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    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GREATDRAKE: podobně je to s fosfanem na venuši

    A chemical you've likely never heard of has burst into the news thanks to scientists' announcement that they have detected phosphine, which they say may be a sign of life, in the clouds of Venus.

    The phosphine discovered in Venus' clouds may be a big deal. Here's what you need to know. | Space

    Venus sulfur clouds mystery solved by computer model | Space
    HNILOB --- ---
    Ancient papyrus reveals Plato's burial site - Athens News

    "We knew that Plato was buried in the Academy, which was very large, but thanks to the scans we now know that he was buried in a garden in a private area, next to the sacred temple of the Muses.”
    HOWKING --- ---
    Vanessa Vlajkovic is a subeditor at ABC News. She's also Deafblind, here's how she does her job - ABC News
    Hluchoslepá editorka...
    22DAEMON --- ---
    zkrácená informace:

    info animace (ze smithsonianmag.com):

    orig zdroj:
    This Ancient Roman Souvenir Stylus Is Inscribed With a Corny Joke | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
    SCHWAB --- ---
    TRISSIE: se dokonce přemýšlelo o vybudování fake havanského letiště na jihu Floridy, kde by na unesená letadla, teda na únosce, čekala klepeta.

    zde více k problematice unášených letadel a uvažovných protiopatřeních z dobového tisku
    Herald-Journal - Google News Archive Search
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    TIL (ze standupu!), že umíme třídit spermie s mužskými a ženskými chromozomy podle hmotnosti.

    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Zásadní zjištění :)

    Proč když jeden ohne špagetu moc tak se téměř vždy nezlomí na dva, ale rozlomí na více kousků

    a jak to udělat aby se zlomila vedví.

    Trik je v rotaci - starý pán Feynman může již s klidem odpočívat, protože problém co ho jedno odpoledne trávil vyřešili zde.

    MIT mathematicians solve age-old spaghetti mystery | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    BALDA_CHYN --- ---
    NELLAS: Mno...

    The night the program aired, the C.E. Hooper ratings service telephoned 5,000 households for its national ratings survey. 'To what program are you listening?' the service asked respondents. Only 2 percent answered a radio 'play' or 'the Orson Welles program,' or something similar indicating CBS. None said a 'news broadcast,' according to a summary published in Broadcasting. In other words, 98 percent of those surveyed were listening to something else, or nothing at all, on Oct. 30, 1938. This miniscule rating is not surprising. Welles' program was scheduled against one of the most popular national programs at the time — ventriloquist Edgar Bergen's Chase and Sanborn Hour, a comedy-variety show.
    DRAGON --- ---
    R_U_SIRIOUS: Je to pravda :) starší článek, ale veverky fakt makaj víc než veveřáci.

    Alaskan squirrel study shows females do far more work than males
    SITH --- ---
    jakýsi uživatel Google Earth si všiml na Floridě, v rybníku u ulice Moon Bay, že pod vodou je objekt připomínající potopené auto.
    Přivolaná policie opravdu našla auto a v něm pozůstatky muže pohřešujícího se od roku 1997.

    více např https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49677843

    současná lokace https://www.google.com/maps/@26.6247152,-80.2268347,344m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

    TRISSIE --- ---
    JON: třeba tady: https://okkl.co.uk/blogs/news/reverse-colorblind-test
    k tomu píšou, že
    Most normal vision people fail it, but from my experience once you tell them they can kind of make out what it is.

    já tam (na té stránce je obrázků víc) nakonec ty věci najdu, ale pracuju s jinejma informacema než s barvou jako takovou - a musím se na to pekelně soustředit. narozdíl od běžných testů na barvoslepost, kdy kouknu a vidím a furt vidím, i když koukám jinak a jinam.
    KLIP --- ---
    duben 2023 - jedna z nejvetsich drevenych plachetnic soucasnosti - replika obchodni lodi z 18 stoleti Götheborg - odpovedela na volani o pomoc a odtahla poskozenou lod do bezpeci...

    Z textu, kteri napsali zachraneni namornici:
    We are two experienced sailors on board (Simon and me) with the objective of bringing the boat to Southern Brittany.

    At 15:30, we were at sea, more than 50 nautical miles from the coast, when our rudder broke. After sending a PAN-PAN call on the VHF radio, the three-masted sailboat Götheborg quickly responded to our call, offering to tow us to Paimpol (France).

    We repeatedly emphasized that we were aboard a small 8-meter sailboat, but the response was the same each time: "We are a 50-meter three-masted sailboat, and we offer our assistance in towing you to Paimpol." We were perplexed by the size difference between our two boats, as we feared being towed by a boat that was too large and at too fast a speed that could damage our boat.

    The arrival of the Götheborg on the scene was rapid and surprising, as we did not expect to see a merchant ship from the East India Company of the XVIII century. This moment was very strange, and we wondered if we were dreaming. Where were we? What time period was it? The Götheborg approached very close to us to throw the line and pass a large rope. The mooring went well, and our destinies were linked for very long hours, during which we shared the same radio frequency to communicate with each other.

    Sailing boat rescued by the Götheborg | Götheborg of Sweden
    NELLAS --- ---
    ERRTU: Jo, ale mají tam svou vlastní verzi vajíček s překvapením, kdy je ten plast viditelný hned po rozbalení vajíčka:

    Surprise chocolate Easter eggs to legally go on sale in the U.S. for the first time in 75 years | Daily Mail Online
    ERRTU --- ---
    Dle zakona z roku 1938 o jidle, lecich a kosmetice, nelze prodavat v USA produkty urcene k jidlu ktere obsahuji tvz. "ne-nutricni objekt", tedy neco nestravitelneho, kupr z plastu nebo z latky, detem, ktera by to mohla omylem sezrat.
    Na zaklade tohoto stale platneho zakona se tedy de-jure nesmi v USA dovazet ani prodavat kinder vejce.
    Why are Kinder Surprise eggs banned in the US? | Metro News
    THEON --- ---
    Hele a odkdy je nějak relevantní, že je něco "popsaný ve wiki"? :)
    Ta jedna reference co tam k tomu je je z "unusualdestinations.com", dneska už dávno mrtvýho turistickýho portálu, a i tak je z posledního Wayback Machinu zřejmý, že je to *jedna z* legend - https://web.archive.org/web/20080112191215/https://www.unusualdestinations.com/reunion/articles/news-articles/article/1275/wild-island.html
    NJAL --- ---
    SULTHAN: No, pro me treba vubec byla zajimava informace, ze Cash vojakoval v zapadnim Nemecku jako radista za studene valky. Btw, on sam rekl:
    I had such a talent for that particular line of work and such a good left ear, that in Landsberg, where the United States Air Force Security Service ran radio intercept operations worldwide, I was the ace. I was who they called when the hardest jobs came up. I copied the first news of Stalin’s death. I located the signal when the first Soviet jet bomber made its first flight from Moscow to Smolensk; we all knew what to listen for, but I was the one who heard it.

    Napsal "copied", takze mozna opravdu prepsal zakrypteny kod z eteru na papir, a pozdeji se v cimrmanovskem stylu "...jsme se docetli, kdyz nam to prelozili,..." dozvedel, ze depese, kterou zaznamenal, obsahovala tuhle informaci.
    NJAL --- ---
    DARKSUN --- ---
    NJAL: ono to ma ceskou stopu.. A Brazilian security source told the news agency that the documents - which were issued by the Brazilian embassy in the Czech capital, Prague in 1996 - appeared to be genuine.
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