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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    Suffering from drought and water shortages since March, they've taken to the streets in the last couple of weeks to express their anger with the government and its poor management of water resources.
    "We've known about the problem of water scarcity and the threat it poses to national security for more than 30 years,"
    According to official figures, Iran now has 192 dams — around 10 times it did some 40 years ago. "The government is seeking quick solutions that promise short-term success.

    "As, for example, when you point out that you shouldn't, on principle, build large dams in a dry country like Iran, because too much water evaporates from the reservoirs."
    Environmental experts have said the current water shortage is also the consequence of a mistaken understanding of agriculture development and progress. The government continues to be focused on maximizing self-sufficiency, not least as a response to sanctions and pressure from abroad.

    It has been promoting agriculture and allowing the digging of deep wells, which have exhausted the available water resources. The traditional crops in Khuzestan are rice and sugar cane, both of which require large amounts of water. Around 90% of Iran's total water consumption is used up by agriculture.

    tldr: lets blame clima change for everything
    PAD --- ---
    Climate change will drive rise in ‘record-shattering’ heat extremes | Carbon Brief
    SEJDA --- ---
    SHEFIK: reflex patri do druheho klubu o sireni desinformaci ;)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ok, cerpal sem z webu arniky, moje chyba. NOAA uvadi priblizne 9 let. Kdyz si to srovnam:

    Tak 9x28 je 252, tzn. vyhoreni methanu je 2,5x lepsi pro klima, nez ho nechat uniknout (rozpad co2 se udava na 100 let). Navic je u ketanu ten efekt pusobeni intenzivnejsi vuci moznym tipping points a zkracuje mozny reakcni cas lidstva, takze jednoznacne vychazi lip ho nechat shoret.

    Uz jen skoda, ze spolecne s nim tam hori i ty lesy :)

    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Ale reseni methanu v atmosfere (zejmena toho ktery v nasledujicich letech skokove pribude) je IMHO jedna z priorit.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SHEFIK: Za 4 roky ne. Methan ma half-time v atmosfere cca 7 let a tohle nepresne stanovene cislo se navic meni s jeho koncentraci protoze se meni pomer sinku zapricineneho procesy zive prirody a rozkladu ve stratosfere.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: stehuju se tam pestovat brambory, na protest proti zmene klimatu
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: #uvaha

    optimistkej pohled: ten metan shori a nepujde do atmosfery, kde by byl jako 28-36x silnejsi sklenikovej plyn, zlikviduje se tak "casovana bomba"

    1Ch4 -》1co2 + ...

    A pesimistickej: metan by se za 4 roky rozpad. A samozrejme to shoreni lesa problemu taky moc nepomuze :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Současné požáry na Sibiři mohou být nejhorší v historii. Dosud shořely skoro dva miliony hektarů lesa. Do Jakutska, který je nejvíc postiženou oblastí, poslala vláda armádu. Teploty v regionu letos dosáhly rekordních téměř 40 stupňů Celsia. Roztává i místní permafrost. Podle úřadů je to další doklad změn klimatu.

    TUHO --- ---
    Íránskou provincií Chúzistán otřásly před několika dny krvavé protesty. Lidé demonstrovali kvůli nedostatku vody. Na videích pořízených na demonstracích lze vidět, jak tvrdě byl protest bezpečnostními jednotkami rozehnán. Na některých záběrech policisté dokonce střílí do protestujících.

    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: verim, ze to letos dame .. takze se mame do poloviny zari na co tesit :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Eliot Jacobson

    As of July 25, Arctic sea ice is the 4-th lowest. Last year's record low was 6.328 million km^2 on July 25. No Blue Ocean Event this year -- lucky humans! Another La Nina means no BOE in 2022, so we've got another year at least. But fire/flood/drought/heatwaves will continue.

    TADEAS --- ---
    francouzskej privalacek, aka spot the desertification in the water

    Vidéos permettant de voir l’avant, le pendant et l’après … vidéos facebook de Dennis Addams. Vidéos filmées à Dinant. Le débit et les dégâts sont impressionnants. Force et courage 1/3

    TADEAS --- ---

    Huge carbon capture pipeline network proposed: Industry’s ‘delay-and-fail strategy’ rises again
    TADEAS --- ---
    How to Live in a Climate ‘Permanent Emergency’
    By David Wallace-Wells

    This year suggests the possibility of a new arrival — the age of adaptation, or what climate-and-energy researcher Juan Moreno-Cruz yesterday called “climate realism.”

    Alarmism, he said, was “useless,” and even efforts to decarbonize have served as a kind of distraction. “Stop dreaming up climate solutions, think of climate managing strategies,” he admonished.

    Talking climate solutions has left us unprepared for actual climate change. We keep running models and fighting over which “solution” is the best, but we have done nothing to address the impacts of climate change.

    Managing climate change is not as sexy as solving climate change, but it’s what we need. Yes, we need real action to achieve deep decarbonization in our economy. There is no amount of adaptation we can do if we don‘t get emissions under control. But we already baked in so much warming we need to deal with it now. We painted ourselves into this corner, and we need to navigate our way out of it. Dreaming about a future carbon-free system will do nothing for people in India and Pakistan today.

    Perhaps the great awakening on warming has already happened — or keeps happening and keeps being forgotten, among other reasons so that we can continue to believe we stand just at the threshold of climate suffering rather than well beyond it. But the great awakening on adaptation probably still lies ahead of us. Or maybe that “permanent emergency” is beginning right now.
    KEB --- ---
    XCHAOS: Bože jak já bych přál volnému bloku aby vyzdechal na covid, to by byla tak hezká spravedlnost...

    No nic to semm nepatří....
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: sounds like a darWIN ,)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: hmm, digitální technologie se zatím uplatňují spíš při šíření konspiračních teorií a naprostých nesmyslů, které vytváří pseudo-politické struktury s ambicemi nahradit ty dnešní, které se snaží aspoň udržet nějaký smysluplný popis situace, když už jí nemají pod kontrolou.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: ani ta zkusenost neni to ono. to ono je nejaky rozhodnuti, to rozhodnuti probehlo (parizska dohoda), a ted to jejak probublava systemem, ale imho jsme v ty situaci ze to sociopoliticky rozhodnuti ma jen volnou vazbu k tem agro/techno/logistickejm infrastrukturam (posilovany tim, ze tyto infrastruktury nam skutecne poakytuji vysokou miru komfortu) ... takze se deje tenhle proces, zda vubec jsme pany svych infrastruktur (= svych investic, tzn zda investice se podrizuji stabilizaci klimatu potazmo regeneraci ekosystemu). zaroven ta transformace potrva nejmene dekady, a zaroven transformace ekosystemovych praktik potrva nejmene dekady... takze neji potreba to videt cerne, spis dlouze, skutecne cerny to bude az pozdeji :D
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