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    ztracené heslo?
    SALVATORCentrála pro rovnoměrnou distribuci mírně zajímavých faktů
    E2E4 --- ---
    V roce 1983 existovalo neco jako Amazon Alexa.. ale..

    The $15,000 A.I. From 1983
    NELLAS --- ---
    Propadla jsem králičí dírou, tak tu hodím začátek (zkopíruju tentokrát jen wiki, protože mi přijde stručně a hezky napsaná):

    A poodle skirt is a wide swing felt skirt of a solid color displaying a design appliquéd or transferred to the fabric.[1] The design was often a coiffed poodle. Later substitutes for the poodle patch included flamingoes, flowers, and hot rod cars.[2] Hemlines were to the knee or just below it. It quickly became very popular with teenage girls, who wore them at school dances, and as everyday wear.

    The skirt originated in 1947 in the United States, designed by Juli Lynne Charlot. The idea for the skirt began as Charlot needed a last-minute Christmas skirt. With little money and little ability to sew, she made the seamless skirt herself out of felt.[3] As Charlot's design for a skirt caught on, she was asked to make a dog-themed skirt, as dogs were popular. She initially designed the skirt with three dachshunds, which would all have three personalities. The first dog would be a flirty girl, the second dog would be a snobby girl, and the third dog would be a male attracted to the flirty girl dog. However, due to the leashes being tangled, the male dog would be stuck next to the snobby girl dog. Charlot wanted her designs to tell a story and be "conversation starters", so much that she made sure clothing store salespeople knew the stories printed on the skirt, just in case a customer would ask.[4]


    Girl wearing saddle shoes and a poodle skirt
    The skirt was easy for people to make at home, since the design was simple and the materials easily available. The original homemade skirt could be made by cutting a circle out of felt for the waist. Then, appliqués could be added on to reflect the person's interests and hobbies.[5]

    In just a week after the debut of the poodle skirt, Charlot was able to sell the design. As the popularity of her skirt began to grow, she eventually opened her own factory.[6]

    Movie stars commonly wore this type of skirt, and it featured widely in magazines and advertising. Many consumers were eager to keep up with Hollywood's fashions, adding to the skirt's popularity. The skirt proved most popular with teenage girls, and in 1952 mail-order catalogs dedicated to poodle skirts were made.[7] Known as the "first teenage fashion trend", these skirts were perfect for dancing. It could also be said that the skirt's ability to be customized led to its success with teenagers, as it reflected individual personalities.[8]

    Modern poodle skirts
    The poodle skirt remains one of the most memorable symbols of the 1950s in the United States and is frequently worn as a novelty retro item, part of a nostalgic outfit. A similar design of these skirts became popular in the years 2009–2010. The skirts had been shortened but the newer designs retained the original waistband. Today, poodle skirts are made out of modern felt and are simply reproductions of the originals.[7]

    Poodle skirt - Wikipedia
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SPIKE411: ono se to mohlo stat nescetnekrat, jen ta pomyslna skupina mohla vymrit.

    link unrelated
    Do bacteria ever go extinct? New research says yes, bigtime | ScienceDaily
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    ach, ty kamenné hvězdy
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Several rock stars have commented on what an uncannily accurate spoof of the rock and heavy metal world this film was. Ozzy Osbourne said when he first watched the film, he was the only person who wasn't laughing; he thought it was a real documentary. U2 guitarist The Edge said, "I didn't laugh, I wept. It was so close to the truth." Marillion had five drummers in the space of a year between their first two albums, which guitarist Steve Rothery later admitted was "like Spinal Tap".

    This Is Spinal Tap (1984) - Trivia - IMDb
    ILTU --- ---
    SPIKE411: V tomhle nám dost pomohla chalupa :-) Tatru si užily i moje dcery a čeká na další generaci.
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    ILTU: My přinejmenším tu moji původní 815 s bráchou zlikvidovali, ulomili jsme nejdřív korbu (ale pořád jsme na ní jezdili, měli jsme u baráku, kde jsme bydleli, luxusní vyasfaltovaný kopec i prudší travnatý ) a pak jsme snad ohnuli i osy/nápravy (nebo to bylo na tom novějším M.A.N.u?).
    Každopádně při stěhování do bytu (mně už bylo 17 a bratrovi 11) jsme o ně přišli definitivně.
    ILTU --- ---
    SPIKE411: Máme pořád tu původní :-)
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    Legenda. Tatra 148 z Liberce slaví 10 let od obnovení výroby | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Já měl teda akorát 815 (modrou kabinu s oranžovou korbou), po narození bráchy přibyla 815 UDS (bagr) a další sklápěčka, tentokrát s kabinou M.A.N.
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    NAVARA: Na druhou stranu, mitochondrie má většina eukaryotických buněk (živočichové, rostliny, houby), takže dává smysl, že je to starší (alternativně by to musela být konvergentní evoluce).
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    NAVARA: Jo, taky překvapilo.
    NAVARA --- ---
    SPIKE411: "Last time this happened, Earth got plants"

    Chtěl jsem si stěžovat na lidi a naše mitochondrie, ale mají je tam :) Překvapilo mne, že to vzniklo dříve než kytky…
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    Two lifeforms merge in once-in-a-billion-years evolutionary event

    The phenomenon is called primary endosymbiosis, and it occurs when one microbial organism engulfs another, and starts using it like an internal organ. In exchange, the host cell provides nutrients, energy, protection and other benefits to the symbiote, until eventually it can no longer survive on its own and essentially ends up becoming an organ for the host – or what’s known as an organelle in microbial cells.
    RSZ --- ---
    na obalu Studentské pečeti, čokolády, byla původně pečeť UK, po přesunu výroby z Phy do Olomouce vyměnili pečeť za olomouckou

    TRISSIE --- ---
    SALVATOR: je strašně důležité na nyxu vždycky vědět, v kterém je člověk zrovna klubu.
    Kupříkladu věta "Když nemá druhý eso, nebo barvu, líže." má značně jinou konotaci, pokud člověk původně mířil do některého z klubů v kategorii "LASKA, CITY, VZTAHY"" a jen se uklikl! :-)
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    SALVATOR: není to zrovna prší,
    ale povidla to má podobný:

    Super Troopers (2/5) Movie CLIP - The Cat Game (2001) HD
    LORD_DE_SEIS --- ---
    SALVATOR: my jsme v mládí hráli různý úpravy - třeba když někdo hodil spodka, tak každej musel bouchnout do stolu. Kdo bouchnul poslední, líznul dvě karty. Jednou jsme to takhle hráli v nějaký vesnický hospodě a kamarád měl zrovna v ruce plnej půllitr, když najednou padnul spodek - reflex samozřejmě zafungoval ;-)
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Naše karetní hra Prší je jen trochu specifická verze hry Mau-mau, která má trochu odlišný pravidla. Nestojí se na eso, ale na 8. Kdo hraje eso, musí s ním hrát druhou kartu. Když nemá druhý eso, nebo barvu, líže. Komu zbývá poslední karta, musí říct "mau". Když je to svršek, musí říct "mau mau", pokud ne, líže.
    PISKVOR --- ---
    QUANTI: Jasně no. Spousta práce a nejistý výsledek, na rozdíl od pochodu stokou po šipkách;)
    QUANTI --- ---
    PISKVOR: Můžeš si je prokousat ;)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam