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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    #facebook #social

    A new study published Thursday by a pair of watchdog groups shows Facebook is allowing climate misinformation to proliferate widely—and profiting from it—even as its newly rebranded parent company vows to curb such lies on the massive social media platform.

    Conducted by the Real Facebook Oversight Board (RFOB) and Stop Funding Heat, the analysis found "an average range of between 818,000 and 1.36 million views of climate misinformation every day" on nearly 200 Facebook accounts, including pages and groups with such names as "Climate Change is Crap" and "Man Made Climate Change is a HOAX!"

    'The Big Tobacco of Our Generation': Study Shows Huge Scale of Facebook Climate Lies
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    Climate misinformation on Facebook ‘increasing substantially’, study says | Facebook | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate delay discourses repeatedly occur across sources, actors and contexts. What features do they share? Based on the underlying logic they use to discourage climate action, we characterize discourses of delay as negations of at least one of four questions: (1) Is it our responsibility to take actions? (2) Are transformative changes necessary? (3) Is it desirable to mitigate climate change, given the costs? (4) Is it still possible to mitigate climate change? The varying positions to these fundamental questions allow us to group discourses into four categories that ‘redirect responsibility’, ‘push non-transformative solutions’, ‘emphasize the downsides’ of climate policy, or ‘surrender’ to climate change (see Figure 1).

    Fig. 1. A typology of climate delay discourses.

    Discourses of climate delay | Global Sustainability | Cambridge Core
    TUHO --- ---
    In hearings convened about its role in ‘spreading climate disinformation,’ the CEOs of six of the world’s largest oil and gas companies and trade groups testified under oath. Much of what they said was demonstrably false.

    Big Oil misleads Congress about its role in the climate crisis - The Boston Globe
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    10 Facebook Publishers Drive 69% of Climate Change Misinformation
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    Tykacuv clovek Radek Kovanda a psani nazorovych calnku treba pro Tydenik HROT

    Jan Rovensky
    Ivan Brezina kdypak jsi naposled takhle principiálně zteptal přítele Kovandu, kterej přiznaně dělá placenýho PRistu pro Tykače (mimo jiný dělá správce webu jeho elektrárny Chvaletice), a současně píše redakční, "nezávislý" články do Eura o tom jak je uhlí skvělý (včera na mě zrovna jeden takovej vyskočil že zjevně "profesionálně" zacílený reklamy 🙂 )?

    Když evropskou energetiku řídí úroda jeřabin v Rusku – Týdeník Euro
    SADY --- ---

    Ember analysis shows that the spike in Czech electricity prices is being driven by the huge jump in fossil gas prices, NOT carbon allowances, as the Czech PM suggested in his speech to #COP26
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: aneb dlouholeta star (a jedna z prvnich) cesky dezinfo sceny ivan brezina. nemate to nekdo cely?
    TUHO --- ---
    Priloha vikend MF Dnes:

    KOMENTÁŘ: Drahota, blackouty a kočky k obědu. Green Deal je cesta do středověku - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    S překvapivým zastoupením přišla Česká republika. Členové odcházející vlády si zřejmě nechtěli nechat ujít příležitost k poslednímu výletu. Summitu se zúčastní jak ministr životního prostředí Richard Brabec, tak premiér Andrej Babiš. Po lítém předvolební boji Babišova hnutí ANO proti „zelenému šílenství“, tj. Green New Deal, je zájem obou politiků o klimatický summit zarážející. Po středečním rozhovoru s Richardem Brabcem se lze dokonce obávat toho, s čím se oba jmenovaní do Skotska vlastně chystají. Ambicióznější klimatické závazky České republiky to jistě nebudou. Česko se zatím nepřihlásilo ani k cíli klimatické neutrality v roce 2050 (přijali jsme pouze závazek platný pro EU jako celek), jsme tedy v tomto směru dokonce horší než výše zmíněná Austrálie. Naše země neplní ani závazek přispívat do Zeleného klimatického fondu. V posledních letech do něj nevložila ani korunu. Postoj odcházející vlády by se dal shrnout takto: „Do plnění klimatických cílů se nehrneme a pomáhat druhým rozhodně nechceme.“

    Začal klimatický summit v Glasgow. Zastavení oteplování od něj bohužel čekat nemůžeme – A2larm
    TUHO --- ---
    The Cold Case
    The Hack that Changed the World
    Episode 1 of 5
    Who was behind the 2009 hack of emails from the University of East Anglia - material that fuelled climate change sceptics? Gordon Corera investigates this cyber cold case.

