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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    Unchecked global emissions on track to initiate mass extinction of marine life
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: "convert the greenhouse gas into fuels, fertilizers, antibiotics" - to zni jako vycet veci, ktery mame radi a zaroven jima destabilizujeme ekosystemy ... nova tranaformace, kterou budeme nejak managovat. jak?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #mitigation #desalination

    From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button: Researchers build a portable desalination unit that generates clear, clean drinking water without the need for filters or high-pressure pumps -- ScienceDaily

    After running lab experiments using water with different salinity and turbidity (cloudiness) levels, they field-tested the device at Boston's Carson Beach.

    Yoon and Kwon set the box near the shore and tossed the feed tube into the water. In about half an hour, the device had filled a plastic drinking cup with clear, drinkable water.

    "It was successful even in its first run, which was quite exciting and surprising. But I think the main reason we were successful is the accumulation of all these little advances that we made along the way," Han says.

    The resulting water exceeded World Health Organization quality guidelines, and the unit reduced the amount of suspended solids by at least a factor of 10. Their prototype generates drinking water at a rate of 0.3 liters per hour, and requires only 20 watts of power per liter.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #biotech #ccs

    How a soil microbe could rev up artificial photosynthesis -- ScienceDaily

    But the carbon fixing champs are not plants, but soil bacteria. Some bacterial enzymes carry out a key step in carbon fixation 20 times faster than plant enzymes do, and figuring out how they do this could help scientists develop forms of artificial photosynthesis to convert the greenhouse gas into fuels, fertilizers, antibiotics and other products


    When both glue and twist are present, the carbon-fixing reaction goes 100 times faster than without them.

    We aren't trying to make a carbon copy of photosynthesis," Erb explained. "We want to design a process that's much more efficient by using our understanding of engineering to rebuild the concepts of nature. This 'photosynthesis 2.0' could take place in living or synthetic systems such as artificial chloroplasts -- droplets of water suspended in oil."
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: prosimte trosku posun tu uroven trosku hore, idealne s nejakym informacnim presahem. chapu, ze vsichni jsme unaveny a frustrovany, ale od toho jsou tu jiny kluby…
    PER2 --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: studia ti hlavne pomuzou prestat nebo aspon omezit sirit polopravdy ci primo lzi .. s trochou sebereflexe
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: Btw.Doufám, že tam přijeli elektrickou MHD. Nemohu nevzpomenout na nějakou eko demonstraci v devadesátkách v Rakousku, kdy na ni naprostá většina aktivistů přijela autem po jednom na auto.
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: Klimatičtí aktivisté zamořují úmyslně a zbytečně zplodinami Mnichov. To nevymyslíš. Doufám, že dostali alespoň pokutu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    renewable cowboys, postavime deset vetrniku, ne za tri ani pet let, ale jednou jo!

    V Česku postavíme desítky megawattů větrníků, říká Kalina z ČEZ | E15.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Brzy si uzijem i my, neboj.

    Odborníci doufali, že extrémně suché roky 2015-2019 budou jen krátkodobým výkyvem. Jak ale řekl v Rozstřelu Miroslav Trnka, vědecký pracovník Ústavu výzkumu globální změny Akademie věd, opak bude zřejmě pravdou. A neplatí to jen o České republice. Extrémní výkyvy počasí zažívá celá Evropa. Extrémní sucho se vrací, vody je málo v řekách i v půdě, varuje bioklimatolog
    Podle evropské služby Copernicus bylo loňské léto v Evropě nejteplejší od začátku měření. Suché období čeká podle bioklimatologa Trnky i Česko. Copernicus monitoruje stav klimatu a ve své zprávě uvedl, že loni byly teploty v celé Evropě o jeden stupeň Celsia vyšší než průměr. „Možná si vaši čtenáři a diváci vzpomenou na mimořádné požáry a extrémně vysoké teploty v Itálii a Španělsku a tato teplotní bublina zasáhla i část severní Afriky,“ popisuje rok 2021 profesor Trnka.

    Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/miroslav-trnka-intersucho-rozstrel-klima-malo-vody.A220429_100313_domaci_vov
    TADEAS --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: ta situace nam poskytuje moznost se neco naucit. nemame se naucit nestavet domy v pousti, ale zamerit se na to, jaky ma dusledek jisty management ekoayatemu, neobnovitelnych vodnich zdroju a nejsireji management civilizacnich procesu vedouci k destabilizaci klimatu, coz s tim samozrejme souvisi
    TADEAS --- ---
    Germany oil pipeline sabotaged by furious climate activists in nightmare for Olaf Scholz | World | News | Express.co.uk

    GERMAN climate protesters turned off crude oil pipelines at five locations, demanding Olaf Scholz's government looks for other ways to reduce the country's controversial dependency on Russian gas.

    TADEAS --- ---
    München: Klimaaktivisten besetzen Eingang der Munich Re - München - SZ.de

    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: Ok, moje studia pomůžou těm lidem zvrátit vládní omezení vody.
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Ironically, one of the best proofs that information does not change people attitudes is that science communicators continue to ignore the extensive research evidence that shows that information does not change people’s attitudes.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    A planetary boundary for green water | Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

    Green water — terrestrial precipitation, evaporation and soil moisture — is fundamental to Earth system dynamics and is now extensively perturbed by human pressures at continental to planetary scales. However, green water lacks explicit consideration in the existing planetary boundaries framework that demarcates a global safe operating space for humanity. In this Perspective, we propose a green water planetary boundary and estimate its current status. The green water planetary boundary can be represented by the percentage of ice-free land area on which root-zone soil moisture deviates from Holocene variability for any month of the year. Provisional estimates of departures from Holocene-like conditions, alongside evidence of widespread deterioration in Earth system functioning, indicate that the green water planetary boundary is already transgressed. Moving forward, research needs to address and account for the role of root-zone soil moisture for Earth system resilience in view of ecohydrological, hydroclimatic and sociohydrological interactions.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Jako ne.
    Kazdopadne Kalifornii by pomohlo dodelat uz tu odsolovacku a pak ten system na snizeni odparu v nadrzich. Oboje velmi levne v porovnani s problemy ktere to resi.
    TADEAS --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: study more
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: Ať si to užijou. Významná část Kalifornie leží v poušti. Nechat si tam stavět domy je ekosebevražda. To nemá nic společného s klimatickou změnou. Stačí sednout do letadla z Phoenixu do LA a čumět z okna.
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