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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DZODZO --- ---
    MARSHUS: je to ako taka retazova reakcia, shit hits the fan

    XCHAOS --- ---
    MARSHUS: sorry jdu sem s tím jako druhý.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MARSHUS: a pokračování přes noc. Pyrocumulus tak velký že zapalují svoje vlastní ohně.

    90% of Lytton, B.C., destroyed by fire, local MP says, as residents rushed to escape | CBC News
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Tak uz to zacalo. Arktida to neni, ale italie uz ledovce pokrejva

    Italové se zoufale snaží zachránit ledovec. Pokrývají ho odrazovou vrstvou - Aktuálně.cz
    MARSHUS --- ---
    TADEAS: zatím 500 mrtvých ale až se to všechno spočítá tak jich bude víc za jeden týden než za celý Covid. Nicméně ropa musí plynout protože Alberta.

    B.C. records 486 sudden deaths, almost triple the usual number, during heat wave | CBC News
    TADEAS --- ---

    Hotter than the human body can handle: Pakistan city broils in world’s highest temperatures

    This city of some 200,000 in Pakistan's Sindh province has long been renowned for its fierce heat, but recent research has conferred an unwelcome scientific distinction.

    Its mixture of heat and humidity has made it one of only two places on earth to have now officially passed, albeit briefly, a threshold hotter than the human body can withstand.


    Mr Matthews and colleagues last year analysed global weather station data and found that Jacobabad and Ras al Khaimah, north east of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, have both temporarily crossed the deadly threshold. The milestone had been surpassed decades ahead of predictions from climate change models.

    The researchers examined what are called wet bulb temperatures. These are taken from a thermometer covered in a water-soaked cloth so they take into account both heat and humidity.

    Wet bulb thermometer readings are significantly lower than the more familiar dry bulb readings, which do not take humidity into account. Researchers say that at a wet bulb reading of 35C, the body can no longer cool itself by sweating and such a temperature can be fatal in a few hours, even to the fittest people.


    Jacobabad crossed the 35C wet bulb threshold in July 1987, then again in June 2005, June 2010 and July 2012. Each time the boundary may have been breached for only a few hours, but a three-day average maximum temperature has been recorded hovering around 34C in June 2010, June 2001 and July 2012. The dry bulb temperature is often over 50C in the summer.

    Patchy death records mean it is not clear whether the crossing of the threshold resulted in a wave of fatalities. The effects of entering the danger zone are likely to be blurred, for example with cooler interiors of buildings temporarily sheltering residents from the worst. It also depends on how long the threshold is crossed.

    Mr Matthews said: “Even though it's theoretically been crossed according to the weather station measurements in that part of the world, whether or not it's been crossed in the hyper local environment where people are living, and for long enough to really translate into widespread deadly conditions, is another question.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    počasí se vždy měnilo a měnit bude

    Vlna rekordních veder na západě severní Ameriky, teploty přesahují 45 °C | In-počasí
    PER2 --- ---
    Avista Corp. implemented rolling blackouts Monday for the first time after temperatures soared in Spokane, Washington, overheating its equipment as demand for electricity climbed.
    One common point of power grid failure are transformers, the barrel-shaped devices on utility poles that reduce voltage as electricity is transfered from distribution lines to homes. Transformers heat up as power moves through them, and radiators -- metal blocks with fins -- are used to dissipate that heat into the air.
    But when the external temperatures are too high, they can’t shed heat as effectively, and if the transformers get too hot they can catch on fire
    ..utilities in the U.S. will need to invest about $500 billion to make their grids more resilient, according to ICF International Inc., a consulting firm..

    chlazeni elektraren je dalsi issue + jim jeste krom spotreby el energie stoupla docela razantne i spotreba vody idealni situace v miste kde je s obojim problem

    PER2 --- ---
    Five Asian countries are responsible for 80 percent of new coal power stations planned worldwide, with the projects threatening goals to fight the climate crisis, a report warned Wednesday.

    China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam are planning to build more than 600 coal plants, think-tank Carbon Tracker said.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Canada has now broken their all-time temperature record for a THIRD day running, with a staggering 49.6C (121.3F).
    PAD --- ---
    PAD --- ---
    SEJDA: Ano, ale take se na te politice v ramci EU podili a je o ni informovano, takze se muzeme prizpusobit. I Polaci pochopili, ze je lepsi chytnout byka za rohy, nez plakat v koute, jak nam nikdo nerozumi. Takto skoncime s drahou elektrinou z dovozu, treba prave z toho Polska. Pripada ti Polsko nejak vyrazne zelene nebo progresivni? Vubec neni, je to docela dost konzervativni zeme. Ale umi pocitat a kdyz se z EU sypou prachy na zelene zdroje s tim, ze jine budou zdrazovat, tak to proste prijmou jako fakt, namisto ceskeho don-quijotstvi. Fototermicke a fotovoltaicke panely tam vidis dnes uz bezne i v nejzapadlejsich vesnicich. Net metering, GW vetrniku v priprave, podpora novych FVE formou aukci, snizena (nebo snad i zrusena?) DPH pro FVE, atp, atp. My Cesi jsme fakt nekdy neskutecni samolibi idioti. Porad nejak doufame v nejakou jednoduchou spasu a nechceme prijmout, ze reseni se muze sestavat z dilcich opatreni.

    Priklad: Nedavno mi nainstalovali FVE a prijel borec od distributora se podivat na vedeni, ze pry ho budou muset menit. U toho si hezky zanadaval, jak jsou vsechny ty fotovoltaiky nahovno a ze by to nejradeji zrusil. Tak jsem se zeptal, zda s tim ma osobni zkusenost. Nema. Tak jsem mu nabidl, ze mu dolozim vypocty, ze v mem pripade to dava naprosto ekonomicky smysl a ze je to vyhodne. To uz aspon prestal nadavat. Ale ze mi to pripoji pry nejdrive na podzim, ale maji na to az do ledna '22. A pritom ta FVE vygeneruje rekneme 3MWh, vetsinu duben-zari, takze kdyz to pripoji v listopadu, tak prijdu o celou sezonu. A to nemluvim o uctovani po fazich (ceska ojedinelost), o nutnosti vest HDO ke stridaci (opet ceska ojedinelost), ktere celou vystavbu zbytecne komplikuji. To uctovani po fazich te navic demotivuje k instalaci vetsi kapacity (i kdyz bys ji vyuzil) a tlaci te spis k jednofazovym instalacim. Tohle jsou klacky pod nohy technologii, ktera dnes nabizi bezkonkurencni koncove ceny energie pro bezne lidi (za predpokladu, ze si tu energii umi sami spotrebovat). Tohle neni vec EU, naopak - jen diky EU u nas ma distributor nejakou povinnost te vubec pripojit. Pritom jim to nijak neskodi, podminkou je minimalne 70% samospotreba (cili preteka malo a sam chces, aby to bylo minimum). Je to proste jen zabednenost, nic jineho.

    Pan z distribuce se pak rozpovidal o tom, jak jsou nahovno taky elektroauta, ze na to neni ta sit stavena. No, neni. A byla kdysi stavena na dnesni odbery? Pres 100 lety nebyla leckde vubec (treba u nas ne)! Takto by se preci nikdy neosvetlily ulice (neni prece kapacita), nezelektrizovaly tovarny, atp. Neuveritelna zabednenost:/ A tohle si poslechnes od cloveka, ktery vlastne zije z tvych penez. A toto je mikrokosmos, ze ktereho emerguje ceska statni energeticka nekoncepce.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Half the country is facing an apocalyptic summer | Live Science

    About 91% of the West was in drought as of June 22, with 55% experiencing extreme or exceptional drought, while two back-to-back heat waves exacerbated the drying of soils and vegetation, increasing the potential for wildfires. Meanwhile, water supplies are dwindling: Lake Mead, the reservoir formed by the Hoover Dam, is the lowest it has been since the 1930s when it was first filled, and California's reservoirs are 50% lower than usual for this time of year, according to the Associated Press.

