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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: No, tak pokud jses na strategicky pozici, ktera ovlivnuje fungovani celyho hospodarstvi, tak bys mel mit aspon elementarni zaklady stezejnich disciplin. Nejde o to, a bejt klimatolog, ale ty vole bejt aspon schopnej precist si "IPCC report for policymakers", coz je par desitek stran napsany tak, ze je pochopi kazdej.
    Ale ja myslim, ze tohle je systematickej bias, kterej plyne z ekonomickejch teorii a hlavne celyho toho kretenskyho etosu wannabe kralovny spolecenskejch ved. Kdyz sledujes vyjadreni ekonomu, jsou konzistentne zcela naprosto mimo misu, s totalni ignoranci neekonomickycho vedeni. Jako trochu se to pomalu meni, ale jinak je to hruza a dle myho "trained incompetence" jak to hezky popsala v jednom dokumentu Lynn Margulis.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: neni to spis o case, ktery tematu venujes, nebo ses schopnej venovat? cas je limitovanej. odsuzovanej nekoho za to, ze nema prehled ve vsem mi prijde dost omezeny. je to jak rikat detem, ze sou hloupy, protoze jim neni jasny to co tobe. raketovej inzenyr asi nebude mit nikdy cas zkoumat, jaky procesy fungujou na arktide a entomolg bude tezko expertem na ekonomicky rizeni statu.
    TUHO --- ---
    DNF --- ---
    TUHO: Mno, to je jeden z duvodu, proc si uz dlouho myslim, ze lidstvo vyhynout musi: protoze vetsina elit jsou psychopati co toho nahledu nejsou schopni, tak trochu pro spolecnost menecenni jedinci.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: SHEFIK: Jinak je husty, jakou uroven negramotnosti dosahuji elity, predevsim potom ekonomicke a bankerske. Z toho vyjadreni CNB je zrejmy, ze se neorientuje v absolutnich zakladech problematiky...
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: Jo, ale to vyzaduje znovu promysleni role centralnich bank v ekonomice. To taky vyzaduje vyhodit dogmatickou ekonomickou expertizu, ktera poslednich nekolik desetileti opanuje ekonomicky mainstream a vymyva mozky generacim studentu, ktery pak konci ve vedoucich funkcich .]
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #demographics #negative

    Tohle asi s vyvojem klimatu bude taky souviset. Nejlidnatejsi zeme s nejvetsim prymyslem uvolnuje politiku ke 3 detem

    Chce to víc dělníků. Klesající porodnost ohrožuje čínský ekonomický růst - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Relativne vyvazenej clanek na tema proc by narodni banky mely/nemely resit klimatickou zmenu

    Artur Linhart: Klimatická změna a Česká národní banka - proč se vytrhovat ze spánku - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Obři se spojili. Velké firmy vytvořily alianci pro boj s klimatickou změnou - iDNES.cz

    Cílem klimatické aliance, která nese název Business Alliance for Scaling Climate Solutions, tedy obchodní aliance pro škálování klimatických řešení, BASCS, by měla být podpora investic firem do životního prostředí a kontrola, kam přesně peníze, které firmy do ekologie investují, jdou.
    TADEAS --- ---
    UPDATED ANALYSIS | Is the Czech Recovery and Resilience Plan for the EU Recovery Facility #NextGenerationEU aligned with the green transition? Read our analysis of the new plan, with thanks to @AMO_cz

    Country Report | Green Recovery Tracker

    In May 2021, after a contentious process, the Czech government adopted the national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with significant changes relative to previously released drafts. Throughout the process, civil society actors have criticized the lack of opportunities for effective participation. Overall, we find that the measures included in the plan, with investments of €7.9bn, can make a positive contribution to the green transition, though there are several specific shortfalls.

    ‍Green Spending Share

    We find that Czechia’s recovery plan (RRP) achieves a green spending share of 25%, below the EU’s 37% benchmark. Furthermore, we find that 15% (€1.1bn) may have a positive or negative impact on the green transition depending on the implementation of the relevant measures, illustrating the importance of further scrutiny during the further planning, review and implementation of the recovery measures. According to the government, the plan’s climate spending share is 37% (see page 5 of the full country report for more details).

    Our calculation of the green spending share aims to mirror the approach used for the official assessment of national recovery plans.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Are there basic physical constraints on future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide? | SpringerLink
    TUHO --- ---
    Elektrárnu Počerady, kterou vlastní skupina Sev.en uhlobarona Pavla Tykače, přestanou pojišťovat všechny tři společnosti, jež jí podle evropské databáze TED dosud krytí poskytovaly.

