Nejslozitejsi jazyk na svete je pry Ithkuil. Vymyslel ho za 45 let jazykovedec John Quijada. Zde je jeho zakladni charakteristika
Ithkuil - Wikipedia zde jsou ruzne priklady. Doporucuji si poslechnout, jak zni, takhle nejak nejspis komunikujou mimozemstani. Nebo delfini.
A Grammar of the Ithkuil Language - Introduction prekladu:
Aukkras êqutta ogvëuļa tnou’elkwa pal-lši augwaikštülnàmbu.
‘An imaginary representation of a nude woman in the midst of descending a staircase in a step-by-step series of tightly-integrated ambulatory bodily movements which combine into a three-dimensional wake behind her, forming a timeless, emergent whole to be considered intellectually, emotionally and aesthetically.’