Ty říkáš tohle:
"Vzhledem k velikosti beden 40.1s a konstrukci výhybky zřejmě recenzent uznal, že ten vůfr nenadělal v jeho kumbálu tolik škody. Koukám, že mu lowbass uřízli těsně pod 40Hz, čili jen decentně přizvukuje. Budiž. Každopádně tyhle bedny nejsou žádným " vrcholem řady" ničeho, co se kvality reprodukce týká."
Harbeth říká tohle:
"Most musical monitor of all time - worthy of Reference Class status
'Audio' Magazine, Germany
The Monitor 40.2 redefines the term ‘Reference Loudspeaker’. Built on the success of the multi award-winning M40.1, this new generation is the biggest leap forward in sonic supremacy since the design’s launch in January 1998.
More efficient, more adaptable to a wide range of listening environments, perfectly balanced and more transparent and engaging, the M40.2 takes the Harbeth sound to a new level.
With its mesmerising and addictive soundstage, Harbeth’s reference monitor produces a grand, dynamic and unforgettable sonic experience – far beyond conventional loudspeaker listening.
AWARDS for the M40.2 include...
Editors' Choice Award 2016 by The Absolute Sound
Germany's Audio magazine 'Recommended' the "most musical monitor ever"
'Best of 2015' awarded by the-ear.net
USERS of the M40 series include...
Used at Fountain Studios, the largest TV studio in Britain, and home of TV hits The X-Factor, The Cube, Britain's Got Talent - some of the biggest audience shows.
Used at the British Library's sound archives.
Used at ITV Leeds to make the hugely successful Emmerdale.
Used at BBC Cardiff to make Crimewatch."
Stereophile říká tohle:
"Harbeth Audio is among the specialists whose efforts are driven by the quest for "natural" sound: unsurprising for a company that got its start making studio monitors. (I'm told that Alan Shaw is known to record his daughter while she's at play in their garden, and to use those tapes to assist him in voicing his speaker designs.) Yet as their new flagship loudspeaker so ably demonstrates, Harbeth has the rare ability to bundle tonal neutrality with excellent performance in virtually every other regard that matters. To put it more plainly: Here, finally, is a loudspeaker that achieves flat frequency response without sucking all the life out of recorded music.
There are more sensitive speakers than the Harbeth M40.1, as there are speakers with more drama, or momentum, or bass weight, or overall sonic clarity. But I've never before had a speaker in my home that offered such generous measures of all of those qualities at once. Before my time with the Harbeth M40.1, I could think of exactly 13 loudspeakers, past and present, that I could picture myself owning and enjoying. Now there are 14."
Všimni si, jak jsem briskně pochopil, že na tebe se musí pomocí odkazů na internet a citacema cizích zdrojů (Svanc by měl radost). Takže tady ti jasně dokladuju, že Harbeth 40.1
jsou vrchol řady a vrchol všeho, co se (u Harbeth) zvuku týká. A přesto je tvůj referenční recenzent umisťuje do 12 m2 pokojíčku. Jak je to možné?
Stejně tak třeba ty zkurvený
Dynaudio Consequence. Hele, odkaz, citace! Autority, recenzenti!
"The Consequence Ultimate Edition is a statement for absolute music reproduction.
Equipped with the latest Dynaudio driver technologies refined to the highest level of perfection in every detail, the Consequence stands as one of the finest high-end loudspeakers in existence."
Versus ty tvoje prachsprostý, spotřební
Contoury, ke kterejm se modlíš, pravděpodobně proto, že si myslíš, že jsou bodovej zdroj:
"The Contour is possibly the most recognized range of Dynaudio loudspeakers.
In its latest Limited Edition generation, many technologies have been filtered down from the Evidence and Confidence Platinum developments."
Tohle ti přeložím, kdybys byl slabej na anglinu: Kontury jsou tím nejprodávanějším drekem, co děláme. Spoustu vychytávek v nich jsme okopírovali z vyšších modelů a ojebali tak, aby šly zadrátovat do těchto levných jebek pro masy.
Nikdy na světě nebyla
"sweetspotem Dynaudia řada Contour. Přičemž absolutním topem co se zvukový kvality týká byly malý monitory 1,3." Nikdy, Beddy, Topem byl vždycky top, a ten se pozná podle toho, že je nahoře - v ceně, technologii a zvuku. To byly Consequence, poté Evidence Master. Chápeš ten rozdíl mezi nejprodávanější a nejlepší, žejo? Chápeš ho?