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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: ja nerikam, ze nepotrebujem stat. Jen rikam, ze robustnejsi neznamena vykonnejsi, a naopak cim robustnejsi, tim pomaleji bude dochazet k vytyceni nejakych strategickych cilu i realizaci. Zaroven ani nerikam, ze ma byt rozhodovani na externich subjektech, naopak psal jsem v minulem prispevku presny opak.

    Ad tvuj clanek, nemam cas to cist, ale ja tu nechci obhajovat konzultanty, klidne, at to jsou profesori vysokych skol, kdo prijde se strategii, jen rikam, ze by to nemel byt robustni statni aparat, kdo si ty experty drzi dlouhodobe, protoze si je proste nema sanci udrzet bud fyzicky, nebo jejich odbornost bude v delsim horizontu degradovat. (Jsem si vedom, ze profesori jsou v cr take statni zamestnanci, ale snad sem pointu dostatecne vysvetlil)
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: Problem je, ze my ten kompetentni stat / verejnou sferu potrebujeme. Korporace proste urcity druhy problemu neresej / nejsou schopny resit (jinak bysme mohli stat ostatne zrusit uplne).
    Neverim v outsorcovani klicovejch strategickejch rozhodnuti. Je to prilis riskantni, nejakou expertizu si proste musis drzet "doma". Jako kdo si asi myslis, ze ovlada ty konzultantsky spolecnosti typu Deloitte?

    A vital and timely investigation into the opaque and powerful consulting industry—and what to do about it

    There is an entrenched relationship between the consulting industry and the way business and government are managed today that must change. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington show that our economies’ reliance on companies such as McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, PwC, Deloitte, KPMG, and EY stunts innovation, obfuscates corporate and political accountability, and impedes our collective mission of halting climate breakdown.

    The “Big Con” describes the confidence trick the consulting industry performs in contracts with hollowed-out and risk-averse governments and shareholder value-maximizing firms. It grew from the 1980s and 1990s in the wake of reforms by the neoliberal right and Third Way progressives, and it thrives on the ills of modern capitalism, from financialization and privatization to the climate crisis. It is possible because of the unique power that big consultancies wield through extensive contracts and networks—as advisors, legitimators, and outsourcers—and the illusion that they are objective sources of expertise and capacity. In the end, the Big Con weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies.

    In The Big Con, Mazzucato and Collington throw back the curtain on the consulting industry. They dive deep into important case studies of consultants taking the reins with disastrous results, such as the debacle of the roll out of HealthCare.gov and the tragic failures of governments to respond adequately to the COVID-19 pandemic. The result is an important and exhilarating intellectual journey into the modern economy’s beating heart. With peerless scholarship, and a wealth of original research, Mazzucato and Collington argue brilliantly for building a new system in which public and private sectors work innovatively for the common good.

    The Big Con by Mariana Mazzucato, Rosie Collington: 9780593492673 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: jenze...

    Odbornost: je problem sehnat odborniky i v korporacich, natoz vymenit ty neodborny. Drzet treba kontinuitu odbornosti v tymu je v dynamickejch dobach globalniho veku dost narocny, jen co se lidi nauci zvladat svuj obor, chtej jit za lepsim, nebavi je dlouho neco budovat a prekonavat prekazky. (u statni spravy to bude opacne - lide si zajedou koleje a zmenu nebudou chtit). Kdybys chtel odbirne zaridit statni spravu, musel bys mit stesti na desitky tisic nadsencu, vnitrne motivovanejch pro vykon svyho, ne vzdy zabavnyho povolani.

    Atraktivita: platy se imho statnim urednikum za babise zvysovali nekolikrat, jinak moc nevidim, co ve statni sprave atraktivizovat, kdyz se musi striktne drzet zakonu a krom nejvyssich postu jde vpodstate jen o exekuci s minimem stupnu volnosti (coz je mozna i jeden z hlavnich problemu). K motivaci pak patri treba jistota zamestnani, uredni hodiny atd. Coz jsou z dlouhodobeho pohledu spis demotivacni faktory pro realny vykon.

    Robustnost: tohle je spis problem, lidi je tam urcite dost "V roce 2021 pracovalo podle dat, která deníku Echo24 poskytla analytička NRR Dlouhá, v sektoru vládních institucí 942,7 tisíc fyzických osob. Ty byly z hlediska zaměstnání přepočítány na 879,3 tisíce plných úvazků. Na celkovém průměrném evidenčním počtu zaměstnanců v ekonomice se tedy vládní sektor v roce 2021 podílel cca 22,1 %. "

    Spis by se mela resit efektivita jak aplikovanejch procesu (zacit u samotnejch zakonu), tak vykonu zamestnancu, nejaky meta-oddeleni cross vladnim sektorem pro optimalizaci a automatizaci. Odbornost kde to jde outsourcovat na 'nezavisle' subjekty (napr. studie deloitte - jsme schopni a llkdy prejit kompletne na renewables) a nechat nejakym zpusobem validovat snemovnu, predschvalenim od odborny komise - vcetne osazenstva lidi, kteri se tim denne zivi... pripadne referenda (u nas radeji ty odborny komise a snemovna).
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: PETER_PAN: Ja teda zatim, co teda zjistil, tak mame strasnej problem s kvalitou statni spravy jako takovy, proste neni dostatecne robustni na ukoly, ktery pred ni stojej - nema dostatecne silnej aparat na tvorbu podkladu pro strategicky rozhodnuti, nevy co jsou jeji zajmy, kam se ma ubirat etc. Diky tomu jsou potom ty rozhodnuti strasne tvarovany tlakem ruznejch zajmovejch skupin (a v tom tlaku nevyhrava zrovna ten nejrozumnejsi a nejferovejsi), ktery se taky strasne menej na zaklade toho, kdo odkad tlaci.
    Bohuzel nevidim zadnej politickej subjekt, kterje by si vytycil tohle jako neco, co je treba zmenit. Zvysit odbornost, zvysit atraktivitu statni spravy, otevrit to at je flexibilnejsi a schopnejsi, at je schopna tvorit aktivnejs strategicky rozhodnuti a komunikovat je s verejnosti.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ze mame dlouhodobe neschopne vlady focusovat se na priority rizeni statu?
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Zajimavy rozhovor, ktery potvrzuje vsechno co jsem o tom tematu zatim zjistil.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Vlevo dole: Vláda nepřežije, pokud nevyřeší drahou elektřinu - Seznam Zprávy
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Takovych technologii je vice, a to i na vice zadouci produkty nez je EtOH. Ve vsech pripadech ale potrebujes navic jeste energii aby to bezelo, samozrejmne.

    Nejefektivnejsi je asi CO2 na syngas, ten pak muze byt meziproduktem pro vyrobu siroke palety organickych latek, prakticky srovnatelnych nebo stejnych s ropnymi produkty.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Eco-Friendly Breakthrough: Single Atom Catalyst Transforms CO2 Into Ethanol
    TADEAS --- ---
    Toyota SUV adverts banned in UK on environmental grounds | Advertising | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: zrovna vcera si kolega posteskl, ze nevie ako dlho este bude byvat na hajenke na vysocine, lebo mu smrdi voda v studni, takze tam teraz nema zdroj pitnej vody
    TADEAS --- ---
    Evropa už ví, jak obnovit přírodu. V Česku plán ukončí éru lánů polí - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Stav podzemních pramenů v Česku je alarmující, varují experti - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    A si odlozim nejaky diplomky a bakalarky:

    Klimatická změna v ČR a její vnímání z pohledu vybraných představitelů oblasti energetiky
    Diplomová práce


    Strategické rozhodování společnosti ČEZ v kontextu dekarbonizace
    Závěrečná práce: Bc. Pavla Kolářová: Strategické rozhodování společnosti ČEZ v kontextu dekarbonizace

    Energy policy of the Czech Republic and the role of the ČEZ Group
    Diplomová práce
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A btw taky to byl prvni clovek, ktery navrhoval geoinzenyring

    My booklet with a description of this problem was published in 1972. I mentioned a number of practical problems and presented ideas of what we could do and what we could not do. 1972 — almost 20 years ago — my conclusion was that data included in this booklet are not sufficient to decide a big economical problem now. But they are sufficient to determine how long we can wait before such a decision will be done. I concluded that we had approximately 10-20 years.

    Which is now.

    And if in ten years this problem will not dissolve, the consequences can be grave. It was not very different from the real history of the problem because in tem years understanding was incomparable with the beginning of the 70's. But until now we have a big problem, and till now I have a painful feeling that I know much more than is accepted and taken into account now. I think the history is now repeating, in less dramatic form, but all the same it is repeating. Understand that to be an inventor, to present new ideas; it is not a big pleasure. It is lot of negative feelings, and frankly speaking I am a bit tired of such activities. That is the reason I am now interested more in the origin of man, as I mentioned to you, and why in a short time a historical book written by me will be published.

    I am interested in your specific suggestion of sending planes up to spread sulphur in the upper atmosphere. Can you tell me where this idea came from?
    TUHO --- ---
    Zajimavej rozhovor Spencera Wearta s Michailem Budykem z roku 1990 o jeho roli v klimaticke vede (Budyko byl jeden z leading klimatickejch vedcu v SSSR)

    Of course, from the very beginning to this day, I am a comparatively well-known specialist in this field. But I was and am an unorthodox person, because I am using methods which are very different in many cases. It is a reason why results in some cases were for some time not accepted. In my country, my position is easier, but second best is the United States of America. I have lot of personal contacts. Now we are finished a joint report on climatic change, which was organized on the recommendation of two heads of state — President Reagan and President Gorbachov. We had hoped to present to the next meeting of Gorbachov and Bush a join Soviet-American book. Now we have two great powers in climate studies: The United States and our country. In our country it is a long tradition, in your country it is comparatively new but all the same now you have quite a few. In both countries, there are something like 100 people. For such a branch of science as climatology it is a lot.

    Oral History Interviews | Mikhail Budyko | American Institute of Physics
    TUHO --- ---
    Sceptical diplomacy: Should heads of state bother to talk climate change science with Putin?

    This policy brief illustrates how the Russian top leadership discusses climate change and responds to interventions and efforts made by other countries’ leaders and high-level diplomats on the topic of climate change. The policy brief presents one data set examining the distribution of the Kremlin’s attention to the issue and one illustration of Russian participation in international science diplomacy, using the example of the IPCC. The aim is to make recommendations as to how diplomats and politicians can, in order to foster more fruitful diplomatic exchange, better utilize the flexibility of climate change discourse within Russia and Russia/Soviet Union’s longstanding contributions to international climate science.

    View article
    TUHO --- ---
    The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic
    Andreas Raspotnik, Senior Research Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway and Senior Fellow, The Arctic Institute, US
    Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78811 208 6 Extent: 240 pp
    The Arctic is a region that has seen exponential growth as a space of geopolitical interest over the past decade. This insightful book is the first to analyse the European Union’s Arctic policy endeavours of the early 21st Century from a critical geopolitical perspective.

    The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic
    TUHO --- ---
    K historii ruske klimatologie #Rusko #historie

    Climate science, Russian politics, and the framing of climate change
    Elana Wilson Rowe

    Historical studies have shown how Soviet scientists figured in politics in unexpected ways. However, little research has been done on the interplay between scientific expert knowledge and contemporary Russian policymaking. This article reviews existing research on a question central to understanding Russia's positions on climate change: What is the relationship between expert knowledge and politics in Russia today? We first address the narratives and practices that have emerged around environmental problems and the science–policy interface in Russia and the Soviet Union more generally and then provide a brief overview of Russia's international and domestic climate politics. How climate change has been framed in the Russian media and the role that scientists have played in these framings and in the Russian policymaking process more generally is then examined. Conceptually, this review draws upon scholarly work in Science and Technology Studies and international relations on the politics of scientific reception. WIREs Clim Change 2013, 4:457–465. doi: 10.1002/wcc.235

    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: the huge climate impact of the middle classes | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian

    The world’s richest 10% encompasses most of the middle classes in developed countries – anyone paid more than about $40,000 (£32,000) a year. The lavish lifestyles of the very rich – the 1% – attract attention. But the 10% are responsible for half of all global emissions, making them key to ending the climate crisis.


    When climate negotiations began in the 1990s, most of the inequality in people’s carbon emissions was between rich and poor nations. Three decades on, the situation has reversed. Now, most of the inequality in emissions between the rich and poor exists within individual countries.

    This shift has enormous implications for how the climate crisis can be ended, researchers say, although international support for the poorest and least polluting nations remains vital.

    Data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) details the energy-related CO2 emissions per person in 2021 in a dozen major countries, plus the 27-nation EU. In the US, UK, EU and Japan, the richest 10% have carbon footprints about 15 times greater than the poorest 10%. In China, South Africa, Brazil and India, the top 10% cause 30-40 times more emissions than the bottom 10%.
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