NASA's Mars InSight Lander in Spacecraft's Back Shell
August 18, 2015: In this photo, NASA's InSight Mars lander is stowed inside the inverted back shell of the spacecraft's protective aeroshell.
It was taken July 13, 2015, in a clean room of spacecraft assembly and test facilities at Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.
In this photo, NASA's InSight Mars lander is stowed inside the inverted back shell of the spacecraft's protective aeroshell
August 18, 2015: The heat shield is suspended above the rest of NASA's InSight spacecraft in this image taken July 13, 2015. The gray cone
is the back shell, which together with the heat shield forms a protective aeroshell around the stowed InSight lander.
The heat shield is suspended above the rest of the InSight spacecraft in this image taken July 13, 2015, in a spacecraft assembly clean room
at Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver. The gray cone is the back shell, which together with the heat shield forms a protective aeroshell
around the stowed InSight lander. The photo was taken during preparation for vibration testing of the spacecraft.
Preparing NASA's Mars InSight Spacecraft for Vibration Test
August 18, 2015: Spacecraft specialists at Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, prepare NASA's InSight spacecraft for vibration testing
as part of assuring that it is ready for the rigors of launch from Earth and flight to Mars.