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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    CHOSIE --- ---
    In the last decade many publications have appeared on degrowth as a strategy to confront environmental and social problems. We undertake a systematic review of their content, data and methods. This involves the use of computational linguistics to identify main topics investigated. Based on a sample of 561 studies we conclude that: (1) content covers 11 main topics with the four dominant ones being Environmental justice, Sustainable wellbeing, Local/urban practices and Democracy and civil society; (2) the large majority (almost 90%) of studies are opinions rather than analysis; (3) few studies use quantitative or qualitative data, and even fewer ones use formal modelling; (4) the first and second type tend to include small samples or focus on non-representative cases; (5) most studies offer ad hoc and subjective policy advice, lacking policy evaluation and integration with insights from the literature on environmental/climate policies; (6) of the few studies on public support, a majority concludes that degrowth strategies and policies are socially-politically infeasible; (7) various studies represent a “reverse causality” confusion, i.e. use the term degrowth not for a deliberate strategy but to denote economic decline (in GDP terms) resulting from exogenous factors or public policies; (8) few studies adopt a system-wide perspective – instead most focus on small, local cases without a clear implication for the economy as a whole. We illustrate each of these findings for concrete studies.

    The weakness of degrowth studies in terms of data analysis – whether quantitative or qualitative - is understandable to some extent. The idea of degrowth is so far from reality that good empirical studies are hardly possible. Undertaking experiments with degrowth is also impossible as one cannot isolate one part of society from the rest and subject it to a completely different economic regime.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    MINER: Ano nelze to srovnat přímo, spíše podkládá práci J. Hansena.

    Sdílel jsem tu pre-print před pár týdny.

    Equilibrium global warming – a scaling perspective
    For an initial CO2 doubling forcing of 4 W m-2 this yields a total forcing of (4+2)1.25 = 7.5 W m-2. Together with an ECS of 4.8°C, this results in an ESS of (7.5/4)4.8°C = 9°C.

    As demonstrated in the feedback analysis in Section 2.3, the scale factor of 7.5/4 between ESS and ECS is in principle only
    valid for the particular value of ECS under consideration, in this case the recent ‘Hansen value’ of 4.8°C.

    In total, the above analysis leads to a 4°C future warming in the pipeline on top of the 2°C ‘Paris’ setpoint, resulting in an
    Equilibrium global warming of about 6°C. This value sits more or less in between today’s actual warming of 1.2°C and the
    expected 10°C warming for today’s GHGs concentrations in the atmosphere reported in the recent Hansen study
    CHOSIE --- ---
    MINER: Jestli si pamatuji, tak zmíněná kniha mluví o tropických dnech, srážkách, extrémním počasí celkově, dopadu na zemědělství,.. Bez grafů, čistě zmiňuje data.
    Možná bylo lepší řešit ten problém samotný - gramotnost, bohužel pro spoustu lidí jakékoliv vzdělání skončilo v 18/19 letech, případně o pár let později. Jak číst grafy, jak číst akademickou literaturu, jak kriticky myslet,..
    Mně jde teď spíš o experty, kteří tvrdí, že ty modely jsou stejně tak nepřesný, že se podle toho nedá nic řídit.
    No, řídit, to i tak takřka neděláme. Ty neúplnosti v politických hlášeních jako je IPCC jsou a nejspíše budou, nějak nečekám, že by se do toho zapojilo stmívání, omezenost surovin, nebo relativně jednoduché koncepty jako ECS, TCR, ESS, TCRE, CWC,..
    Publikace, které se tímto zabývají jsou, jen se jedná a bude jednat spíše o takové fringe odvětví a jen těžko si dovedu představit, že by to vzhledem k složitosti bylo nějak lehce přeložitelné pro běžného člověka, nebo něco co by mainstream chtěl brát v potaz, protože to kam se v případě více komplexnosti modelace dostáváme nevěští nic hezkého.

    Také hraje roli recenzní řížení, kde 'zaběhnutí' a starší vědci tíhnou ke kozervatismu a pakliže nějaká publikace podkopává jejich životní práci, nedivil bych se, pokud by taková práce nebyla zamítnuta, nebo nemusela být znatelně upravena.

