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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    Grand Transitions: How the Modern World Was Made, Smil, Vaclav - Amazon.com
    TADEAS --- ---
    Grand Transitions: How the Modern World Was Made. – Vaclav Smil

    What makes the modern world work? The answer to this deceptively simple question lies in four “grand transitions” of civilization – in populations, agriculture, energy, and economics – which have transformed the way we live. Societies that have undergone all four transitions emerge into an era of radically different population dynamics, food surpluses (and waste), abundant energy use, and expanding economic opportunities. Simultaneously, in other parts of the world, hundreds of millions remain largely untouched by these developments. Through erudite storytelling, Vaclav Smil investigates the fascinating and complex interactions of these transitions. He argues that the moral imperative to share modernity’s benefits has become more acute with increasing economic inequality, but addressing this imbalance would make it exceedingly difficult to implement the changes necessary for the long-term preservation of the environment. Thus, managing the fifth transition – environmental changes from natural-resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and global warming – will determine the success or eventual failure of the grand transitions that have made the world we live in today.

    Want Not, Waste Not

    There is no one threshold. There are many different thresholds. A lot of people said that China over the last few years was overdoing the exploitation of its natural resources. I said, “No, it may be constantly collapsing in some places, but it’s also constantly improving elsewhere.”


    Let’s look at things as they are: There is no “economy” — there is only energy conversion. Your car, your heated houses, your flights to Europe — all must take a big hit. Unless we invent some miraculous type of energy technology, seriously stemming climate change means we would have to deliberately decrease our standards of living. It’s impossible for everyone on the planet to live like people in Santa Clara County and still have a perfect environment. Just impossible.


    The idea that limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030 will make a big enough difference is wishful thinking. There are many papers scientifically showing that much more warming is already in the pipeline. We need to admit that the train has left the station. It’s very likely the warming ahead will exceed 2 degrees Celsius at least. So, yes, the realism you speak of must involve coping with rising seas, intense storms, perpetual wildfires and the rest.


    Our greatest hope is to finally realize how wasteful we are. We simply need to do what I call “rational management.” We waste up to 40% of all food we grow. And agriculture accounts for about 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. We release all that into the biosphere to grow food, and then we waste 30, 35, 40% of it every year, year after year.

    Now, it’s impossible to run an economy with zero waste. But we could bring down waste to less than 15%. Certainly less than 30. The same is true about energy for transport. Thirty years ago, the best-selling vehicle was not the Ford F-150, but small and medium-sized cars. We waste energy, we waste food, we waste materials — in so many ways.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    How China Aims To Beat The U.S., Europe At ‘Net Zero’ Carbon

    What does it mean? It means China is gearing up to invest in clean power technologies (think EV batteries and solar panels) and will add more zero-carbon, zero-emissions energy to its grid. Nuclear stood front and center during Premier Li Keqiang’s 2021 Government Work Report delivered at the start of the week long meeting.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    How Dirt Could Help Save the Planet - Scientific American

    As the largest terrestrial carbon sink, which stores three times more carbon than the entire atmosphere, soil offers a vast repository with immense, untapped capacity. Since the beginning of agriculture, food production has removed about half, or 133 gigatons, of the carbon once stored in agricultural soil, and the rate of loss has increased dramatically in the last two centuries, creating a large void to be filled. Restoring this carbon stockpile would sequester the equivalent of almost one fifth of atmospheric carbon, bringing greenhouse gas concentrations nearly to pre–industrial revolution levels and making soil less erodible. Let’s be realistic—we’re not going to restore 133 gigatons of carbon any time soon. But working toward this goal could be a centerpiece of a multifaceted plan to address both erosion and climate change.

    Farmers know that soil is no longer a renewable resource. Many farms are simply running out of it. A 2018 inventory from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that the United States loses soil on average 10 times faster than it is generated; and in states such as Iowa, New Mexico and Nevada, erosion is much more rapid. In parts of Africa and Asia, soil erosion outstrips replenishment as much as a hundredfold.


    Replacing just 10 percent of a corn crop with strategically placed prairie plants reduces erosion 95 percent! Similarly, reforestation reduces erosion with large tree roots that anchor and enrich soil. All of these soil-protective practices accelerate carbon sequestration, reducing greenhouse gas accumulation.


