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    THAIGRR --- ---
    PISKVOR --- ---
    TOOMIX: Spíš to byla akceptovatelná přesnost...i dneska, s NTP a vůbec, jsem rád za plusmínus minutu.
    TOOMIX --- ---

    Jak se synchronizoval čas hodin v Paříži na konci 19. století? Použili pneumatický systém. Zakázku na jeho vybudování a provozování na dobu 50 let získal v roce 1881 Victor Popp. V centru byly hlavní hodiny, na které byly potrubím připojeny tisíce (>5000, uvádí se i 7800) veřejných, ale i soukromých hodin. Potrubí mělo průměr od 27 mm do 3 mm.
    Centrální hodiny každou minutu pustily na 20 sec. tlak do potrubí (0.75 bar) a uměly se samy natahovat – jakmile závaží (typické pro kyvadlové hodiny) časem kleslo dolů, pneumaticky se zase zvedlo nahoru.
    Koncové hodiny byly velmi jednoduché a nepotřebovaly jiný zdroj energie. Minutová ručička byla připojena na ozubené kolo se 60 zuby, kterým pomocí páky otáčel vzduchový válec. Hodinová ručička byla připojena na minutové kolo přes převod.
    Přesnost byla dána rychlostí šíření signálu, v nejvzdálenějších místech to mohlo být kolem 1 minuty. Pozn: Možná to nějak kompenzovali přímo v koncových hodinách?
    Systém vypnuli až v 1927, když elektrické hodiny byly dostatečně přesné a levné.

    The Underground Clocks of Paris

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Hezký popis jak probíhalo odstranění vraku lodi Costa Concordia

    The $800,000,000 Salvage of Costa Concordia
    NELLAS --- ---
    'Land of chlamydia': provocative ad welcomes tourists to Norway

    The Local Norway - news@thelocal.no
    Published: 21 Jun, 2018 CET.
    Updated: Thu 21 Jun 2018 18:39 CET

    The 'chlamydia' advert can be seen at Oslo Central Station, amongst other places. Photo: The Local
    An advertisement for condoms by convenience store 7-eleven has irked Norway’s tourist board with its message about venereal disease.
    “Welcome to Norway! The Land of Chlamydia”, pronounces the poster, which shows a young Norwegian couple dressed in the traditional bunad costume in front of a backdrop of snow-capped mountains and fjords.

    Visit Norway, the country’s tourist board, has hit out at the ad for depicting Norway in a negative light.

    “(This) makes Norwegians seem like uncouth, lewd, sex-mad people,” Visit Norway marketing developer Stein Ove Rolland told Dagbladet.

    “This is not a good advert for Norway, and as a depiction of Norway and Norwegians it is a disaster,” he added.

    The poster advertisement is currently displayed at Oslo Central Station, making it likely to be one of the first sights to greet tourists upon arrival in the Scandinavian country.

    But Tore Holte Follestad, assistant manager with sexual health NGO Sex og samfunn (Sex and Society), praised the provocative ad.

    Follestad said that Norway’s own health authorities should run a similar campaign themselves.

    “I think this conveys an important message in an unjudgmental way, and it will be noticed,” he told Dagbladet.

    The claim as to the prevalence of chlamydia in Norway made by the campaign is also an accurate one, he added.

    READ ALSO: Norway is Europe's 'herpes hotspot'

    “In 2016, over 26,000 cases of chlamydia were diagnosed in Norway and Norwegians are not good at using condoms. The consequences can be discomfort, irritation and in worst cases it can lead to reduced fertility. Furthermore, you can infect others and become more susceptible to other sexually transmitted diseases,” he told the newspaper.

    7-eleven’s press spokesperson Thea Kjendlie said that, by ‘warning’ tourists against Norwegians, the campaign played on national pride.

    “As with all slightly controversial campaigns, there have been both positive and negative reactions. So far, we have seen both types, which is expected when the aim is to get our young target audience to talk about the topic. It was not our intention to offend anyone with this campaign but we do want to create engagement and awareness around this topic,” Kjendlie said to Dagbladet."
    NELLAS --- ---
    Tohle pobavilo:

    Why is Norway the Land of Chlamydia? | 7-eleven – The Norwegians
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    Existuje druh orchideje - Dracula simia, jejíž květy vypadají jako hlavičky opic

    C_O_P --- ---
    AAZAZEL: Ale 0 ms míň.
    JON --- ---
    AAZAZEL: je to jeste mnohem komplikovanejsi a zajimavejsi

    Mental chronometry - Wikipedia

    Simple RT paradigms

    Simple reaction time is the motion required for an observer to respond to the presence of a stimulus. For example, a subject might be asked to press a button as soon as a light or sound appears. Mean RT for college-age individuals is about 160 milliseconds to detect an auditory stimulus, and approximately 190 milliseconds to detect visual stimulus.[29][43]

    The mean RTs for sprinters at the Beijing Olympics were 166 ms for males and 169 ms for females, but in one out of 1,000 starts they can achieve 109 ms and 121 ms, respectively.[44] This study also concluded that longer female RTs can be an artifact of the measurement method used, suggesting that the starting block sensor system might overlook a female false-start due to insufficient pressure on the pads. The authors suggested compensating for this threshold would improve false-start detection accuracy with female runners.

    The IAAF has a controversial rule that if an athlete moves in less than 100 ms, it counts as a false start, and he or she, since 2009, must be disqualified – even despite an IAAF-commissioned study in 2009 that indicated top sprinters are able to sometimes react in 80–85 ms.[45]
    AAZAZEL --- ---
    C_O_P: nekonecno je vic nez 100ms :-)
    C_O_P --- ---
    AAZAZEL: Tak to sem rychlejší, protože často na audio stimuly nereaguju vůbec.
    AAZAZEL --- ---
    RSZ: to uz tam vetsi dopad ma rychlost reakce cloveka.

    Fastest human reaction time is around 100 – 120ms As you know, some have better reaction times than others. Fighter pilots, Formula One drivers, and championship video game players fall into the 100 – 120ms bucket on the left side of the reaction time curve.

    Co me prekvapilo (kdyz jsem si overoval kolik ms to je, pamatoval jsem si 300ms), ze na reakci ma vliv i typ toho stimulu.

    Different types of stimuli (visual, auditory, tactile) can affect reaction time. Generally, people respond faster to auditory stimuli than to visual ones.

    vide zde: https://www.pubnub.com/blog/how-fast-is-realtime-human-perception-and-technology/
    RSZ --- ---
    OT_ --- ---
    11. 8. 1882 – První telefonní ústředna otevřena v Praze. První den měla telefonní síť 11 účastníků, v prosinci již 30 účastníků. Personál dostal pokyn, aby se ohlašoval zvoláním „Ha-hej!“. Současné „haló" se ujalo až později.
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    SALVATOR: to sem patří :)
    The VEGAS LOOP: Just As Stupid As You Think
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Obzvlášť video o Vegas Loop je podle mě super.
    SALVATOR --- ---
    MEJLA77: Jee, Adam Something! Toho mám fakt rád. Obzvlášť ty videa, kde vezme nějakej šílenej dopravní techbro výmysl, strhá to a na konci začne upravovat aby to bylo reálnější a využitelnější a vždycky mu z toho vyjde vlak.
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    This Russian Propaganda is Beyond Insane
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    I Built a Transparent Boomerang (it's lethal)

    jdu sem s boomerangovým videem - docela mě překvapily vlastnosti toho plastu, kolik toho vydrží... a pak taky, že ten boomerang byl na lov asi docela fajn, když s tím člověk uměl...
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    LORD_DE_SEIS: you've actually become a vacuum cleaner cleaner :)
    a když se pak umyješ, tak jsi vacuum cleaner cleaner cleaner
    PRAASHEK --- ---
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    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam