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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JINDRICH --- ---

    Pražské společenství obnovitelné energie (PSOE) je zcela novou organizací založenou hl. městem Praha s cílem podporovat a rozvíjet tzv. komunitní energetiku na území hl. města. S pomocí této postupně se rodící nové společnosti budou v hl. městě systémovým a inovativním způsobem počínaje rokem 2021 postupně budovány nové výrobny energie obnovitelného původu, především ve formě střešních fotovoltaických elektráren, a jimi vyráběná energie bude přednostně využívána při krytí energetických potřeb městských budov a rovněž pražských domácností.

    Zásadní odlišností od dosavadních zvyklostí je schopnost s pomocí této organizace sdílet – a to zdůrazňujeme ekonomicky příznivěji – energii vyráběnou výrobnou v daném objektu i mimo něj. Pod pojmem sdílení je chápán model, v němž každý připojený účastník má možnost energii z dané výrobny využívat nejen pro své vlastní potřeby, ale ji i sdílet s ostatními (spolu)vlastníky dané nemovitosti, v níž je výrobna instalována, a rovněž pak i s městem a jeho fondem budov. Doslova bude možné el. energii předávat / v dohodnuté ceně / dle aktuálních podmínek k účelnému užití v jiných odběrných místech.

    Vznik této organizace je faktickým prvním konkrétním krokem pro naplňování Klimatického plánu hl. města Prahy do roku 2030. Každá nově vyrobená kilowatthodina z uhlíkově neutrálního či nízkoemisního zdroje napomůže snižovat uhlíkovou stopu města, přesněji emise skleníkových plynů, k jejichž produkci dochází při výrobě tradičním způsobem spalováním fosilních paliv.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Připoj dům | Připojte i váš dům a sdílejte čistou energii
    SADY --- ---
    MARSHUS: pripustit toto by znamenalo pripustit naslednou migraci, to by se jim ta hra vojacky strasne zmenila/rozbila... vsichni tady umreme
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GOJATLA: jo to kdyz jsem napsal v treti svetove ze Izraeli / regionu dojde cas tak se minuskovalo..
    GOJATLA --- ---
    GOJATLA: k tomu ještě tahle přednáška, stojí za vidění:

    What is the Petro-State? - Andrew Nikiforuk

    17 Jan 2013
    GOJATLA --- ---
    ‘Apocalypse soon’: reluctant Middle East forced to open eyes to climate crisis | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    By the end of the century, if the more dire predictions prove true, Mecca may not be habitable, making the summer Haj a pilgrimage of peril, even catastrophe. Large tracts of the Middle East will resemble the desert in Ethiopia’s Afar, a vast expanse with no permanent human settlement pressed against the Red Sea.

    The west’s insatiable demand for fossil fuel has allowed this region to build car-dependent cities, full of shiny air-conditioned skyscrapers and malls. Now it has to find a way to avoid its self-destruction

    “It is a really tough issue because the interests of the ruling elites run contrary to the interests of citizens. The ruling elites are all dependent on oil rents for the survival of their regimes. They need the oil business to stay alive for them to stay in power. Their system is based on continued oil rent, but ultimately, the citizens’ long-term interests are with a liveable climate”.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Číňani zní, jako by se tím klimatem fakt zabývali

    China calls for concrete action not distant targets in last week of Cop26 | Cop26 | The Guardian

    As an example, he said the working guidance document on carbon peaking and neutrality outlined a strict control on the increase of coal consumption during the 14th five-year period and then a gradual reduction during the following five years. “That means China will peak coal consumption around 2025, though that is not a line you will see in the document. You need to interpret it and nobody [outside China] can do that.”

    Similarly, he said the government 1+N policy system provided a roadmap of 37 tasks that the country needed to take until 2060 on areas ranging from legislation and policy to technology and finance. There will be another 30 documents published in the coming year that break down actions needed in key sectors, such as building and transport, as well as major industries including steel and chemicals. “No country has issued so many documents to support its targets,” he said. “It’s a holistic solution, but nobody knows.”


    Decarbonisation is already under way. By the end of this decade, the government plans to reach 1200GW of wind and solar power, which would exceed the entire installed electricity capacity of the US, he said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Are Intergovernmental Alliances for Saving Humanity Still Possible?

    Geoengineering, nuclear power, ecocide, climate finance, migrating ecosystems... I cover a bunch of often controversial topics in the 5th instalment of my essay on a #RealGreenRevolution, which I offer to contrast with the agenda discussed in and around #COP26. Feedback welcome (not with any illusion that these ideas go somewhere towards policy, but in search of better understand)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Cop26: world on track for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C, says key report | Cop26 | The Guardian

    Temperature rises will top 2.4C by the end of this century, based on the short-term goals countries have set out, according to research published in Glasgow on Tuesday.

    The estimate stands in sharp contrast to optimistic forecasts published last week that suggested heating could be held to 1.9C or 1.8C
    By contrast, the sobering assessment of a rise of 2.4C from Climate Action Tracker (CAT), the world’s most respected climate analysis coalition, was based on countries’ short-term goals for the next decade.

    Emissions will be twice as high in 2030 as they need to be to stay within 1.5C, based on promises made in Glasgow, CAT found.

    The findings should serve as a “reality check” to the talks, said Niklas Höhne, one of the authors. “Countries’ long-term intentions are good, but their short-term implementation is inadequate,” he told the Guardian.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    1bn people will suffer extreme heat at just 2C heating, say scientists | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    The Met Office assessed wet-bulb temperature, which combines both heat and humidity. Once this measure reaches 35C, the human body cannot cool itself by sweating and even healthy people sitting in the shade will die within six hours.

    If efforts to end the climate emergency fail and temperatures rise by 4C, half of the world’s population will suffer from this extreme heat stress.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #transition #fullread

    COP26: The energy transition is here to stay and battery storage is essential to it - Energy Storage News

    We have the technological tools to decarbonise, but can we do so at pace and scale? It depends on the politics, says James Basden, co-founder and director of Zenobe Energy, a UK-headquartered company working on clean energy infrastructure including grid-scale battery storage and fleet transport electrification solutions.


    But make no mistake: even if negotiations flounder, the energy transition is here to stay.
    Spooked by the risks of inaction, 45% of banks disclosing to CDP — the global environmental impact disclosure non-profit group — have aligned their portfolios with net zero. This empowers green technology companies.


    Despite the pandemic, 260GW of new renewable generation was deployed globally in 2020 – smashing former records by almost 50 per cent. The electric vehicle (EV) sector raised US$28 billion, 10 times more than in previous years.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SEJDA: tak ropný plošiny jsou desítky/stovky metrů dlouhý komíny co seděj na dně, posunout po nich tu plošinu o pár čísel vejš nebejvá takovej problém.
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: jop, jestli plati "extremnejsi vice a houst", tak by to znamenalo, ze maji casteji jeste vyssi vlny. Ale to ja bohuzel nevim. Pravdepodobne bychom potrebovali mereni rovnou z tech platforem.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: jo, pri lehkym googlingu co jsem si na ten dotaz udelal nekdo rikal, ze prave je to znat nejvic na tech vlnach, coz by odpovidalo tomu, co se rika jinde ohledne ty energie naakumulovany v oceanech
    SEJDA --- ---
    BLAHOVEJ: "nebud hodnej a rekni, kde jsi to cetl" :D
    Bylo to z nejakeho dokumentu na Youtube/v televizi?
    No nic, prumerny narust hladiny mori (ani zdaleka neni vsude stejny) 3 cm za 10 let .. za 30 let zivotnosti tech srotu (oil rig) to bude 10 cm. Mnohem vetsi problem, nez vzestup hladiny jsou tedy prilezitostne vysoke vlny.

    SHEFIK --- ---

    Which crops pair well with solar? – pv magazine International
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    Solární podvod za sto milionů skončí bez trestu pro ústřední postavu, boss ODS zemřel - Aktuálně.cz
    PER2 --- ---
    record high ice discharge returns to Greenland’s largest glacier
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cédric Durand, Energy Dilemma — Sidecar

    A successful carbon transition implies the harmonious unfolding of two processes complexly related at the material, economic and financial levels. First, a process of disbandment must take place. Sources of carbon must be drastically reduced: above all hydrocarbon extraction, electricity production by coal and gas, fuel-based transport systems, the construction sector (due to the high level of emissions involved in cement and steel production) and the meat industry. What is at stake here is degrowth in the most straightforward sense: equipment must be scrapped, fossil fuel reserves must stay in the soil, intensive cattle-breeding must be abandoned and an array of related professional skills must be made redundant.

    All things being equal, the elimination of production capacities implies a contraction of supply which would lead to generalized inflationary pressure. This is even more likely because the sectors most affected are located at the commanding heights of modern economies. Cascading through the other sectors, pressure on costs will dent firms’ mark-up, global profits and/or consumer purchasing power, unleashing wild recessionary forces. In addition, degrowth of the carbon economy is a net loss from the point of view of the valorization of financial capital: huge amounts of stranded assets must be wiped out since underlying expected profits are foregone, paving the way for fire sales and ricocheting onto the mass of fictitious capital. These interrelated dynamics will fuel each other, as recessionary forces increase debt defaults while financial crisis freezes the access to credit.

    The other side of the transition is a major investment push to accommodate the supply shock caused by the degrowth of the carbon sector. While changing consumption habits could play a role, especially in affluent countries, the creation of new carbon-free production capacities, improvements in efficiency, electrification of transport, industrial and heating systems (along with the deployment of carbon capture in some instances) are also necessary to compensate for the phasing out of greenhouse gas emissions. From a capitalist perspective, these could represent new profit opportunities, so long as the costs of production are not prohibitive relative to available demand. Attracted by this valorization, green finance could step in and accelerate the transition, propelling a new wave of accumulation capable of sustaining employment and living standards.

    Yet it is important to bear in mind that timing is everything: making such adjustments in fifty years is completely different from having to disengage drastically in a decade. And from where we are now, the prospects for a smooth and adequate switch to green energy are slim, to say the least. The scaling back of the carbon sector remains uncertain due to the inherent contingency of political processes and the persistent lack of engagement from state authorities.


    Market mechanisms are expected to internalize the negative externalities of greenhouse gas emissions, allowing for an orderly transition on both the supply and demand sides. ‘Carbon pricing has the advantage of focusing on efficiency in terms of cost per ton of CO2, without the need to identify in advance which measures will work.’ Reflecting the plasticity of market adjustment, a carbon price – ‘unlike more prescriptive measures’ – opens up a space for ‘innovative solutions’.

    This free-market, techno-optimistic perspective ensures that capitalist growth and climate stabilization are reconciliable. However, it suffers from two main shortcomings. The first is the blindness of the carbon-pricing approach to the macroeconomic dynamics involved in the transition effort. A recent report by Jean Pisani Ferry, written for the Peterson Institute for International Economics, plays down the possibility of any smooth adjustment driven by market prices, while also dashing the hopes of a Green New Deal that could lift all boats.

    Observing that ‘Procrastination has reduced the chances of engineering an orderly transition’, the report notes that there is ‘no guarantee that the transition to carbon neutrality will be good for growth.’ The process is quite simple: 1) since decarbonation implies an accelerated obsolescence of some part of existing capital stock, supply will be reduced; 2) in the meantime, more investment will be necessary. The burning question then becomes: are there sufficient resources in the economy to allow for more investment alongside weakened supply? The answer depends on the amount of slack in the economy – that is, idle productive capacity and unemployment. But considering the size of the adjustment and the compressed timeframe, this cannot be taken for granted. In Pisani Ferry’s view, ‘Impact on growth will be ambiguous, impact on consumption should be negative. Climate action is like a military build-up when facing a threat: good for welfare in the long run, but bad for consumer satisfaction’. Shifting the resources from consumption to investment means that consumers will inevitably bear the cost of the effort.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Climate Week with James Anderson

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