Já mám krk, hlas i průdušky momentálně v hajzlu a pít nemůžu...
Ale vy mu dneska připijte.

This morning, after battling with cancer for some years, famous Shaw director, actor and action choreographer LIU CHIA LIANG passed away at age 78 in the Union Hospital (HK). He leaves behind a legacy of memorable films and will be missed by fans, friends and family! R.I.P.!!!
PS: Dr. Mo Yu Yin, medical chief of Union Paternity Hospital will disclose the cause of death and details at a press conference this afternoon. In a hospital statement he told the press: “This early morning, Mr. Liu Chia Liang died peacefully as he was in company with his family and close friends.”
(Text ukraden Ma Hsing Yimu na FB.)