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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity

    Humanity has triggered the sixth mass extinction episode since the beginning of the Phanerozoic. The complexity of this extinction crisis is centred on the intersection of two complex adaptive systems: human culture and ecosystem functioning, although the significance of this intersection is not properly appreciated. Human beings are part of biodiversity and elements in a global ecosystem. Civilization, and perhaps even the fate of our species, is utterly dependent on that ecosystem's proper functioning, which society is increasingly degrading. The crisis seems rooted in three factors. First, relatively few people globally are aware of its existence. Second, most people who are, and even many scientists, assume incorrectly that the problem is primarily one of the disappearance of species, when it is the existential threat of myriad population extinctions. Third, while concerned scientists know there are many individual and collective steps that must be taken to slow population extinction rates, some are not willing to advocate the one fundamental, necessary, ‘simple’ cure, that is, reducing the scale of the human enterprise. We argue that compassionate shrinkage of the human population by further encouraging lower birth rates while reducing both inequity and aggregate wasteful consumption—that is, an end to growthmania—will be required.
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: mozno tam sami byvaju a nechcu mat nabuduce sami bordel v garazi, ale zasa mozno to tam teraz uz splavilo tu vrchnu vrstvu a nabuduce to bude cajk, uz tam stecie iba cista voda
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: a proc by si meli vsimat?
    DZODZO --- ---
    intenzivne obdelavana pole... kedy si to ti jezedaci vsimnu, ze dvojmetrovy pas vegetacie im mozno ukroji par kil vynosov plodin, ale nebude sposobovat skody obci, ktora hasicov hradi z verejnych penazi?

    Žarošice na Hodonínsku zaplavilo bahno z polí - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Weather tracker: flash floods as Europe’s heatwave ends with thunderstorms | UK weather | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z jineho soudku. #droughts uz bylo dost.

    Pojdme na #floods za posledni tyden

    Velká voda na Plzeňsku. Meteorologové na Klabavě vyhlásili stav ohrožení - Aktuálně.cz

    Pakistan - 700 mrtvych, 1.5mil affected
    Pakistan – Monsoon Rains and Flooding Leave Almost 700 Dead, Thousands Displaced – FloodList

    Australie - state of emergency

    Uk - almost twice the monthly average rainfall in a three-hour period.
    In pictures: Flooding across UK this week after heavy rain - BBC News

    Vychodni indie temer 500.000 affected - 215 mm of rain fell in Ersama in Jagatsinghpur District in 24 hours to 14 August. According to the Odisha State Disaster Management Authority, the average rainfall in the state from 01 to 18 August is 325 mm, where the monthly average is 356 mm.
    India – 60,000 Evacuate Floods in Odisha – FloodList

    Vice na floodlist.com
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: myslim ze je naivni predpokladat ze ti tezari neprejdou na jinou kryptomenu :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: tak z neceho se tech 100% poskladat musi. Muzem pridohit jeste bitcoin a mame verejny osvetleni included :) a to jede vetsina sveta imho porad na sodiku
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Btw letos by OZE mely pridat kolem 400TWh elektriny (k tem 2800 co vyrobily 2021, jadro taky tak a voda dalsich ~4000)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: prijde mi to takovy not great not terrible :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: v cechach ale ne. protoze marie terezie. vernost tradici
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Sry jestli bylo

    „Kvůli změně klimatu jsou porušována naše lidská práva.“ Mladí Portugalci žalují 33 zemí včetně České republiky

    Rozhodli se případ financovat prostřednictvím crowdfundingu a v roce 2017 zahájili výzvu prostřednictvím Crowdjustice. K dnešku se jim podařilo vybrat téměř 107 000 britských liber – cílová částka je 120 000.

    Po pěti letech se případ dostane před Evropský soud pro lidská práva. Bude to letos na podzim a bude ho projednávat velká komora 17 soudců.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: je to malo myslis? Komplet celosvetovy verejny osvetleni ma kolem 2%
    DZODZO --- ---
    JIMIQ: alebo 222 450 000 000 kilometrov najazdenych neuspornymi elektrickymi SUV so spotrebou 20kWh/100km :D
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: 0,17% elektriny nebo 0,03% primarni energie.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #ecosystemManagement #firePrevention

    Ovce a kozy spásají v Barceloně zeleň. Zabraňují tím rozšíření požárů - Aktuálně.cz

    Pastevci přivedou stáda do oblastí náchylných k požárům, zvířata tam sežvýkají zelenou vegetaci a rozdupají tu suchou, která by se jinak mohla nahromadit a podpořit šíření požáru.
    Využití této strategie v Barceloně je ozvěnou podobných snah po celém světě. V Kalifornii, kde loni požár pohltil více než 850 tisíc hektarů, si tucet společností smluvně najímá kozy na cílenou pastvu. V severním Portugalsku se 45 ohrožených koní Garrano a jejich apetit zasloužili o ochranu rezervace Faia Brava před ničivým dopadem požáru v roce 2017. V kanadské provincii Britská Kolumbie zase využívají k vyčištění oblastí ohrožených požáry dobytek.
    Spásání přineslo i další výhody, zvířata při pohybu terénem roznášejí semena a zúrodňují půdu. Jejich poměrně nevybíravé stravovací návyky podporují biologickou rozmanitost tím, že omezují konkurenční výhodu některých rostlin.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Replacing pesticides with ants to protect crops

    Use of ants to control pests has a long history, citrus growers in China, for example, have been using ants to control pests in fruit trees for centuries. In this new effort, the researchers wondered what other researchers have found when looking into the use of ants as a natural pesticide. To find out, they searched for published research papers on the topic and found 52 of them that had involved looking into the use of ants as a way to control pests, covering 17 different types of crops.

    In analyzing the papers, the researchers found that most of the studies had led to discoveries of ants providing a high level of pest control—and in some cases, the ants were even better at it than commercial pesticides. They also found that the ants did their best work when used with crops grown in partial shade, and were the least effective when used with crops that produce honeydew—in such plants, ants tended to farm the insects, such as aphids, in order to provide themselves with the sweet liquid.

    The researchers conclude by suggesting that the use of ants to control pests appears to be a sustainable and inexpensive way to control pests on both large and small farms.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #positive #crypto

    Brzo bude na trhu poptavka o jednu medium-sized country mene (44TWh rocne), vcetne emisi k tomu generovanych.

    Ethereum’s “Merge” is about to put every ether miner out of work | Ars Technica

    Digiconomist estimates that Ethereum miners currently consume 44.49 TWh per year which works out to 5.13 gigawatt on a continuing basis. This means that PoS is ~2000x more energy efficient based on the conservative estimates above, which reflects a reduction of at least 99.95% in total energy use.


    Recent estimates suggest that will happen sometime between around September 15 and September 19, but the exact date depends on how much computing power miners bring to bear over the next month.
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