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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Extinction Rebellion

    Not only is the fossil fuel industry responsible for extreme weather events. They are not safe from these extreme weather events.

    Here we see numerous Oil slicks, spills and flaring in the aftermath of #HurricaneIda

    Posing a grave danger to people and animals after disaster strikes.

    It is time to shut the fossil industry down, prepare yourself for a post carbon world.

    Aerial Photos Of Hurricane Ida’s Aftermath Show What 'Code Red' for the Planet Looks Like in South Louisiana - DeSmog
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ukrajině i Polsku navzdory. Poslední část plynovodu Nord Stream 2 je svařená - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Asset value will shape the existential politics of climate change - by Carlos Alvarenga - Thematiks

    the authors propose a new framework based on the idea that in every developed nation one finds holders of climate-forcing assets (CFAs) (e.g., example, oil fields, beef farms) and holders of climate-vulnerable assets (CVAs) (e.g., coastal property, fisheries). From the 1980s to mid-1990s, the authors note, CFA holders were content to cast doubt on the certainty of climate science to prevent CVA holders from realizing the threat that they faced and thus mobilizing against CFA-friendly policies. However, starting in the late 1990s, CFA holders became more aware of the economic threats to their assets and began to mobilize, as specific sectors and communities (e.g., coal miners, flood-prone areas) began to feel the real costs imposed by a shifting climate.

    Since that time, many nations and companies have begun to act unilaterally, often in line with the degree of the perceived economic vulnerability of held assets. This shift comes about from a greater awareness of the potential financial impact of climate change as well as the growing number of entities that it affects. In other words, whereas CFA holders were previously generally restricted to fossil fuel companies, the authors note that “it is now clear that vast swaths of the economy will have to decarbonize relatively soon.” Indeed, sectors such as shipping, aviation, and industrial and chemical production can now be considered CFAs. Decarbonization and climate change, note the authors, “are not only deepening the concentration of interests among CFA and CVA holders, they are also ‘broadening’ the dispersion of those interests.”

    The broadening of the present and future CVA ecosystem is leading to new legal and policy initiatives in response to the increasing economic threat that climate change poses. In the legal realm, for example, “there are an increasing number of lawsuits in which future generations and other affected groups are compelling states to increase their climate policies.”


    Climate change and decarbonization policies raise the prospect of extinction for CVAs and CFAs, respectively. It contrasts with other kinds of distributional politics, which involve adjustments on the margins (for example, falling wages) or through which a substitutable good is lost (for example, high trade tariffs making avocados prohibitively expensive, leading to consumers buying something else). Existential politics often means that there is a contest over whose way of life gets to survive. Should we have Miami Beach and the Marshall Islands, or should we have coal miners, ExxonMobil, and Chevron? This extreme form of distributional politics exists in other areas of international political economy (for example, a trade agreement or technological change can wipe out an uncompetitive industry), but we suggest that the scale of climate change will make existential politics the increasingly dominant lens through which to understand climate politics.
    TADEAS --- ---
    [2106.02512] Interdependence of Growth, Structure, Size and Resource Consumption During an Economic Growth Cycle

    All economies require physical resource consumption to grow and maintain their structure. The modern economy is additionally characterized by private debt. The Human and Resources with MONEY (HARMONEY) economic growth model links these features using a stock and flow consistent framework in physical and monetary units. Via an updated version, we explore the interdependence of growth and three major structural metrics of an economy. First, we show that relative decoupling of gross domestic product (GDP) from resource consumption is an expected pattern that occurs because of physical limits to growth, not a response to avoid physical limits. While an increase in resource efficiency of operating capital does increase the level of relative decoupling, so does a change in pricing from one based on full costs to one based only on marginal costs that neglects depreciation and interest payments leading to higher debt ratios. Second, if assuming full labor bargaining power for wages, when a previously-growing economy reaches peak resource extraction and GDP, wages remain high but profits and debt decline to zero. By removing bargaining power, profits can remain positive at the expense of declining wages. Third, the distribution of intermediate transactions within the input-output table of the model follows the same temporal pattern as in the post-World War II U.S. economy. These results indicate that the HARMONEY framework enables realistic investigation of interdependent structural change and trade-offs between economic distribution, size, and resources consumption
    TADEAS --- ---
    Decision Spaces | Vol. 8 No. 1 | Fletcher Security Review

    For the past several years, the UN Security Council has
    hosted open debates on climate-security matters. Further,
    in 2017, it took the historical step of linking climate
    change with the deteriorating security situation in the
    African Sahel. In UN Security Council Resolution 2349,
    the “adverse effects of climate change and ecological
    change” in destabilizing the security situation in the
    Lake Chad Basin is specifically highlighted.213 Since
    this resolution was issued, the council followed up with
    additional resolutions in Somalia, Darfur, West Africa and
    the Sahel, and Mali.214

    To be sure, the Security Council has yet to make the formal determination that climate change (or one of its many impacts) are a “threat to the peace” within the meaning of Article 39 of the UN Charter.215 However, there is a growing precedent for the council to use its authorities to address non-traditional security threats, and, in the coming years, the body will be under increasing pressure to address climate-driven security matters in some fashion.216 An Article 39 declaration serves as the legal key, which opens the door for the council to use its awesome Chapter VII authorities.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    'Catastrophic' supervolcano eruption, scientists find the likelihood | TweakTown

    This is just one of the 20 super volcanos around the world, and the last time it erupted was around 74,000 years ago, spewing six billion tons of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, reducing global temperatures to 15C and causing what a period of time that was a genetic bottleneck in human evolution. Eruptions from these super volcanoes happen about once every 17,000 years
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kudy vede cesta k Česku bez kouře, budou řešit odborníci. Sledujte živě - iDNES.cz

    Odsiřování elektráren, postupné odstavování uhelných zdrojů i nástup elektromobilů přispívají k tomu, že se kouř nad českém pomalu rozplývá. Jak daleko je ale ještě k bezemisní energetice a je v Česku vůbec reálná. Je například evropský Green Deal správnou cestou? I o tom budou debatovat experti na konferenci Národní den bez kouře, kterou můžete sledovat v úterý od 9:15 na iDNES.cz.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Roy Scranton: Some New Future Will Emerge – Guernica

    In the essay “Anthropocene City,” I write how people in Houston are working to protect the city from the next big storm, but that they’re not doing it super successfully. I’m proud of this essay, because it looks at climate change a little differently than many other pieces on the subject, which tend to ask one of two questions: Why do we suffer from a paralysis to do anything about climate change? What is the way around that paralysis? A problem that arises from looking at [climate change] this way is that we’re born into a world with a distinct conceptual armature and structure of reality. We can’t just, like, tear up all the roads and do something different. You can only build a new future using the rocks of the past. Some new future will emerge, certainly, but we don’t have a lot of control over how that happens. What we can do is facilitate its emergence in a more peaceful and thoughtful way.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The role of the state in providing infrastructure for decarbonisation
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe to miss 2030 climate goal by 21 years at current pace - study | Reuters

    Paul Maidowski

    Dear all, don’t like to repeat, but it doesn’t seem to register. By 2050 a number of European states if not the EU will have ceased to exist. So much for #Fitfor55. Where are all the political scientists, and funding for serious research? We’re playing with fire as if we had time

    Roger Hallam

    It's when you read articles like this that you realise there is something devastatingly wrong with the way our system of governance is responding to the biggest threat to civilisation in 10,000 years. Yes, it’s as big as that.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    ze serie apoka threadu, ala TADEAS ci TADEAS

    Thread by @JimBair62221006 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


    We have so, so many warnings from so many agencies, corporations & researchers that we simply can't afford to ignore them any longer.

    We begin with market intelligence analysis firms.

    Tridge a market intel firm operating in 40 countries, with clients including Deutsche Bank, FAO, the Singapore Food Agency, the Australian Dept of Agriculture & Water Services, Nestle & Unilever, recently issued the following stark warnings.

    "Due to extreme weather conditions, the agriculture supply chain is likely to experience continuous disruptions, leading to long-term price fluctuations in agricultural products across the world."

    "If this trend continues for the next few years, the global society will encounter the issue of “Survival,” unprecedented food shortage, & agflation”


    Peer reviewed research in turn points towards a long list of rapidly escalating, converging crises for food production, all exacerbated by climate change.

    One of the most off-cited changes to food systems arising from climate change involves shifting climatic zones, often cited specifically because it is incessantly & misleadingly used to argue that “We’ll be able to grow more food in northern regions!”

    In fact, adaptive crop migration has already been widespread, but “Expanding agriculture into new areas is extremely environmentally damaging, decreasing carbon storage, harming water quality, reducing wildlife habitat, and biodiversity”
    furthermore, our current climate change trajectory will lead us to a situation characterized by

    “more than a third of current global food production falling into conditions in which no food is produced today – that is, out of safe climatic space.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    V Řecku po rozsáhlých požárech vzniklo nové ministerstvo pro klimatickou krizi
    PER2 --- ---
    GOJATLA: na letnou jich prislo 300k a co se zmenilo? :) ja cekam jestli vznikne i nejaka extremisticka odnoz
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: Souhlas, když na ulici vyjde 100 lidí, nezmění to nic. Ale když jich bude 10.000 tak je to něco jiného, viz akce v Anglii. Nepochybuju, že se tolik lidí časem najde, na Letnou jich přišlo 300.000. Čekat se založenýma rukama, jestli se vlády přece jen o nějaké řešení nepokusí, to tě časem přestane bavit.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: "we all knew something terrible was going to happen, but didn't know what to do about it". But once the second world war was under way, "everyone got excited, they loved the things they could do, it was one long holiday ... so when I think of the impending crisis now, I think in those terms. A sense of purpose - that's what people want." - Lovelock

    kdyz udelam zoom-out - evolucni proces vyselektuje funkcni praktiky lidskych spolecenstvi. revoluce jsou asi konstatovani toho, ze nekde dochazi k nejaky kontrakci, neco se transformuje, meni se dostupnost zdroju, atd. funkcni bude to, co se ukaze funkcni, a funkcni bude to, co se patrine vztahne k ty planetarni situaci - tzn. regionalne ruzny adaptacni praktiky... pricemz ale v sazce neni jen regionalni 'preziti', ale prave vznik ty planetarni koordinace (management ekosystemu, geoingeneering, stabilizace klimatu, digitalni formy organizace)... je to otazka, jak to spolecenstvi dokaze usmernit ty transformacni momenty nejakym kreativnim smerem, smerem, kterej ty (planetarni) situaci odpovida. imho tyhle spolecnosti pak dlouhodobe ten selekcni cyklus projdou skrz :)

    nebo jina analogie - pokud se na planetu divame jako na otazku vzniku seberegulujicicho se systemu, tak ten system potrebuje nejakej regulacni prvek, nejakej svuj obraz s regulacni funkci. dysregulace vede nakonec ke smrti (bytosti, organizace), tj. z tohoto pohledu se hleda ten regulativni obraz, kterej odpovida situaci (planetarni situaci). ... a tak dale .)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: ale chápeš, vzpoury nefungují tak, že včera byla planeta neobyvatelná, tak dnes se vzbouříme a zítra už zase bude obyvatelná. Kdyby to bylo takhle jednoduché, tak je celé globální oteplování dávno vyřešené....

    V praxi to daleko spíš bude vypadat, že ty se pokusíš zablokovat provoz na nějaké dopravní zácpou ucpané radiále v Praze (třeba já bych rád vyvěsil tady v Břevnově na Patočkově aspoň plachtu "auta smrdí" nebo dokonce "auta jsou smradlavý plechový imigranti na kolečkách", jsou tu dva nadchody, kde by se to vyjímalo) třeba pomocí nějaké barikády z převrácených aut nebo pneumatik a tím uděláš klimatickou vzpouru a zachráníš svět.

    Dokonce i kdyby tě nezastavila policie, tak ve skutečnosti, ve chvíli kdyby bys to udělal, tak by naběhla obrovská banda vidláků a buranů z vil na předměstí a dala ti nakládačku, co si to dovoluješ je omezovat. Byl by si naprostá bezmocná menšina proti rozhořčené většině. A pak by si burani přivezli buldozer a jezdilo by se dál...

    Samozřejmě, já očekávám nějaké větší změny v Evropě tak asi za 5 let, kdy už do toho opravdu nebude mluvit Václav Klaus... ale ono teda spousta těhle dědků ve stáří víc a víc zatvrzelejších a budou škodit, dokud to půjde. Ale jinak fakt není u takhle složité žádné rychlé a přímočaré řešení. Možná můžeme trochu víc pokřikovat na ty, kteří to pořád popírají, ale fakt nevidím jednoduchou cestu. Energeticky náročný konzum je především pohodlný a zábavný, a společnost která by ho vystřídala, se zatím jeví pracnější, a pokud něco zásadního nevymyslíme, tak i poměrně nudnější. A vzpoury tímhle směrem se moc historicky neděly...
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: to jsou otevreny otazky :) ja odpoved nemam
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: Klimatická vzpoura může vyřešit podstatu - omezit emise a oteplování, udržet planetu obyvatelnou, to je dost konkrétní cíl. Nevíme, co udělají tipping points, může přijít bod, kdy už bude všechno jedno, ale byla by chyba to vzdát předčasně. Blbý je, že většina se spíš chytne boje proti migraci, málokdo se bude zajímat o planetu, když se bude bát o život. Nevěřím tomu, že budoucí katastrofy lidstvu otevřou oči a začne jednat. Naopak, včera bylo pozdě, a bude jen hůř.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: ale ono to bude trochu naopak: vláda třeba zakáže lidem auta se spalovacími motory, protože spojitost s emisemi a emisemi lodí co to palivo převážej a vůbec vším je více než zřejmá. Ale ty lidi spíš udělají vzpouru proti tomu zákazu, než co jiného....
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