    Zjištění DR: Tykačovy Počerady už v České republice nechce nikdo pojistit
    TADEAS --- ---
    Zack Labe

    More reading! A thread of peer-reviewed studies evaluating projections of 21st century Arctic sea-ice extent/area/thickness (seasonally ‘ice-free’)

    TADEAS --- ---
    via tuho


    In 2020 the EU officially endorsed a so-called ‘Green Deal’. Regrettably, it was endorsed “more in the breach than in the observance”: No real funding was ever put aside for this ‘Green Deal’ and, worse still, the EU continues to pursue the extraction and distribution of fossil fuels in a manner that increases geopolitical tensions.
    In particular, plans to extract oil and gas in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean are causing geopolitical tensions that only benefit arms dealers and the financial vultures who profit from ‘securitising’ fossil fuels and gas pipelines and that will, most probably, not even see the light of day. They also fuel the pre-existing migration crisis by turning Turkey against the EU and vice versa.
    The geopolitical tensions caused by the cynical hypocritical “Green Deal” of the EU are not limited to its southeastern borders. They are expanding to the northeast, where, for example, Germany and Russia are moving along the Nordstream2 pipeline, fostering dark business interests that boost both EU intra-European and international relations, increase the likelihood of military conflict and, in addition to environmental damage, costs to the people of the region.


    During the recent intensification of the global capitalist economic crisis due to Covid-19, the Eurozone suffered the largest decline in investment (50%), the largest flight of capital (€500 billion) and the largest increase in the “output gap” (i.e. the difference between the total product we could produce and that produced) relative to the US, China and the UK. Moreover, intra-European imbalances (which had already grown before and after the euro crisis) increased exponentially. However, the EU has administered the smallest fiscal stimulus in the strongest economic regions of the world and done the least to boost investment – relying almost exclusively on the so-called Recovery Fund, which is both macroeconomically insignificant and politically poisonous. As a result, the 2020s are projected to be Europe’s second lost decade in a row.
    European Green Recovery & Investment Program: The European Council should give the green light to the European Investment Bank to issue annual bonds of 5% of EU GDP, which the ECB says it will “support” in secondary bond markets. These funds finance a new European institution, the European Green Transition Works Agency whose main purpose is to create the European Green Energy Union and the elaboration of the EU’s Green Transition in general.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Sweden-based startup Volta Greentech raises 1.7 million Euro to fight burps from cows — and is now eying to build the world’s largest algae factory | by Volta Greentech | May, 2021 | Medium
    TADEAS --- ---
    precision grazing - virtual fencing / nova era plotologie TADEAS

    Session 5: Leo Barthelmess & Todd Parker - Virtual fencing for land, livestock and landscape health

    Agersens: Home page


    Nofence - World’s first virtual fence for livestock
    TADEAS --- ---

    The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities: Pershouse, Didi, Donovan, Peter: 9780692613030: Amazon.com: Books

    soil health -- human health

    Didi Pershouse is the founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine, where she developed a model for systems-based ecological medicine that restores health to individuals as well as the social and natural communities around them. Over the past 22 years, her health-care practice has expanded in its scope from treating individual patients to treating whole systems

    Didi Pershouse - The Ecology of Care: Shifting from a Sterile to a Fertile Paradigm - LSSM 2017
    TADEAS --- ---

    Jet stream: Is climate change causing more ‘blocking’ weather events? | Carbon Brief

    “[Blocking] tends to be less persistent in the southern hemisphere as the westerly jets are stronger. Despite this, they do have some important impacts, such as over Australia, New Zealand and southern South America.”

    For example, blocking events were behind the record hot, dry weather that saw devastating bushfires during Australia’s 2019-20 summer, and a major drought in southeastern Brazil in 2014-15.


    Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking in CMIP5 and Future Changes in the Australia-New Zealand Sector

    Climate models often do not simulate enough blocking events, though most research on this problem has focused on the Northern Hemisphere and less is known about the Southern Hemisphere. We survey 23 climate models and show that during winter some models simulate too many blocking events, while others simulate too few, whereas during summer, almost all models simulate too few events to the south of Australia. We also show that with higher concentrations of greenhouse gases we expect there to be less blocking, particularly to the south of Australia and over New Zealand during winter.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Praha schválila klimatický plán, opozice ho nepodpořila - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Whether caring for the human gut, a farm, or a regional prairie landscape, the turn to “rewilding” is gaining traction in policy and science across disciplines and scales. In his book, The Probiotic Planet: Using Life to Manage Life, Dr. Jamie Lorimer calls this the “probiotic turn.” Lorimer ties this probiotic turn to an uptake in Gaian thinking and places it on a timeline in relation to a growing realization of “antibiotic” modes of managing life and their socioecological blowbacks.

    In March 2021, I sat down with Dr. Lorimer to discuss his new book and what “probiotic recalibration” means for the future of microbiomes and (macro)biomes. More than one year into COVID-19 and amidst ongoing activism around racial inequality, we also discuss his research’s importance for thinking about pandemics, uneven development, and environmental justice.

    Stream or download our conversation here.

    Geographer Jamie Lorimer on the Probiotic Management of Life
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