SULTHAN: No, pro me treba vubec byla zajimava informace, ze Cash vojakoval v zapadnim Nemecku jako radista za studene valky. Btw, on sam rekl:
I had such a talent for that particular line of work and such a good left ear, that in Landsberg, where the United States Air Force Security Service ran radio intercept operations worldwide, I was the ace. I was who they called when the hardest jobs came up. I copied the first news of Stalin’s death. I located the signal when the first Soviet jet bomber made its first flight from Moscow to Smolensk; we all knew what to listen for, but I was the one who heard it.
Napsal "copied", takze mozna opravdu prepsal zakrypteny kod z eteru na papir, a pozdeji se v cimrmanovskem stylu "...jsme se docetli, kdyz nam to prelozili,..." dozvedel, ze depese, kterou zaznamenal, obsahovala tuhle informaci.