    Intensive regenerative grazing, a method for pasturing cattle that boosts carbon sequestration by stimulating plant growth, duplicates the effects of the herds of bison that once roamed the American plains, contributing to formation of some of Earth’s most fertile soils. Regenerative grazing regimes involve moving cattle frequently—sometimes several times in a single day—to new pasture, thereby preventing the animals from cropping the vegetation close to the ground. The remaining plants recover and start growing again more quickly than those that have been reduced to nubs, enabling them to be more photosynthetically active over the growing season and accumulate more carbon. Some researchers estimate that regenerative grazing boosts carbon fixation through photosynthesis enough to cancel out most of the greenhouse gases released by beef production.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KEB: winwin
    KEB --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: anebo je to babišova úlitba eko a snaha nabrat voliče u zelených (v kampani pak bude vykládat jak chvaletuce zavřel) Nehledě na to, že Babiš už si protlačil podporu bioplynkám.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    JINDRICH: tykač halt babišovi nenasypal do chřtánu
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    Ministerstvo životního prostředí zrušilo emisní výjimku pro elektrárnu Chvaletice. Pokud společnost Sev.en miliardáře Pavla Tykače nestihne úřady do srpna přesvědčit, že ji skutečně potřebuje, elektrárna bude muset utlumit provoz.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Soil Regen Summit 2021 - Be Part of The Soil-ution
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jiří Krejčík: V Indii protestuje čtvrt miliardy zemědělců. Vláda těží z image demokratického státu – A2larm

    Už od začátku prosince probíhají v Indii bez většího zájmu českých médií obří protesty zemědělců proti reformám, které v září schválil indický parlament pod vedením Naréndry Módího a Indické lidové strany. Do protestů se od té doby zapojilo neuvěřitelných 250 milionů lidí a nehodlají s nimi přestat, dokud indická vláda reformy nezruší. O co ve zmiňovaných reformách jde? Jak na protesty reaguje indická vláda? A proč o zemědělské stávce na sociálních sítích mluví i Greta Thunberg nebo popstar Rihanna? O tom jsme si v novém Kolapsu povídali s politologem a indologem Jiřím Krejčíkem ze Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd České republiky.1
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Biogenic Carbon Cycle and Cattle | CLEAR Center

    Cattle are often thought to contribute to climate change because they belch methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas. While this is true, cattle do belch methane, it is actually part of an important natural cycle, known as the biogenic carbon cycle.


    This infographic is essentially consistent with the GWP* climate model which more correctly takes into account methane's nature as a flow gas, especially from biogenic sources. According to GWP* biogenic methane from steady-state sources (those not changing in their rate of emission) only has 4 times the warming of CO2. This is because the whole system is already in equilibrium with the rate of creation and breakdown of CH4.

    This also takes into account the cycle of the CO2 stock gas going back into the biogeic cycle. This doesn't occur with fossil methane emissions however as that CO2 from the breakdown becomes part of the global CO2 stock until drawdown sinks take it back out giving it a much more substantial warming potential. The additional methane from these sources also has a disproportionate warming potential as it's not part of the existing warming equilibrium, something like 90 times the warming potential of CO2...

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    XCHAOS: olol, moh sis vydelat na dalsi cinzak a dobrovolne jsi si nechal jen jeden :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: nápad dobrej, ale jaksi je tam ten problém "proof of carbon eliminated". jakkoliv kryptoměny jsou pro mě spíš taková divná loterie, která "zatím roste" (prostě každý další turnus v Las Vegas utratí víc, než ten předchozí, takže lze plynule odjíždět s pocitem výhry), tak jim nelze upřít jednoduchost principu: stav jejich alokace je jaksi důkazem sebe sama, jediné co prokazuješ je tvoje schopnost utajit privátní klíč walletu.

    Pokud regulaci přejmenuješ na carbon-coin, nic to nemění na tom, že je to regulace: nějaký proces, který je regulován, musí zůstat dostatečně transparentní, aby nějaký pozorovatel mohl posoudit, zda jsou kritéria splněna. Já rozhodně nejsem na stará kolena takovým odpůrcem regulací, jako zamlada, ale to nic nemění, že regulace fungují na absolutně jiné bázi: máš nějakou autoritu pozorovatele, autoritu arbitrážní, případně autoritu vynucující. Místo vynucující autority by teoreticky mohl fungovat koordinovaný bojkot ze strany těch, kdo akceptují autoritu pozorovatele, ale nevím... v zásadě je to nějaký typ dohody, který vychází z uznání reálného světa a jeho pozorování a nějaké (sebe)regulace aktivit v reálném světě.

    Smutné a půvabné na kryptoměnách je to, že žádný takový koncept jako "reálný svět" ani nepotřebují. Jsou čirou abstrakcí, která pouze reflektuje to, že určitý typ algoritmických operací je v reálném světě obtížný... ale ani neřešej, jak moc obtížný, jen pooměřuí, kdo tu obtížnou věc vykonává lépe.... kryptoměny, stejně jako velká část konzumu, vykazují jísty prvek perverze, resp. soutěže pro soutěž samotnou (tedy nikoliv soutěže, která by vedla ke zdokonalení, ze kterého má někdo jakkoliv objektivní užitek..)

    V zásadě si myslím, že velká část problému s tím, že lidi se vztahem k přírodním vědám a technologii nakonec klimaticikou změnu a její příčiny uznávají jako reálnou a navrhují řešení, je v podstatě "teologického" původu, má to kořeny v odlišných filosofiích (nejen životních, ale obecně filosofických systémech), než ze kterého vychází filosofie přírodních věd.
    DNF --- ---
    LINKOS: "ktere ale vetsinou slouzi dal" .. no nevim, mam pocit, ze z poslednich olympiad zbejvaj spis mesta duchu ... ale jak pisu, je to spis pocit, protoze takovejch clanku je na netu spousta :)
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: já se nebudu přít co udělá vác uhlíku jestli formule nebo olympiáda. Jen mě tyhle velký sportovní svátky, kde už jde akorát o prachy a propagandu, prostě serou.
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: tohle už by bylo asi složitý spočítat. Velkých cen se jezdí 19 ročně, litá se po celém světě, přepravují se celé týmy, včetně techniky, do toho vývoj, testování nových věcí mimo závod...
    Na druhé straně tu máš řadu závodů, výstavbu celých sportovišť - které ale většinou slouží dál, koná se to jednou za dva roky (letní/zimní), skoro bych řekl, že tam závodníci úplně běžné nebudou lítat soukromími tryskáči...
    Já to spočítat neumím a ani to nebylo jádrem mě poznámky, poukazoval jsem na to, že palivo co se projede při závodu není jediný zdroj emisí s tím související.
    Stejně jako nejsou jediné emise to, že tam někdo jede na lyžích, což z principu žádné emise netvoří...
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: no a pak se někde udělá olympiáda, která ty formule v klidu dožene.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    carbon coin?

    How a real-life carbon coin could save the planet | Popular Science

    The measure ultimately proves to be a pivotal force for moving the globe onto a path of reducing emissions. Each coin, a trackable digital currency, is produced when a ton of carbon is eliminated from the atmosphere—when, for example, oil companies leave their reserves in the ground, forests are re-established, or machines filter carbon from the air.


    Proponents argue that a carbon coin system provides incentives in a way that’s simply not possible with taxes and other fee-based mechanisms. If you just use taxes, Espagne says that you run the risk of hurting the economy without offering much of an alternative to fossil fuel-intensive activities. He believes that a positive carbon reward would be a complement to taxes. A dual system of fees and incentives could both accelerate investment into lower carbon energy, infrastructure, and supply chains while making polluting activities less and less lucrative.


    From a big picture standpoint, carbon coins would address an aspect of economic decision-making that taxes currently don’t. Chen says it’s similar to getting car insurance. While your route from A to B is likely whichever has the shortest ETA on Google Maps, your decision to get car insurance isn’t really based on efficiency. Rather, it’s based on risk—the probability of an accident. A carbon currency would similarly be a sort of insurance against climate change—with every coin issued, that risk is lowered.

    It’s not totally out of the purview of central banks to do something like this, Espagne says. A central bank’s job is largely to ensure that the financial system is stable. And climate change-fueled disasters can pose a risk to that stability. “And because of this systemic [climate change] risk in the financial system … you have a justification for a new role for central banks,” he says.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    BMW Group invests in MOE company Boston Metal; CO2-free steel production - Green Car Congress

    We systematically identify the raw materials and components in our supplier network with the highest CO2 emissions from production. Steel is one of them, but it is vital to car production. For this reason, we have set ourselves the goal of continuously reducing CO2 emissions in the steel supply chain. By 2030, CO2 emissions should be about two million tonnes lower than today’s figure.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    jinak mas pravdu v tom, ze pokud by suezsky pruplav zral kazdorocne % spotreby globalni energie a vedle by byl jiny, kudy by proudilo vic lodi s celkove vetsim objemem, ktery by mel vyrazne mensi energetickou spotrebu, urcite bych volil ten druhy
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