supplier network with the highest CO2 emissions from production. Steel is one of them, but it is vital to car production. For this reason, we have set ourselves the goal of continuously reducing CO2 emissions in the steel supply chain. By 2030, CO2 emissions should be about two million tonnes lower than today’s figure.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    jinak mas pravdu v tom, ze pokud by suezsky pruplav zral kazdorocne % spotreby globalni energie a vedle by byl jiny, kudy by proudilo vic lodi s celkove vetsim objemem, ktery by mel vyrazne mensi energetickou spotrebu, urcite bych volil ten druhy
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PETER_PAN: jses si vedomy, ze svymi rozhodnutimi muzes prispet k zapomenuti bitcoinu a prechodu na neco jineho rychleji?

    nebo se proste kolem tebe v zivote veci jen deji a ty nejsi za nic zodpovedny?

    zkus si tvoje vety vzit opravdu do dusledku na svet kolem sebe a pouzit je na jinych prikladech - detska prace, autoritativni rezimy atd. proc se na statnich urovnich uplatnuji ekonomicke sankce?

    nema smysl nic resit ani podporovat, protoze se to samo nejak vzdycky vyvine a vsecko ma smysl?

    pak by asi nemelo smysl se ani poutat v aute, par mrtvejch a oni to ty vyrobci nejak prizpusobi

    co se tyka substitutu, bylo tu lidstvo pred bitcoinem? existuji alternativni kryptomeny s mensi spotrebou? existuji akciove trhy? zlato muzes navic kupovat i parcialne, napr. pres Revolut

    ja nevim, me ta diskuze dal nedava smysl. asi se shodnem, ze se neshodnem
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    LINKOS: Mas pravdu. Z tve strany to neni hate. A motosport ma nejake externality, ale jine sporty take a vyvoj, zaber plochy a zaber pudy, i prevozy materialu jsou i jinde.
    Clovek dela mnoho veci ktere maji sve dusledky a externality. Jsem proto to transformovat, adaptovat, poukazat na extremy a neadekvatni externality (muj oblibeny priklad - prodlouzeny vikend v Benatkach), ale ta porad tlacena predstava auta fuj, veprovy fuj, do prace na kole a vegansky granule - proste neberu.
    LINKOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ja tedy nějaký hate zatím nepozoruju(na rozdíl od hatu na elektroauta), ale tím neříkám že není. U formulí bude palivo za samotný závod nejspíš úplně minimum emisí, výroba a vývoj nových modelů, jejich testování, bude mnohem větší část emisí. Nevím jestli ostatní sportovci mají flotilu letadel, kde musí přepravovat i spoustu techniky...
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Cheaper carbon capture is on the way | EurekAlert! Science News

    As part of a marathon research effort to lower the cost of carbon capture, chemists have now demonstrated a method to seize carbon dioxide (CO2) that reduces costs by 19 percent compared to current commercial technology. The new technology requires 17 percent less energy to accomplish the same task as its commercial counterparts.

    Tak nějak nevím proč se něco takové nevymyslí i pro jaderné elektrárny /s
    JIMIQ --- ---
    blockchain by měl v konečném důsledku sloužit jen jako vyrovnávací ledger mezi "bankami"
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SHEFIK: ak jsem psal. Nesouhlasim.
    - Zadny srovnatelny substitut tady neni, nejblize tomu je fyzicke zlato a to ma extremne omezenou moznost jednoduche a operativni delitelnosti, overitelnosti, prevoditelnosti.

    - Ta platba malych veci (jako kafe) pomoci karty (treba VISA) vystavene od spolecnosti ktera od tebe prijmula BTC ma uplne jiny dusledky a zadne opakovane transakce na urovni blockchainu s tim spojene nebudou (nekde uz nejsou).
    Jak by to melo vypadat?: Ty te spolecnosti posles treba 0.1 BTC a to mas u nich na "ucte", tohle ucini vice lidi. Obchodnik co prodava kafe dostane CZK nebo EUR a nikde se nic do blockchainu v tuhle chvili nepise. Nebo ma obchodnik ucet take u te spolecnosti a dostane adekvatni mnozstvi satoshi a to se take procesuje jen na urovni databaze te spolecnosti. A spolecnost pak treba proda na burze nejaky mnozstvi BTC v dobe kdy se ji to hodi a protoze na te burze drzi ty BTC a ceka na vhodnou dobu, tak ve chvili prodeje se to odehrava na urovni databaze te burzy. K zapisu do blockchainu a energeticke narocnosti dochazi jen pri realnem transferu BTC. Od tebe z penezenky do spolecnosti co ti dala VISA kartu, od spolecnosti na burzu atd. A to jsou jednotky deju oproti tisicium az desetitisicum.

    - A to jde realizovat pri soucasne technologii protokolu. Nasledne technologie ktere se testuji budou nad vrstvou blockchainu a jejich energeticka narocnost bude mensi nez nejaky zoom videohovor.

    - Kdyz si reknes. Ne nebudu drzet BTC a "spalim ho" a zaroven si to rekne hodne dalsich lidi - hodnota BTC tim potencialne stoupa protoze se zvysi deflacni charakter BTC. BTC je jeste zajimavejsi a system jeste atraktivnejsi. Tj. nedrzet BTC nedava smysl, nevyuzivat prichazejici technologie nedava smysl, bojovat proti budoucnosti nedava smysl.
    - To co pise SHEFIK dava smysl asi jako: Nekoupim si nic z Asie, protoze to pojede lodi co pouzije Suezský pruplav a ten stal moc energie a kazdy takovy vyrobek z Asie je tak dotcen jeho historii. A proto jsou pocitace z Asie spatne a nebudu pouzivat pocitace.
    - Ted je BTC ve fazi vystavby, zmeni se, dospjeje, mozna zanikne nebo bude zapomenut a prijde neco dokonalejsiho. Ted je to soucast revoluce a z palety coinu si drzi nejvetsi duveru. Stoji to energii jako vsechno co clovek dela a smysl toho je zjevny - vzacna a snadno overitelne, delitelna a prevoditelna jednotka smeny.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    LINKOS: Ano, to mas asi pravdu. Ale to by platilo i pro jiny druh sportu. Tedy externality jako prelet souteznich teamu, vybaveni, transfery, hotely, externality v miste konani. Srovnatelne velke mistrovstvi treba v nejakem fyzickem sportu bude mit srovnatelne externality, ale hate se udela jen proti motosportu. A proto pouzivam ten primer mezi spalenym benzinem formuli a letem dopravniho letadla.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: ono za 30 rokov tu budu pokrocilejsie a rychlejsie protokoly, uz teraz mozes pouzivat PoS miesto PoW co ma zlomkovu spotrebu viz napr. near alebo ine chainy zalozene na PoS

    The NEAR Blockchain is Climate Neutral - NEAR Protocol
    TADEAS --- ---

    Benjamin Bratton on the urgency of articulating new forms of collective reason and self-organization.
    LINKOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: hele já se na tom nechci točit, ale pokud létají týmy po celém světě, tak těžko bude mít jeden závod emise jako jeden let EU - Austrálie...
    (jako chápu, že myslíš jen samotný závod, ale to naprosto nereflektuje kolik to vytvoří emisí)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Why Every Single Fuel Cell Stock Zoomed Higher Today | The Motley Fool

    Around the globe, roughly 50 countries around the world have now announced "CO2 pricing initiatives," notes Ballard. Seventy-five countries have set "net zero targets" for carbon emissions, and more than 30 countries are specifically adopting "hydrogen strategies" to reduce carbon emissions. All of that sounds propitious for fuel cells, which by their nature generate electricity without releasing carbon into the atmosphere.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Prediction by Extinction Rebellion’s Roger Hallam that climate change will kill 6 billion people by 2100 is unsupported – Climate Feedback

    What science projects under plausible scenarios of human courses of action is varying degrees of further disruption of fundamental planetary life support systems (e.g. water, agriculture, ecosystems) needed to support the nearly 8 billion humans currently living on Earth. This disruption poses some degree of existential risk to civilization as we know it—with the amount of risk likely still depending on how rapidly we reduce radiative and ecological forcings—but these degrees of risk are not quantified with any certainty. Ice models have had difficulty projecting the melting rate of the Greenland ice sheet; predicting the mechanism of the collapse of civilization and the number of lives lost as a result is a far more complex problem, and there is no scientific consensus that six billion lives will be lost. On the other hand, models have tended to underestimate ice sheet melting, and model projections in general have been systematically “conservative.” I unfortunately don’t see how the possibility of six billion deaths can be ruled out with confidence, especially when the intrinsically unpredictable but real possibility of climate-related war (which could include nuclear weapons) is considered. In other words, Hallam’s claim is speculative, but given the depth and rapidity of anthropogenic change, so is confidently ruling it out.

    While I don’t agree that “science predicts” the death of six billion people, in my opinion Hallam’s broader warning has qualitative merit and in the context of a lay translation of risk his use of “six billion” might reasonably be interpreted as figurative, an illustration of a worst-case scenario (again, that I don’t think can be ruled out). Whether to interpret this claim literally or figuratively is a question perhaps best left to humanists. Given this ambiguity I judge it “unrateable.”
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Hyperwall: Earth: A System of Systems
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