    BBC Radio 4 - The Hack that Changed the World, The Cold Case
    TUHO --- ---
    Comer asked each oil executive if they had “ever approved a disinformation campaign”. Then, one after another, the heads of Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP all repeated that no, they had never approved any such effort.

    Here’s the problem: that’s a lie.

    There can be no doubt that Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP have all engaged in false advertising, aka disinformation campaigns, during the tenure of their current CEOs. In fact, one could argue that the vast majority of the industry’s advertising fits this definition.

    Take Exxon. For years, Exxon has been spending millions of dollars to run ads about its investments in algae fuel, even though it has spent very little on the actual research and has no plan to bring the product to market. The company hopes to create a “net impression” among consumers that Exxon is in the business of climate solutions, when it’s really still in the business of climate destruction. It’s textbook false advertising – which is one reason Exxon is being taken to court for this disinformation.

    Or look at Chevron. In the 2020 ad “Butterfly,” Chevron highlighted its commitment to carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as a climate solution. According to the New York Times, however, Chevron is only spending “pocket change” on these technologies as it “doubles down” on oil and gas production. Worse yet: the technology Chevron is touting doesn’t actually work. Chevron’s largest CCS project in Australia has been “a disaster from the beginning” and is now just venting CO2 into the atmosphere.

    Big oil CEOs just lied before Congress. It’s time they’re held accountable | Jamie Henn | The Guardian
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TADEAS: za obojim budou ruske zajmy:
    Hrozivý útok na EU. Drahá elektřina? Je to jinak, Čeští elfové prý odhalili | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran
    TUHO --- ---
    Bad guys are not giving up

    Snaha PPF a Tykače ovládnout Monetu je hrozbou pro budoucnost klimatu
    TUHO --- ---
    COP26 President Received Funding from Billionaire Fossil Fuel Investor Tied to ExxonMobil – Byline Times
    TUHO --- ---
    mezitim dezinfo scena o novy nobelovce

    Nobel Prize Awarded for the Worst Climate Model | RealClearPolicy
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: jj, tech predstavitelnejch pozic muze bejt hafo. nakonec je pak dulezity, co kdo empiricky identifikuje / odhali. ale to jeste asi chvili potrva. kazdopadne kdyby nekdo k tomu mel nejaky dalsi zdroje, sem s tim
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: jo, ale jakej a od jakejch skupin? ja si totiz tech strategii dokazu predstavit vic, podle toho co je to za aktery. ... pokud mas automobilku, tak te treba sere, ze zamestnanci nemuzou pracovat, ale pak se to otoci a zas nemas materialy, protoze jsou problemy jinde, takze to je napr. situace, ve ktery to rychle ztraci smysl [antikovid strategie]. nebo treba jsi investor, hedgefond, kapitalizujes na emocich a opatrenich co hybaj trhama, tak vynaleznes nejakou financne zajimavou strategii, tam je ta ideologie jen soucast cistyho kalkulu, to financni hledisko je naopak to uplne primarni/jediny... nebo napr. jestli muze bejt i pro ten farmaceutickej prumysl zajimavy tu epidemii prodluzovat, fakt nevim .] tak jestli to nekdo nesepsal :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ok, jasne, asi tam hledam to financni hledisko moc silne.
    TUHO --- ---
    // jinak teda primocarej financni kalkul by se dal v tech antilockdown opatrenich najit dal taky (jakkoliv se asi zrovna my dva shodnem, ze to je spis iluze financniho kalkulu .]]
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