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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Mozna, kdyz nechame zachranu klimatu na bobrech, budem uspesnejsi


    In Czechia beavers built a dam in 2 days, which local authorities had been planning for 7 years

    The animals saved the administration $1.2 million.

    A project to restore wetlands in the Brdy Landscape Park had been in development since 2018. Over the years, the administration gathered all the necessary permits and was ready to begin construction.

    But it turned out to be unnecessary—local beavers, which have lived in the park since 2020, took matters into their own hands, building dams in the required locations.

    "The beavers saved us 30 million Czech korunas. They built the dams without any project documentation—and for free," said the head of the nature reserve administration.

    TADEAS --- ---

    Green Transformation: Why Does Czechia Not Have a Plan? - Association for International Affairs
    TUHO --- ---
    Dnesni bodnuti do jater od Martina Abela z Klimatymu AMO.

    Martin Abel
    Navigating the Metacrisis since 2019.

    You may have heard.
    🇨🇿 The Czech government succumbed to the pressure and withdrew the long-term hashtag#climate strategy from its agenda, along with the updated hashtag#necp. Both are now being rewritten to ensure that all the sharper teeth they had are pulled out.

    This is bad.

    hashtag#Czechia is 🤯 mindblowingly 🤯 one of the LARGEST per capita historical contributors to the hashtag#greenhouse effect.

    👷 It has some of the most energy-intensive industries in the EU, with energy demand still heavily reliant on hashtag#coal. Equally concerning, Czech political leadership has not, according to many critics, delivered a single major structural reform in over a decade. And recently, when sh*it really hit the fan, we were not able to save human lives from covid-related deaths or sky-rocketing energy costs. Because it would hurt some businesses.

    With THAT track record, how on Earth are we hoping to transform the entire economy, in a fast and fair manner? 🤯

    👉 As my new policy paper reveals, the coalition's ‘Climate Protection Policy’ doesn’t have the answer. It’s a disappointing case of measures so poorly designed that they can’t even credibly deliver on goals that are already considered climatologically insufficient ❗
    👁️‍🗨️ Check it out: https://lnkd.in/ekYhiqNV

    But there’s more 🥲
    Success isn’t just about implementing the right set of hashtag#mitigation measures—it’s about ensuring that these solutions truly improve people’s lives. Without a clear focus on what people actually need for a good life, there’s a real risk of wasting resources on decarbonization efforts that don’t enhance well-being. A more thoughtful approach, centered around hashtag#sufficiency, would direct resources toward hashtag#sustainable technologies that both cut hashtag#emissions and improve quality of life.

    If all of this sounds radical, don't take my word for it. Read the resources produced by IPCC, European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, International Energy Agency (IEA) and other authorities in the field that I cite in the policy paper.
    Feel free to read, cite and share the policy paper from here: https://lnkd.in/ekYhiqNV
    Draft Climate Protection Policy is only in Czech, but you can access the English version of hashtag#necp on EC's website: https://lnkd.in/ewjsUaDZ
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trocha ukladani uhliku, vs. cement a valky o pisek. Nakonec i ESG nemusi bejt jen placani slamy.

    Byty i kanceláře s vůní lesa. Dřevostavby jsou budoucnost, říká šéf UBM Development v Česku | Forbes

    Dřevostavby jsou budoucností i pro tuzemský realitní trh,“ říká Josef Wiedermann, jednatel české dceřiné společnosti UBM Development Czechia, spadající pod mateřskou rakouskou skupinu UBM Development AG.

    Do Česka se trend dřevostaveb dostává zatím pomalu, především kvůli předpisům a normám, které ještě donedávna výstavbu vícepodlažních budov ze dřeva v podstatě neumožňovaly. Díky nedávným změnám se však situace kolem udržitelnějšího stavebnictví začíná měnit.
    Společnost UBM Development Czechia v srpnu dokončila projekt Timber Praha – první vícepodlažní bytové dřevostavby v Praze. Čtyři bytové domy z masivních dřevěných CLT panelů s šedesáti dvěma byty vybudovala v pražských Řeporyjích v rámci velkého rezidenčního areálu Arcus City.
    Ekologické benefity dřeva jsou nasnadě. Pro projekt Timber Praha například stavaři použili 1800 metrů krychlových smrkového a modřínového dřeva z Česka, Rakouska a Německa. Taková masa na sebe váže 1800 tun uhlíku, což při porovnání s tradiční stavbou znamená snížení emisí skleníkových plynů přibližně o šedesát procent.
    Pro investory a fondy jsou dřevostavby zajímavé z hlediska ESG, protože při prodeji zahraničním investorům v portfoliu takové projekty potřebují. Současně mohou být zajímavé i nižší provozní náklady, díky kterým mohou navýšit nájem a návratnost je pak lepší,“ vysvětluje Wiedermann.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    JINDRICH --- ---
    ČR má mít podle EK vyšší cíl pro čistou energetiku v roce 2030. V návrhu českého klimaticko-energetického plánu nevyužíváme nás potenciál OZE.


    ✘ On renewable energy, Czechia’s draft updated NECP is missing sectoral trajectories and
    lacks a comprehensive framework of policies and measures that the country intends to adopt
    across relevant sectors.
    ✘ On research and innovation, the plan contains only general energy R&I objectives, while
    clear quantified targets for research in clean energy technologies and the corresponding
    implementation timeline are missing for 2030 and 2050.
    ✘ The draft updated NECP does not provide details on the investment needs and funding
    sources for the policies and measures proposed and addresses only partially the
    implementation of the measures included in Czechia’s RRP and those in the new REPowerEU
    ✘ On adaptation to climate change, the plan does not consider relevant climate
    vulnerabilities and risks, and this may put the achievement of energy and climate mitigation
    objectives at risk. Adaptation policies and measures (to address these risks and
    vulnerabilities) are not adequately described.
    ✘ On achieving a just transition, the plan lacks a comprehensive analysis of social,
    employment and skill impacts, including distributional ones, of the climate and energy
    transition and does not elaborate on concrete policies and measures to address these beyond
    coal regions.
    TUHO --- ---
    the five countries with the largest percentage of Alarmed are Chile (65%), Mexico (64%), Malawi (63%), Bolivia (62%), and Sri Lanka (61%). Czechia and Yemen have the smallest percentages of Alarmed (both 9%).

    Global Warming’s Six Audiences: A cross-national comparison in nearly 200 countries and territories worldwide - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
    SHEFIK --- ---
    CR prekvapuje

    Embodied carbon: Addressing now the hidden carbon cost of our buildings – EURACTIV.com

    Germany has recently tied whole life carbon limit values to receiving public subsidies for new buildings, while Spain, Ireland, and Czechia are developing the data infrastructure necessary for benchmarking and informing future building regulation.

    But it’s at the EU level that serious action must be taken to save the Paris climate goals using the policy tools we already have.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Klima | Národní Ústav pro Integrovanou Krajinu | Czechia

    Záměrem projektu je vytvoření klima-adaptační strategie, která bude podkladem pro dlouhodobou strategii rozvoje území MAS Via rustica a tím pádem i pro strategie jednotlivých obcí v zájmovém území, pro územní plány a pro komplexní pozemkové úpravy.

    V rámci strategie se soustředíme na 3 klíčová témata, z jejichž pohledu přistupujeme k řešení adaptace. Z pohledu adaptace krajiny, z pohledu možností lokální energetiky (mitigace) a z pohledu inovace vzdělávání na základních a středních školách.

    Naším velkým cílem je ukázat souvislosti jednotlivých témat a vytvořit průvodce tvorbou strategie pro inspiraci dalších Místních Akčních Skupin v ČR i v dalších zemích EU.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: hele ja nevim, asi nemam moc silu dal vysvetlovat proc je demokraticko-kapitalisticka spolecnost 'lepsi' nez nejaky centralne rizeny mocensky rezim. Ani to sem asi nepatri... ale zkusim to naposled

    Je tam obrovsky mnozstvi rozdilu, ale to co je spojuje je mira efektivity (at uz prace, nebo vyuziti materialu v totalu, ne jednotlivych pripadech).

    Diky efektivite jsou pak volnejsi rezimy, ktery zaroven deleguji odpovednost nize (i se vsim spatnym, chybami a nedokonalostmi) ve vsem na dlouhy trati rychlejsi (tedy vcetne cerpani zdroju) cimz ale nikdo netvrdi, ze je v kazdou svoji chvili dokonalejsi nez situace, kterou si dokazeme zidealizovat podle vlastnich, napr. moralnich hodnot. Nic neni v zadnou chvili dokonale, zadny clovek, zadne chovani, zadny proces. Jde jen o uhel pohledu a casove meritko.


    Jeste jeden odkaz k nasi diskuzi pridam.

    Czechia: CO2 Country Profile - Our World in Data

    Je tam hezky srovnani emisi pri nasem centralne rizenem komunismu, kde lide moc osviceni a uvedomeli ani nejsou , pac rezim jim to nedovoli a stara se o ne jak o ovce, vs porevolucni konstantni pokles emisi, ktery nebyl hnany nijak zavratnou zelenou propagandou, jako spis pocitem nenasycenosti schopnych lidi. pricemz hdp i zivotni uroven rostla. (A to se mozna za komunismu ani to mliko nevylilo)

    Vic budu rad pokracovat v poste. Pac nechci klimatickou krizi stacet k politicko-trznim nastavenim.

    Root cause klimaticke krize je dle meho nazoru jinde. V procesech, ktere volime, ve vyrobcich, ktere volime, v rozhodnutich, ktere delame.

    To je a bude nezavisle na politicko-trznim rezimu, jako takovem (az na ty rozhodnuti, pac ty souvisi se vzdelanim). Rezim nastavuje primarne efektivitu a rychlost.
    PER2 --- ---
    The Biden administration unveiled a new effort on Wednesday to hook up low-income residents with solar power — a move that could allow communities that have long been shut out of the fast-growing market for renewable power to reduce their utility bills.

    The Biden administration has big aspirations for the program, projecting it could spur the development of 134 gigawatts of new solar power capacity nationwide, the agency official said. To put that in perspective, total U.S. solar capacity today sits at 97.2 gigawatts, according to the Energy Department.

    meanwhile in czechia - zasrani solari baroni
    TADEAS --- ---
    management ceskeho rybnicku

    Habitat deterioration despite protection: long-term declines of littoral area of fishponds in Czech nature reserves | bioRxiv

    Fishponds play a key role in current pondscapes in many developed countries. Their littoral areas, supporting multiple ecosystem functions including the maintenance of aquatic and riparian biodiversity, have been adversely affected by the move shift towards more intensive aquaculture and widespread eutrophication in the middle 20th century. To counteract these changes, many fishponds received some protection, but its long-term efficiency has not been studied. Here we focus on the role of conservation status in protecting the area of littoral areas of fishponds in Czechia between the years 1950 and 2019. We found that the conservation status of these fishponds did not prevent habitat deterioration in most of the fishponds, especially during the second half of the 20th century. Moreover, we detected no significant effects of the reserve establishment year, fishpond area and conservation target on the littoral areas. This suggests that the conservation measures are insufficient across fishpond reserve types. We attribute the negative trends to persisting high fish stocks, especially of common carp, and eutrophication resulting from additional feeding, pond manuring, and ongoing nutrient inputs from the pond catchments. Sediment dredging and high grazing pressure by waterfowl in some reserves can further aggravate the situation. We conclude that effective protection of the littoral areas requires a paradigm shift towards less intensive fish stock management, more frequent summer drainage, and effective reduction of all nutrient inputs to increase the water quality. Such measures can help recover the littoral areas and the associated biota.
    TADEAS --- ---
    meanwhile in czechia

    Václav Klaus ml.

    Výsledky voleb:
    Celkem bez překvapení. Stejně jako v Německu mají přes 70% probruselské "klimatické" partaje, které vám časem místo spalovacího auta doručí dotované kolo.
    Není mezi nimi žádný velký rozdíl (i když se navzájem jako nenávidí).
    Žádná vůle ke změně ještě letos nebyla (a čertví kdy bude).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #czechia #positive

    Více než tři čtvrtiny české populace se domnívají, že klimatické změny na Zemi již probíhají. Většina si navíc myslí, že to svým chováním způsobuje člověk, ukázal výzkum Masarykovy univerzity a neziskové organizace Green Dock. Více než 60 procent lidí se pak obává, že dnešní děti budou žít v horším světě, než je ten současný.


    Podle 68 procent je důležité, aby Česko přijalo opatření proti změně klimatu," řekl. Dle názoru 66 procent dotázaných má Česko snižovat své emise skleníkových plynů.


    Podle výzkumu by Češi chtěli, aby se do ochrany životního prostředí zapojilo více institucí. "Více než 70 procent veřejnosti by chtělo, aby se do ochrany klimatu zapojilo ministerstvo životního prostředí, vláda, firmy, domácnosti a čeští vědci a vědkyně," odhalil Chabada.

    Skoro 55 procent Čechů by bylo ochotných vzdát se svého životního stylu, zatímco platit kvůli ochraně přírody vyšší ceny za produkty by bylo ochotno jen 14 procent. Platit vyšší daně kvůli ochraně klimatu by nevadilo devíti procentům lidí.

    TADEAS --- ---
    UPDATED ANALYSIS | Is the Czech Recovery and Resilience Plan for the EU Recovery Facility #NextGenerationEU aligned with the green transition? Read our analysis of the new plan, with thanks to @AMO_cz

    Country Report | Green Recovery Tracker

    In May 2021, after a contentious process, the Czech government adopted the national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with significant changes relative to previously released drafts. Throughout the process, civil society actors have criticized the lack of opportunities for effective participation. Overall, we find that the measures included in the plan, with investments of €7.9bn, can make a positive contribution to the green transition, though there are several specific shortfalls.

    ‍Green Spending Share

    We find that Czechia’s recovery plan (RRP) achieves a green spending share of 25%, below the EU’s 37% benchmark. Furthermore, we find that 15% (€1.1bn) may have a positive or negative impact on the green transition depending on the implementation of the relevant measures, illustrating the importance of further scrutiny during the further planning, review and implementation of the recovery measures. According to the government, the plan’s climate spending share is 37% (see page 5 of the full country report for more details).

    Our calculation of the green spending share aims to mirror the approach used for the official assessment of national recovery plans.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ... not happening [ TADEAS ]


    TADEAS --- ---
    Country Report | Green Recovery Tracker

    In April 2021, after a contentious process, the Czech government presented a new version of its draft Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with significant changes relative to previously released drafts. Throughout the process, civil society actors have criticized the lack of opportunities for effective participation. Together with other available financial instruments, the RRP can principally be seen as a positive contribution to much-needed progress on the green transition in Czechia. Nevertheless, the government’s application of the climate tracking methodology does not always stand up to closer scrutiny, and the risk of a high carbon lock-in through investments in fossil gas projects remains a particular issue.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam