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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: aneb methane/carbon tunnel vision, resp. "food production" tunnel

    TADEAS --- ---
    go veg, ale pak taky don't forget to kill wild ruminants

    In some areas, the removal of land from use in animal agriculture may lead to an increase in wild ruminant population. Although this is difficult to model globally, this would offset some of the beneficial impacts of reductions in methane emissions from livestock

    Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century

    TADEAS --- ---
    Greenpeace activists from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia have blocked a transshipment of Russian oil at sea in northern Denmark, Thursday 31st March 2022.

    Greenpeace calls on Europe to reject and ban any import of fossil fuels from Russia and to rapidly phase out all fossil fuels to fight the climate crisis and protect humanity. Read more on https://act.gp/3IOI056
    TADEAS --- ---

    Just Stop Oil protests: Terminal operations suspended and arrests made - BBC News
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: :)

    me na tom prijde smutny to, ze ten proces civilizace jak ho odehravame ma v sobe nekde zakodovany to 'pole', aka 'poust' ... ze z nejakyho duvodu, ackoliv jiny cesty tu jsou, chceme mit nejdriv cistej prostor, pole, poust... a na tom si teprve dokazeme [jako ta civilizace] predstavit tu generativitu... v principu se ten planetarni management potazmo ekosystemovej management lisit nebude. proc je pro nejakou skupinu lidi atraktivni to myslet ve vztahu k jiny, poustni planete, zatimco proces umoznujici potencialne osidlovani jinych planet je zasadne destruktivni pro tuto planetu, to je zasadni otazka. je to v tom nejaka ta perverze toho impulzu k civilizacnimu reverse-engineeringu, tj. te logistifikaci, kontrole. do jaky miry je 'kontrola' (jako nejakej sveraznej pristup k managementu) mozna u zivejch systemu, ktery se na jinou planetu budeme snazit exportovat, to je taky otazka.

    regulovat rybnik, regulovat akvaponickej system - jsou v tom velky provlemy. ty prvni pokusy s temahle uzavrenejma domovejma ekosystemama se ukazaly jako nefunkcni.

    samozrejme, nejaka cesta bude... v urcitym smyslu mi ale prijde lito, ze jsme tak chudy duchem, ze by to melo bejt inspirativni pro fungovani v bohatejch otevrenejch ekosystemech zeme.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: post-apo citadely na zemi budou ještě rádi že můžou využít výsledky tohoto pokusu
    TUHO --- ---
    Ze zivota emigranta: vlak do CR z vychodniho Slovenska trva 9 hodin, takze beru luzko jelikoz jezdim s dcerou. Vyjde nas to na 1800, kdyz vybiram hodne dopredu.
    Ryanair z Kosic leti hodinu, cena zacina na 250, ale tak kdyz si chci vybrat terminy, ktery potrebuju, tak cena vyjde cca na polovic toho, co vlak.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Elon Musk gave the design firm Commensalist, led by author Louis De Jaeger, the job of designing the best possible food forest design for the challenging conditions on planet Mars. The Commensalist team travelled around the world to find the highest food-producing trees that can survive in extreme heat and cold. Trees that not only produce food, but also filter particulate matter, purify water, create oxygen, and provides shade.

    The designs are finished, computer models have shown that project “Mars Food Forest” will be able to support the lives of one million people on the red planet. In the California desert, Elon Musk is now reconverting an old underground military base into a 10-acre test plot that will recreate the exact conditions on Mars. The Commensalist team will grow the three winning foodforest designs to see which one is the best and what problems can be prevented. This trial will take 15 years to complete, and the results will be right on time when the first big domes will be installed on mars in the year 2038
    TADEAS --- ---
    marsify earth to earthify mars

    Mars Food Forest | How to feed 1M people on the red planet

    One year ago Elon Musk stepped into our office and asked:

    "How are we going to feed 1 million people on Mars by 2050?"

    What followed was an intense brainstorm with this amazing visionary.

    We cannot bring soil to Mars, so we have to create it on Mars.

    After uncountable computer simulations and pooling together the expertise from the Commensalist team, we concluded that food forests are the only feasible way to feed a population on a barren planet

    After one year of hard work, under a veil of secrecy, we are proud to present: Mars Food Forest.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Gabe Brown a zemědělství budoucnosti
    TADEAS --- ---
    Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture | SpringerLink

    agricultural transformation is essential for creating more sustainable food systems. This paper focuses on discursive change. A prominent discursive alternative to industrial–productivist agriculture is regenerative agriculture. Regenerative discourses are emergent, radically evolving and diverse. It is unclear whether they have the potential to generate the changes required to shift industrial–productivist agriculture. This paper presents a literature-based discourse analysis to illustrate key thematic characteristics of regenerative agricultural discourses. The analysis finds that such discourses: situate agricultural work within nested, complex living systems; position farms as relational, characterised by co-evolution between humans and other landscape biota; perceive the innate potential of living systems as place-sourced; maintain a transformative openness to alternative thinking and practice; believe that multiple regenerative cultures are necessary for deeply regenerative agriculture; and depart from industrialism to varying degrees. The paper concludes by reviewing three transformative opportunities for regenerative discourses—discourse coalitions, translocal organising and collective learning
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: je to v kontextu regenerativniho zemedelstvi - ze je mozne se zamerit na ten aspekt uhlikoveho cyklu a vnimat to predevsim timhle zpusobem, coz z nejakekch klima kruhu casto slysim, a to ne ani ve vazbe na regenerativni zemedelstvi, ale proste na zemedelstvi obecne. pricemz "zemedelstvi" je zase jen jinak zuzenej pohled na to, co je ve skutecnosti "management ekosystemu" ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Půdcast #2 - Wenzel Lobkowicz, regenerativní pastva
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: myslim, ze je to mysleno, jak spolecnosti tezici fosilni paliva vnimaji problemy lidstva.
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: dik, to jsem prehlednul, takze je to vlastne 13 rozmerny tunel.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #transition #awesome ...jde teda jen o elektrinu

    Čisté energii se daří. V loňském roce pokryla rekordních 38 % světové poptávky a překonala uhlí – VTM.cz

    (Pozor ceskej clanek zamenil nabidku za poptavku)

    Global Electricity Review 2022 | Ember

    Wind and solar, the fastest growing sources of electricity, reach a record ten percent of global electricity in 2021; all clean power is now 38% of supply. But demand growth rebounded, leading to a record rise in coal power and emissions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: prislo mi to jako hezka ilustrace :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: to tam nie je pod tym Overconsumption?
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: carbon tunnel vision koho? kdyz si ctu zpravy ipcc, tak tam vetsinu ostatnich temat vidim…
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