    The current conditions are part of a 22-year-long drought in the western U.S., the likes of which have not been seen for more than 400 years prior to 2000. But this summer is likely to eclipse the drought of the last two decades, said Benjamin Cook, a climate scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

    "Even in the context of those last 20 years of drought this year really stands out," Cook told Live Science. "For the Southwest, it's very likely to be the worst single year of drought since 2002."
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: Energeticky trh i jeho regulace je zalezitosti Evropske Unie. Cesko ma povinnost ratifikovat.
    TUHO --- ---
    Drahé povolenky a tlak kapitálového trhu urychlí konec uhlí v Česku. A útlum bude rychlejší, než si dnes politici připouštějí. Stále však nevíme, čím uhlí nahradit. Vláda problém neřeší, opozice k němu mlčí.
    Česká vláda zatím neřekla, kdy má země ukončit těžbu a spalování uhlí. Pouze vzala na vědomí loňské doporučení Uhelné komise skončit s uhelnou energetikou v roce 2038, pokud v té době bude za uhlí dostatečná náhrada v podobě nové jaderné elektrárny v Dukovanech.
    Pokud se však nezmění podmínky v energetice, uhlí k výrobě elektřiny a tepla se u nás přestane používat dřív. Nová jaderka jeho výpadek nenahradí, protože se prostě postavit nestihne.
    Nepomohou ani obnovitelné zdroje – přestože je dnes energie z nich v době, kdy vyrábějí, rekordně levná. A přestože nás díky dotacím z Modernizačního fondu čeká nebývalý obnovitelný boom.
    Soláry a větrníky fungují jen v době, kdy svítí slunce a fouká vítr, takže vyžadují dostatečnou záložní a akumulační strukturu. To si žádá úplně nový přístup k energetice: novou legislativu, nový trh se záložními kapacitami, těsnější mezinárodní spolupráci.
    Český stát se však na novou energetiku zatím vůbec nechystá, vláda nechává příští vývoj plně na investorech. A to je obrovské riziko.

    Analýza: Odchod od uhlí začal. Hrozí při něm chaos a promrhané miliardy - Seznam Zprávy
    SHEFIK --- ---

    CNN carried the story with the title, “The amount of heat the Earth traps has doubled in just 15 years, study shows.” A few other news sources carried the story, but I did not see many. Clearly, the media think other things are more interesting.

    Out Of A Million Headlines, This Is The One I Find Most Frightening | CleanTechnica
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: to chodi v takych vlnach, na novinkach je teraz kazdy expert na tornada
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: Truly an astonishing amount of cable experts in this thread.
    DZODZO --- ---
    v portlande maju tak teplo ze sa im roztapaju kable :)

    XCHAOS --- ---
    It’s important to note that the temperatures being discussed here are land surface temperatures, not air temperatures. The air temperature in Verkhojansk was 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius)—still anomalously hot, but not Arizona hot.
    Ground Temperatures Hit 118 Degrees in the Arctic Circle
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Jako ve vroucím hrnci. Supertropy trápí region, kde bývá klimatizace zbytečná - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    degenerativni a destabilizujici komponent rostlinne produkce

    Estimation of methane emissions from the U.S. ammonia fertilizer industry using a mobile sensing approach | Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene | University of California Press

    2019: a study by researchers from Cornell and the Environmental Defense Fund shows that emissions of methane from the industrial fertilizer industry have been dangerously underestimated (and, it turns out, based on self-reporting) and the production of ammonia for fertilizer may result in up to 100 times more emissions than previously estimated for this sector.

    The study suggests total annual methane emissions of 28 gigagrams, which is 100 times higher than the fertilizer industry’s self-reported estimate of 0.2 gigagrams per year. In addition, this figure far exceeds the EPA’s estimate that all industrial processes in the United States produce only 8 gigagrams of methane emissions per year.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam