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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Aktivisti chtěli narušit koncert Vídeňské filharmonie, jinde s protesty končí | Svět | Lidovky.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    novej hansenuv paper vypada docela insane.

    A Science Bomb Cyclone for the New Year | by Albert Bates | Dec, 2022 | Medium
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: tohle by bylo lepsi pocasko (:

    Na Silvestra 1978 teplota spadla o 30 stupňů, mráz na měsíc paralyzoval zemi
    Náhlý pokles teploty o desítky stupňů Celsia paralyzoval na přelomu let 1978 a 1979 Československo. Ještě na Silvestra bylo přes deset stupňů, v noci na Nový rok se však přes Krušné hory převalila vlna extrémně studeného vzduchu a ráno se teploty propadly až k 15 stupňům pod nulou, na horách ještě níže. Zamrzlo uhlí u elektráren i ve vagonech, doprava se zastavila a přívaly sněhu ochromily města. S následky se země potýkala téměř měsíc.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: konecne pocaasko!
    TADEAS --- ---
    hezký nový rok

    Teploty na Silvestra v Česku přesáhly 18 stupňů. Překonaly teplotní rekord z roku 1935 | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    INK_FLO --- ---

    What are some of the advantages of the concept of postcapitalism (over communism, socialism etc.)?

    1) It is not tainted by association with past failed and oppressive projects.
    2) It implies victory - capitalism will end and be replaced by something else.
    3) It starts from what and where we are - what capitalism has already built - its pleasures as well as its oppressions

    What are some of the disadvantages of the concept of postcapitalism?

    1) It remains tied to capitalism (i.e. it might be guilty of "capitalocentrism")
    2) It does not name a positive project.
    3) It remains in the temporality of the "post-"
    4) Not necessarily progressive (see Peter Frase´s Four Futures: Life After Capitalism - only two of the four futures are progressive!)
    TADEAS --- ---
    BUBBLE: co te zaujalo?

    me treba "Abychom byli schopni kolektivně vykročit od buržoazní civilizace k civilizaci ekologické, musíme naše tužby obrátit. Radost vyvolávanou opouštěním místa musíme přesměrovat tak, aby se vázala k vynalézání jiných způsobů jeho obývání. Tato hodnotová reorientace nicméně není věcí jednorázové filosofické spekulace."

    - pokid to nahlizim optikou planetarity, tak nevykracujeme jako civilizace, ale jako rekneme kolektiv bytosti, kde lidska civilizace je jeden z aspektu toho spolecenstvi. ale nejde pouze o vykroceni civilizace, protoze napr. co se tyce managementu ekosystemu, tak ten proces managementu (="pece" kterou se tam ohani) prave neni vubec civilizacni, ale jde k hloubeji k te vztahove rekonfiguraci. vtipne je taky to nazyvat "hodnotovou" reorientaci. nazyvat to hodnoty mi prijde jako nahled prilis uprednostnujici tu kognitivni slozku lidsky bytosti, pricemz pokud jde o ten vztah (at uz pecujici nebo jiny), tak ten se rozevira predevsim jako emocni vztah, se svoji senzorimotorickou a kognitivni slozkou. senzorimotorika lidi mest je vuci ekosystemu pochopitelne malo rozvinuta, a pochopitelne v jine nez hightech budoucnosti znamena zucastneny (pecujici) sensorimotoricky vztah k ekosystemu tu nasi kulturou strasne nechtenou a neocenovanou "praci venku" (pro degrowthaře tomu rikejme treba "volny cas" :D ). emocni vztah k ekosystemu, potazmo sireji planete, to ke vec malo probadana. ... no a pak tsm uplne chybi hledisko te digitality, ktera reformatuje vedomi lidske bytosti, transformuje kognici, sensorimotoriku, emocionalitu, vazby na jednotlive aspelty planety skrze uplne nove senzoricko-kognitivni aparaty
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: 2.dil je venku
    The melting ice of the Arctic (2/2) | DW Documentary
    BUBBLE --- ---
    JINDRICH: vyborny!
    INK_FLO --- ---

    Romanian Cops Did Not Find Andrew Tate Because Of His Greta Thunberg Video
    KERRAY --- ---
    TUHO: a s touhle tečkou je to úplně nej
    TADEAS --- ---
    Lula names staunch Amazon defenders as ministers in Brazil | Brazil | The Guardian

    Two internationally celebrated Amazon defenders, Marina Silva and Sônia Guajajara, have been named as ministers in Brazil’s new government in an attempt to contain the intensifying assault on Indigenous territories and the environment.

    The announcement was made by incoming president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who will take office on Sunday after the country’s four years of rainforest-wrecking under his far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Povstane nová ekologická třída? Pavel Barša nad posledním textem sociologa Bruna Latoura - Novinky
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: po 2 rokoch si toto vsimli aj na AVCR :)

    Během ohňostrojů se do prostředí snesou desítky tun toxických látek - Akademie věd České republiky
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘I am an optimistic person’: the scientist who studies climate catastrophes | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    “He said to me: ‘Look, we have this large ensemble of climate models here, do something with it.’

    “So I was handed this huge gathering of data, and what that allows you to do is build statistics about rare and extreme events.”

    Otto was armed with the information which would lead her a few years later, with her late colleague Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, to create the world’s first climate attribution unit to examine to what extent human driven climate change is responsible for extreme heatwaves, droughts and floods.

    The journey from the creation of the World Weather Attribution unit to its current iteration, began with a paper Otto and Oldenborgh wrote on a heatwave in Russia in 2010. It was a classical academic paper, peer reviewed and published long after the event.

    But when Heidi Cullen, one time chief scientist at the NGO Climate Central, suggested the work would be more powerful if it could be carried out faster, it was a breakthrough moment. “There was no reason we shouldn’t be able to do it faster,” said Otto. “We had the methodology that in principle doesn’t take a huge amount of time technically to run, so we could do it.”

    Otto’s conclusions now come at speed, but are still written within the structure of scientific rigour and the available evidence. A great part of the work is communicating to the wider public and politicians the dangers of extreme weather and the message, most crucially, that it is being created by us.


    . “One of the biggest scientific surprises for me this year was the floods in Nigeria because there was such a huge climate change impact,” said Otto. “They were made 80 times more likely as a result of climate change. That makes me think: ‘Oh wow, there is really a lot that we don’t understand in Africa’.”
    TADEAS --- ---

    Seth Itzkan

    Great illustration. Note, #wetlands have the highest #carbon storage per area (hectare or acre), no doubt, but #grasslands have vastly more area and are, in total, the largest terrestrial carbon store. We must never drain existing existing wetlands for anything, and certainly not for grazing, yet, ironically, when we graze properly along river banks and natural depressions, we can expand and recreate wetlands. This is exactly what many HM ranchers are doing, recreating wetlands. Yebo that.
    TADEAS --- ---
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Pan-European sleeper train to sweep Britons to Berlin from May 2023 | Rail transport | The Guardian

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Mi to prijde hezky i s tou odvpoedi :))

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