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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Make a #PromiseToThePlanet today
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: USA Čína Indie a Rusko už mají po pandemii?

    .. ignoruj mě ve skutečnosti oceňuji tvou snahu tady nějak pozvednout morálku je fajn že to děláš. Jen prostě to že řešení existují bohužel nic neznamená
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: organizujou zachranu sveta, nemaj cas .]
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: vubec ne. ja ocekavam serii diskontinuit, ktery pokud nebudou fatalni tu planetarni civilizaci zrodit muzou, ale bude to brutalni proces uceni... kulantne receno
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: souhlasim, proto je tak tezky otocit kormidlem. nastesti ne vsichni lidi sou v ridicich pozicich a osud zeme nelezi jen na predstavitelich cr.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: sejmul me ten kovid. Lidi nezvládnou ani blbý očkování. Kde brát víru že by proběhly společenské změny, které by byly potřeba
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: cekal bys ze dne na den, pripadne z roku na rok opacnej trend? Jakoze vypnem svetla a vsemohouci mavne renewable proutkem 8. dne a lidstvo bude spaseno?
    JINDRICH --- ---
    COP26 climate summit: A scientists’ guide to a momentous meeting
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: 'Veci se zlepsujou' :D to je neco jako 'decreasing the rate of increase'? :D
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: souhlasim. Ale change management vzdycky trva. A vetsi projekt lidstvo jeste nemelo, nejen komplexitou, ale i mnozstvim zainteresovanych lidi.

    Nejen Australie a UK uz do toho slapou, zbytek se casem prida. Tema je videt v mediich vic nez kdy driv. Za posledni rok se otocilo verejny povedomi a uz malokdo rozporuje, ze za problem muze primarne lidstvo, to je samo o sobe obrovskej posun. Zacaly se zavirat uhelky, vetsina bank a pojistoven uz s nima nechce mit nic spolecnyho. Cina prohlasila, ze nebude financovat uhelky v zahranici atd atd.

    Veci se zlepsujou, a proto nevidim duvod propadat depresi.

    Pisnicku si rad pustim .)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: je to zoufalost ohledne: [TADEAS @ Klimaticka zmena // Čechům vstup zakázán]

    kdy se to otoci? a co to znamena? :)

    optimismus neni na miste, jestli teda vyznavas tu realitu, sry .)

    Všechno bude fajn (Live)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: nikdo prece nikdy netvrdil, ze jedno reseni vsecko spasi a jede se dal. Klima je komplexni problem a jeho reseni se sklada/bude skladat ze sady mnoha ruznych opatreni.

    Nicmene technologie pro transition toho nejvetsiho problemu, coz je "clean" energie a jeji rostouci poptavka uz existuji a budeme se v nich urcite jen zlepsovat. Energiim je pak nasledne vsecko podruzny. Materialy se daji premenovat do nekonecna.

    A pak samozrejme vycistit uhlikovej backlog, ale i na to uz tu probehlo spousta prispevku, od velryb, pres pudni prisady co vazou uhlik, regenerativni zemedelstvi, vytvareni diamantu ze vzduchu, kropeni mori zelezem atd atd.


    Ja nevim jestli se tu lidi v beznadeji radi vyzivaj, nicmene je fajn se obcas vratit do reality a zkusit jit tem resenim treba naproti, nebo je minimalne neignorovat
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    týpek co ho neznam a retweetuje ho Mann

    The Transapocalyptic Now - by Alex Steffen - The Snap Forward

    Nothing that we currently know how to do will roll discontinuity backwards and restore a new continuity. Reversal is a myth. Healing ecosystems, restoring the atmosphere, preserving biodiversity — all are critical efforts, but even in the sunniest scenarios, we will never find ourselves living again on the same version of this planet our ancestors called home.


    We know from millennia of history that poor people forced into more desperate circumstances tend to fall back on the same few strategies. One is to deplete future resources in order to survive present challenges (the proverbial eating of the seed corn; cooking next year’s crop to make it through a tough winter). Another is conflict, seizing resources from others who have them. The third is to try to move to somewhere else where life may be easier (remember, for instance, the American Dust Bowl).


    From everything I’ve heard and read, though, no one studying these problems seriously expects them to get anything less than much worse.

    obrazek se tyka extremniho klima scenare

    JINDRICH --- ---
    Greta Thunberg: #COP26 has been named the most excluding COP ever.
    This is no longer a climate conference.
    This is a Global North greenwash festival.
    A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: muzes zacit tim, ze skrtnes CCS z klima scenaru.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Co to je zas za podzimni deprese tady? :) jakyze nemame technologie a prostredky?

    Meanwhile mimo nasi republiku:

    South Australia was close to 100% renewable electricity in October, and everything went smoothly. The average share of wind and solar during October was 72%. For 29 out of 31 days, 100% of the power used in South Australia (SA) was renewable. The sky didn’t fall, the grid didn’t collapse, and the apocalypse is not nigh.

    Solar + Wind = 72% of South Australia's Electricity in October, World Not Turned Upside Down - CleanTechnica

    Wright Electric plans to have 100-passenger electric airplanes in service by 2026.

    Wright Electric Plans To Put 100-Passenger Electric Airplanes In Service By 2026 - CleanTechnica

    Atd atd...
    THE_DARKNESS: ja vidim nadeji pro biosferu v konci lidstva, coz je strasne depresivni. to zadba nadeje neni, ze jo. moc rada bych chtela hledat nadeji v necem, co nezahrnuje masakr. mate neco?
    TADEAS --- ---

    Skopeček: Boj o klima? Katastrofa nepřichází, podřezáváme si větev, Česko zchudne - DVTV na Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cows and cars should not be conflated in climate change debates

    Research in Kenya, for example, shows how assumptions about emissions from African animals are inaccurate. Such livestock are smaller, have higher quality diets due to selective grazing and have physiologies adapted to their settings. They are not the same as a highly bred animal in a respiration chamber, which is where much of the data on emission factors comes from.

    Overall, data from extensive systems are massively under-represented. For instance, a review of food production life cycle assessments showed that only 0.4% of such studies were from Africa, where extensive pastoralism is common across large areas.
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