    Publikace J. Hansena - http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/

    Equilibrium global warming – a scaling perspective
    Předtisk, rozšiřující publikaci Hansena (2023) a odhad skutečného ESS při zdvojnásobení CO2
    EGUsphere - Equilibrium global warming – a scaling perspective
    For an initial CO2 doubling forcing of 4 W m-2 this yields a total forcing of (4+2)1.25 = 7.5 W m-2. Together with an ECS of 4.8°C, this results in an ESS of (7.5/4)4.8°C = 9°C.

    As demonstrated in the feedback analysis in Section 2.3, the scale factor of 7.5/4 between ESS and ECS is in principle only
    valid for the particular value of ECS under consideration, in this case the recent ‘Hansen value’ of 4.8°C.

    In total, the above analysis leads to a 4°C future warming in the pipeline on top of the 2°C ‘Paris’ setpoint, resulting in an
    Equilibrium global warming of about 6°C. This value sits more or less in between today’s actual warming of 1.2°C and the
    expected 10°C warming for today’s GHGs concentrations in the atmosphere reported in the recent Hansen study

    Ocean acidification in emission-driven temperature stabilization scenarios: the role of TCRE and non-CO2 greenhouse gases
    With these simulations, we demonstrate that uncertainties in surface ocean acidification are an order of magnitude larger than the usually reported inter-model uncertainties from simulations with prescribed atmospheric CO2. Uncertainties in acidification at a given stabilized temperature are dominated by TCRE and the choice of emission reductions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs).

    The results suggest that choices between reducing emissions of CO2 versus non-CO2 agents should consider the economic costs and ecosystem damage of ocean acidification.
    TUHO --- ---
    The IPCC’s reductive Common Era temperature history
    Common Era temperature variability has been a prominent component in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports over the last several decades and was twice featured in their Summary for Policymakers. A single reconstruction of mean Northern Hemisphere temperature variability was first highlighted in the 2001 Summary for Policymakers, despite other estimates that existed at the time. Subsequent reports assessed many large-scale temperature reconstructions, but the entirety of Common Era temperature history in the most recent Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was restricted to a single estimate of mean annual global temperatures. We argue that this focus on a single reconstruction is an insufficient summary of our understanding of temperature variability over the Common Era. We provide a complementary perspective by offering an alternative assessment of the state of our understanding in high-resolution paleoclimatology for the Common Era and call for future reports to present a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of our knowledge about this important period of human and climate history.

    The IPCC’s reductive Common Era temperature history | Communications Earth & Environment
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Warming Acceleration: Hope vs Hopium

    Accumulating evidence supports the interpretation in our Pipeline paper: decreasing human-made aerosols increased Earth’s energy imbalance and accelerated global warming in the past decade. Climate sensitivity and aerosol forcing, physically independent quantities, were tied together by United Nations IPCC climate assessments that rely excessively on global climate models (GCMs) and fail to measure climate forcing by aerosols. IPCC’s best estimates for climate sensitivity and aerosol forcing both understate reality. Preservation of global shorelines and global climate patterns – the world humanity is adapted to – likely will require at least partly reversing global warming. Required actions and time scale are undefined. A bright future for today’s young people is still possible, but its attainment is hampered by precatory (wishful thinking) policies that do not realistically account for global energy needs and aspirations of nations with emerging economies. An alternative is needed to the GCM-dominated perspective on climate science. We will bear a heavy burden if we stand silent or meek as the world continues on its present course.
    TUHO --- ---
    Germany is a case study — perhaps the case study — of a Western middle power which made a strategic bet on a full embrace of interdependence and globalization in the late 20th century: it outsourced its security to the U.S., its export-led growth to China, and its energy needs to Russia. It is now finding itself excruciatingly vulnerable in an early 21st century characterized by great power competition and an increasing weaponization of interdependence by allies and adversaries alike. The war in Ukraine, which touches on almost every one of Germany’s bilateral, regional, and global interests, only accentuates its exposure. That this horrific conflict is taking place in the region that was part of the “Bloodlands” (the term coined by Yale historian Timothy Snyder), where Hitler and (to a lesser degree) Stalin murdered tens of millions of people is lost on few of my fellow citizens.

    For much of the three decades after German reunification in 1990, Berlin saw Moscow (as well as Beijing) as a reliable strategic partner in a two-way bargain: Germany would import cheap energy, and export good governance in much the way that Eastern Europe had been transformed through entry into NATO and the EU. Ultimately, German policymakers hoped, this would transform not only these countries’ economies but also their political systems. And they believed — in an attempt to reconfigure West Germany’s Cold War Ostpolitik for a united Germany in the middle of Europe — that NATO and the European Union could and should be encompassed in a pan-European security architecture that included Russia.

    The Kremlin, for its part, saw Germany as a friend, a partner, and as a strategic bridgehead into Europe — not least because it was importing roughly a third of its oil and gas from Russia. What the Germans called their “modernization partnership” with Moscow made for excellent business for a while; but in every other way, it proved to be a failure. Economic integration turned out to be strictly downstream, while many German businesses got burned by corruption and organized crime; political reform remained elusive.

    Putin’s war and European energy security: A German perspective on decoupling from Russian fossil fuels | Brookings
    TUHO --- ---
    The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic
    Andreas Raspotnik, Senior Research Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway and Senior Fellow, The Arctic Institute, US
    Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78811 208 6 Extent: 240 pp
    The Arctic is a region that has seen exponential growth as a space of geopolitical interest over the past decade. This insightful book is the first to analyse the European Union’s Arctic policy endeavours of the early 21st Century from a critical geopolitical perspective.

    The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic
    TADEAS --- ---
    Collapse Is The Word On The Street (Just Not Online)

    Welcome to a summary of recent opinion and activity in the field of deep adaptation. This independently produced, free publication explores collapse risk, readiness, and response. We take a critical perspective on the culture and systems that led to our predicament, and celebrate the solidarity amongst people in response.
    TUHO --- ---
    Podle me jsem tuhle prednasku sem daval, ale hazim znova. Protoze si ji tedka znova projizdim a Paul N. Edwards je totalni kral. Jednak je to naprosto pristupny pro vsechny, jednak je tam tuna zajimavejch informaci v kontextu a taky je tam tech veci tolik, ze si to s radosti za dva roky pustite znova (jako ja prave ted)

    Paul Edwards, "Time, Risk, and Climate Knowledge: An Infrastructure Perspective"
    TADEAS --- ---
    I was wrong to conclude collapse is inevitable… - resilience

    I was new to the topic of societal collapse at that time. So when in early 2021 I embarked on a couple of years of research on the topic, with an interdisciplinary team, I was open to finding analysis that would nuance my conclusions. The result of that process is contained in my new book, Breaking Together. What I discovered is that the breakdown of societies had already begun when I was researching the Deep Adaptation paper in 2017/18. Collapse is a process, not an event, and because the changes already observed appear to be irreversible, collapse is a reasonable term to describe that process.

    In the book I go into great depth on the evidence base for this perspective. I also explain why it is not one that we hear so often from experts. Chapter 1 is available for free as an audio file on soundcloud. In it I describe some of the socio-economic evidence and theory for the view that the collapse of industrial consumer societies has already begun. Chapter 4 on global food system breakdown is also available as an Occasional Paper from my University. Commenting on it, Dr Katja Hujo from the UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) notes:

    “Jem Bendell’s paper (and forthcoming book) is a wake-up call that our global food systems are approaching global breakdown due to a number of interlinked hard trends, from biophysical limits of food production and climate change to growing demand and the destructive implications of our profit-oriented capitalist system. The application of interdisciplinary integrative analysis and the emphasis on economic, social, technological and ecological dimensions of the challenge ahead helps to grapple with the complexity of the issue and to avoid simplistic solutions. It is an analysis that motivates the reader to act at multiple fronts and critically engage with a topic that has a huge bearing on the future of humanity.”

    BREAKING TOGETHER – a freedom-loving response to collapse – Professor Jem Bendell

    Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability: Six hard trends that drive food system breakdown – globally
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: + neco aktualnejsiho

    - Heymann, Matthias, Gramelsberger, Gabriele and Mahony, Martin. (eds.) (2017). Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science: Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (Routledge Environmental Humanities). London: Routledge/Francis & Taylor.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele, Lenhard, Johannes and Parker, Wendy (2020). Philosophical Perspectives on Earth System Modeling: Truth, Adequacy and Understanding. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12(1). DOI: e2019MS001720.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2018). Climate and Simulation. In: Oxford Research Encyclopdia Climate Science. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.52.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2015). Symbol Systems as Cognitive and Performative Hybrids: A Reply to Axel Gelfert. In: Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4(8), 89-94.
    - Mahony, Martin, Heymann, Matthias and Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2019). Cultures of prediction in climate science. In: Feola, Giuseppe et al. (eds.): Climate and Culture, 29-38. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2017). Calculating the weather – Emerging cultures of prediction in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe. In: Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Martin Mahony (eds.): Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, 45-67. London: Routledge/Francis & Taylor.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2017). Mathematical Images of Planet Earth. In: Nitzke, Solvejg and Pethes, Nicolas. (eds.): Imaging Earth. Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet, 23-44. Bielefeld: Transcript.

    A trochu obecnejs k AI, modelum, komputacim etc.

    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Affective Computing. In: Hessler, Martina and Liggeri, Kevin. (eds): Handbuch für Technikanthropologie, 445-452. Baden-Baden: Nomos/Edition Sigma.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Algorithm Awareness. Towards a Philosophy of Artifactuality. In: Bösel, Bernd and Wiemer, Serjoscha. (eds.): Affective Media and Policy, 41-49. Lüneburg: Meson Press.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Augmenting Human Intellect. In: Thomas, Paul and Dewes, Tobias (eds.): Vergangenheit analysieren - Zukunft gestalten (Aachener Studien zur Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Technikgeschichte 20), 51-64. Düren: Shaker Verlag.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2013). Simulation and Systems Understanding. In: Andersen, Hanne, Dieks, Dennis, Gonzalez, Wenceslao J. et al. (eds.): New Challenges to Philosophy of Science The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, vol. 4, 151-161. Dordrecht: Springer.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele and Mansnerus, Erika (2012). The inner world of models and its epistemic diversity. The cases of infectious disease and climate modelling. In: Bissell, Chris and Dillon, Chris. (eds.): Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing. Mathematical and Other Modelling in Engineering and Technology, 167-195. Dordrecht: Springer.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2011). From Computation with Experiments to Experiments on Computation. In: Gramelsberger, Gabriele. (ed.): From Science to Computational Sciences, 131-142. Zürich, Berlin: diaphanes.
    TUHO --- ---
    A jeste ke geopolitice a vztahu Nemecko / Rusko clanek z roku 2019

    Moscow’s position vis-à-vis the climate agreements has always been ambivalent. Yet it was instrumental in the Kyoto Protocol coming into force. Russia
    signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 and formally joined in autumn 2019 (Reuters,
    2019). On the one hand, the country is not only the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases, but also a major fossil fuel exporter. On the other, Russia argues that
    its energy mix is relatively clean and that emissions have decreased significantly
    in the 1990s. Beyond that, increased climate ambitions and dedicated actions can
    be seen as a blow to the Russian economic model, but also as a development that
    lessens Russia’s geopolitical influence.
    Berlin in turn has embarked on the Energiewende. A“Green Energy Transition“
    has been on the German political agenda since the 1980s, but has become an
    explicit part of policies with the Energy Concept of 2010, which were revised in
    2011 under the impact of Fukushima and accomplished by a nuclear phase-out
    by 2022. This article explores how the German (and EU) energy transformation
    has affected the German–Russian gas relations and takes a long-term perspective
    to explore how the alliance evolved and changed, how the underlying paradigms
    and notions have been adapted over time and, last but not least, how (power)
    relations have been affected by that.

    German–Russian gas relations in face of the energy transition
    TUHO --- ---
    Ha, zde autobiografie Davida Keelinga (cloveka, ktery zacal merit CO2 v atmosfere)

    When I began my professional career, the pursuit of science was in a transition
    from a pursuit by individuals motivated by personal curiosity to a worldwide
    enterprise with powerful strategic and materialistic purposes. The studies of the
    Earth’s environment that I have engaged in for over forty years, and describe in
    this essay, could not have been realized by the old kind of science. Associated with
    the new kind of science, however, was a loss of ease to pursue, unfettered, one’s
    personal approaches to scientific discovery. Human society, embracing science
    for its tangible benefits, inevitably has grown dependent on scientific discoveries.
    It now seeks direct deliverable results, often on a timetable, as compensation
    for public sponsorship. Perhaps my experience in studying the Earth, initially
    with few restrictions and later with increasingly sophisticated interaction with
    government sponsors and various planning committees, will provide a perspective
    on this great transition from science being primarily an intellectual pastime of
    private persons to its present status as a major contributor to the quality of human
    life and the prosperity of nations.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Defining floors and ceilings: the contribution of human needs theory

    This article argues that a theory of human needs is essential to buttress and give content to the concept of consumption corridors. In particular it enables us to, first, define a safe, just, and sustainable space for humanity, and second, to decompose and recompose consumption based on a distinction between necessities and luxuries. After an introduction, the article is divided into four parts. The first compares different concepts of human needs and concentrates on universalizable need theories. The second presents a method for agreeing on contextual need satisfiers, and the third discusses current research identifying the floors of poverty and necessities. A fourth section then sets out how sustainable needs can underpin the upper bound of the corridor and how this ceiling might be measured in income and consumption terms. However, once we move from a national to a global perspective a profound dilemma is encountered as rich country corridors diverge from a global consumption corridor
    TUHO --- ---
    For the past decade, historian Dipesh Chakrabarty has been one of the most influential scholars addressing the meaning of climate change. Climate change, he argues, upends long-standing ideas of history, modernity, and globalization. The burden of The Climate of History in a Planetary Age is to grapple with what this means and to confront humanities scholars with ideas they have been reluctant to reconsider--from the changed nature of human agency to a new acceptance of universals. Chakrabarty argues that we must see ourselves from two perspectives at once: the planetary and the global. This distinction is central to Chakrabarty's work--the globe is a human-centric construction, while a planetary perspective intentionally decenters the human. Featuring wide-ranging excursions into historical and philosophical literatures, The Climate of History in a Planetary Age boldly considers how to frame the human condition in troubled times. As we open ourselves to the implications of the Anthropocene, few writers are as likely as Chakrabarty to shape our understanding of the best way forward.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change, fragmentation and collective trauma. Bridging the divided stories we live by

    This article explores psychological responses to climate change with the lenses of brain hemisphere imbalance, the fragmentation process of collective trauma and the Jungian maturation theory of two halves of life, which views suffering as a necessary component in the move towards a ripened culture. The perspective of climate trauma is widened to an intergenerational aspect. The article argues that the disowned and marginalised aspects of society need to be reintegrated, bridging cultural compartmentalisation and balancing the unequal representation of left and right hemisphere attributes. The writing itself aims to demonstrate this by weaving in and out of different paradigms
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Limits to Growth and Technology in a 100-Year Perspective - by Prof. Jorgen Randers
    TADEAS --- ---

    Faith-based responses to disruption and distress from global heating

    This year I learned that in many religious communities the idea that humanity is in ‘#apocalyptic’ times or #EndTimes is becoming widespread. Although not unusual in the history of humanity, today that view relates to environmental change. Whether such a perspective leads to more or less ‘prosocial’ responses will influence how any future breakdowns occur. In particular, whether ‘#WorldviewDefence’ trumps active compassion as people become more anxious will be key to how societies respond. Even if you are not actively engaged in any particular religious community, their responses will definitely shape your future experience. That is because #FaithBasedOrganisations (FBOs) remain influential across most of the world. Globally, they manage or own 8% of habitable land, 50% of schools and 10% of financial institutions. They influence how people understand their choices in life, participate in their community, support people in need, and interpret current affairs. Even people who’ve abandoned their #faith still often find themselves praying when something awful happens to a loved one - it’s so deeply ingrained it’s seemingly inescapable. Thankfully, both #IndigenousWisdom and the teachings of many traditions remind us that, in even the most emotionally challenging times, kind and collaborative responses are possible.

    I am not pre-determinist, and so I regard aspects of our future to be unwritten – including the way people of faith respond to the unfolding #polycrisis and beyond. Therefore, I believe there is an opportunity to help faith leaders who might, or currently, engage in a ‘#collapse agenda’ to reduce the potential for harm and to promote beneficial responses from faith communities (as well as other people who cite religious teachings).
    TADEAS --- ---
    This should put the 2022 California heat wave into perspective for you. https://t.co/6B2Br43cJW

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    PER2: přiznám se, že jsem to nějak dlouho neověřoval, každopádně uvádějí KRAJNÍ rozpětí (3 vs 142 kWp), takže tm je myšleno to pomyslné 3 x 50

    Once in operation, the solar facade system will generate 142 kWp (kilowatt peak - or how much electricity it produces under ideal conditions, like a clear sunny day),
    which, to put it into perspective, compares to around 3 - 6 kWp on a standard solar panel setup for a house.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam